First Extract Question

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Hi all and thanks for all the past help its great to get responses so quick even if on later reflection I probably could have found the answer in past threads. But im new to this so bear with me. Ok so just did my 1st extract and looking back on my method I was wondering about airation after my boil i let things cool some then just dumped hot wort into fermenter added cold etc. should you be more careful until wort is lower in temp before airating? How much does it matter to end result?
I have heard talk about a nasty dubbed Hot Side Aeration (HSA) that could occur depending on how hot you aerate your wort.

I don't know much about it myself but I think letting the boil cool to at least under the 30degC mark is the best course of action to avoid it
Ive done about 10 Kit+bits where i just put whatever i boiled into the fermenter hot and added cold water, no haze or anything really.
I think this applies more to AG, because im not sure how them make the goo.
Someone else will definitely help.
I have heard talk about a nasty dubbed Hot Side Aeration (HSA) that could occur depending on how hot you aerate your wort.

I don't know much about it myself but I think letting the boil cool to at least under the 30degC mark is the best course of action to avoid it

yes thats what worried me I just dumped it at about 60 deg im guessing then hit it with cold to up the volume. Not much I can do now but avoid in the future... Thanks for the interest...
I think you'll be right. The fact that it wasn't near boiling would have helped. When I do my extract recipes, I tent to do a 10L boil, and brew to 21-23L, I fill up the fermenter with about 6-7L water then dump the wort in (straight from the heat), which I reckon would pretty closely emulate what you have done, I don't suffer any ill effects. All that said, I'd also like to know what (if any) difference there would be between kit or canned/dry extract recipes to AG ones, considering alot of processing has been done with the extracts removing alot of protein and such (not really sure what such would be). So I dunno, maybe extract recipes has less of a chance to suffer from HSA?

A good ol' search is on the cards when I fire up the PC tomorrow