First Brew..recipe Ideas?

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Im going to start my first brew next weekend and just wanted some recipe ideas.
Ill prob go with a coopers lager can or maybe euro lager can (coopers).
I dont want to just use the can as ive heard it makes a boring beer and im pretty fussy with beer.
I dont want to add extra hops or anything yet so just looking for advice on wat else to use ie. malt extract, coopers brew enhancers, dextrose....
Im still not too sure as i havent brewed yet. i have been reading alot on this site and everyone seems to know alot so thought i could get some help..
thanks fellas
Quick tip i got from Bribie (i think) use "Us05" yeast instead of the kit yeast, will improve the flavor. Yeast makes a big difference.
You can also save the yeast cake from the bottom of the fermenter at the end and use it again.
Other than that don't use cane sugar, i recommend a mixture of dextrose and dried malt extract, proportions are up to you.
Perhaps 700-800gms dex to 500gms DME.
does that yeast have to be brewed at a low temp or just around 20?
also, the coopers way says to throw ingredients into the fermenter and then pour in boiling water. is this method ok or does it have to be done in a pot then into fermenter.
sorry but im still unsure on alot of things
does that yeast have to be brewed at a low temp or just around 20?
also, the coopers way says to throw ingredients into the fermenter and then pour in boiling water. is this method ok or does it have to be done in a pot then into fermenter.
sorry but im still unsure on alot of things

Around 20 should be fine for the yeast.

Mixing ingredients can be done in either a pot or the fermenter. The idea of using a pot is to be able to mix the ingredients better before adding them to the fermenter.
ok. so ldme is the best way to enhance it without having to boil hops or anything? ive also read about finings for clearing and the coopers brew enhancers for head retention. does the ldme add head retention? are the clearing agents needed?
LDME gives the beer a more malty (sweet) flavour, more body and mouthfeel in a nutshell.

Maltodextrin is used for head retention, it does not ferment at all. It is used in many food products as perhaps a coagulant? I've only used it once and never bothered again. Far better results from steeping 200g wheat malt, but that's another story.

Hops will provide additional bitterness, flavour and aroma. Learn the basics of brewing before trying.. most importantly sanitation!!

Finings do work, but require a secondary fermentor and "racking" (ie siphoning) from the primary. More effort.

My advice to all new starts is do a toucan with decent yeast, cost $25. I have never had a bad toucan and it makes a decent all malt beer.

Try 2 x Coopers Lager with US-05 (or nottingham) dry yeast. Ferment at 18C if possible and leave for 2 weeks. Bottle and wait 6-8 weeks.
Take notes on what you did, so you can reproduce it if its a winner.

+1 for the good yeast, its only five dollars for a good yeast. Think of what the yeast on the can has been though (hot and cold, probably quite old as well, this really doesn't help good beer.) A good yeast should have been kept in the fridge, yes keep your yeast in the fridge, not the freezer though.

And here's some further reading:
My 2 cents.

Coopers lager and 1kg of dextrose is a right of passage. I will be howled down by some for saying that, but it means you'll know what it tastes like.
thanks for all the help.
if i decide to use the ldme, wat is a good amount to use. I still have to add dextrose as well dont i.
I know everyone probably hates the noobs lack of knowledge but i appreciate the help as i dont wanna brew a shocker and give up lol
Would LDME be best or DME? Im prob leaning towards ldme.
i have no idea on amounts so i might follow wat flattop suggested.
how does this sound

1x can coopers european lager
700g dextrose
500g ldme
Us05 yeast

any suggestions on this mix would be a big help.
Would LDME be best or DME? Im prob leaning towards ldme.
i have no idea on amounts so i might follow wat flattop suggested.
how does this sound

1x can coopers european lager
700g dextrose
500g ldme
Us05 yeast

any suggestions on this mix would be a big help.
Sounds about right to get a sort of Heineken or Stella Artois strength of beer. As other posters have said, keep it fairly straight and simple until you are 'at ease' with brewing from a kit. I have made heaps of kits using a can, 500g of LDME because it came in a kilo bag so I would split it between brews and 750 of dex because the local home brew shop did 750 bags as well as kilo bags and I reckoned a kilo would get me too pissed :lol:

Using a better yeast is definitely going to get you a better clean tasting beer with fewer 'funky' flavours. Another good yeast is Nottingham which drops out to give you a nice clear beer.

Just one suggestion, for starters consider getting a hop 'teabag' and put that in the brew to give a more professional hoppy flavour - suitable variety for that kit would be Saaz or Hallertau. It's an extra expense but zero effort involved.

Cheers and welcome to the obsession.

Michael :icon_cheers:
Coopers European Lager has a true lager yeast (at least according to the numerous threads that were on here when that can was first released)....if you brew with it, maintain lager temperatures, 12-14C, for fermentation. Brew with this at ale temps (20C), and your going to end up with beer that tastes like green apples. (I've tasted one - not mine - done like this, and it was so bad, I gave a glass to someone else without telling them what it was, and she asked me why I was drinking cider :lol: ) If using US05, 18 is better but 20 is fine....but hang on to that coopers yeast. ;)

Also, the Euro lager is the least bitter kit in the coopers range...imho, if you use more than 300g ldme with it (without extra hops), it will be super sweet. (man I hate advising to use less goes against everything I believe in. <_< )
My 2 cents.

Coopers lager and 1kg of dextrose is a right of passage. I will be howled down by some for saying that, but it means you'll know what it tastes like.

+1 sort of. At least have something that you can use as a benchmark, so that you can learn what the effects of different ingredients have. Assuming you want to head down a more adventurous path.
I based my calculations on Coopers Larger not Euro Larger, I haven't tried the Euro at all so perhaps defer to Butters for that one.
For Coopers, i have brewed at about those quantities with no visible side effects other than blurred vision and a good night out ;)

If doing a Euro you could drop 100-200gms of dex.
Of course if the Euro does seem too sweet (take an SG reading after about a week) you can always buy some hops (pellets, plug or teabag) and drop them in for a few days.
so if i used say 300g ldme, does that mean i add more dex or do i still use 750..
I would be shooting for a euro tasting beer. eventually a grolsch style.
the hop tea bag sounds like an idea.
at what point do you put the bag in?

thanks for all the help guys
so if i used say 300g ldme, does that mean i add more dex or do i still use 750..
I would be shooting for a euro tasting beer. eventually a grolsch style.
the hop tea bag sounds like an idea.
at what point do you put the bag in?

thanks for all the help guys

What I would do is get a Coopers Pale Ale kit rather than the Original lager.. It is only a few bucks more but worth it.. I would get the Brew Enhancer #2, use a US05 yeast (if possible) and get a Saaz hop teabag (essential).. The saaz hop will add the magic to the brew.. The cans of beer don't have much flavour or aroma. By adding some real hops you will liven the beer up big time.. All up around $25.. I would add the saaz to the fermenter after 4 or 5 days in what is called dry hopping.. No work there. I would only make the batch size to about 20 litres.. Try to keep to the fermentation temp as close to 20 degrees as possible... It aint gunna be a Grolsch but a nice drinkable light ale with a hint of Saaz aroma flavour from the dry hopping. Good luck !!!
2nd that for the hops, if you are going for a Grolsh style you want a little bittering and hops is the ticket.
i think ill go with the euro lager with saaz hops. is 300g ldme and 750g of dex the right amount?
just wanna get an idea of wat i need to buy.
i want it to be about 5% alc
just looked at the brewcraft calculator. it said with 750g dex and 300g ldme the alc % would be about 5.7%.
i was shooting for about 5 so would 600g dex and 300g ldme make a decent brew with the saaz hop bag
That's assuming that the FG gets to where it's going, depends on starting and final gravity.
My experience is that some kits ferment out and some don't, my first Cerveza with a Coopers kit started at 1045 finished after 2 weeks at 1018 giving it 4.1% abv.
However, it is better to put a line in the sand and aim for the % you want.
My understanding is that LDME won't ferment out at the same rate as Dex, i am sure someone will have a calculator for that but i think it's about 80% as efficient as dex.
If that is the case then i suspect 600 dex and 300 ldme would be too little to provide 5%.
As for calculations you would need a SG of 1045 and a FG of 1011.

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