Finally First Ag

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Just ordered a false bottom for my AG setup
along with grain and hops for my first 2 brews cant wait for it to hit home from Craftbrewer

Recipe as follows for 1st

Pale Ale
4.1 kg Marris Otter
750g Munich I
225g Crystal malt pale
48g Fuggles 60
28g Goldings 30
28g Goldings 3
Premium Ale Yeast

Any thoughts or advice would be great :D
not really experienced enough to comment on the recipe and I can't tell what type of beer are you trying to brew...

what is "premium ale yeast"? Make sure its a good yeast going into the results of your first AG brew...
Looks like an English bitter with that malt bill and hops. I've not done one yet, so I can't comment, but I will watch this thread with interest, as I'm planning one in the future. I believe the premium ale yeast is Safale S-04, which would be my choice for an English style ale.
Looks tops Kleiny. Consider dropping the Munich - the MO and crystal will do wonderfully on their own with those hops.
Looks tops Kleiny. Consider dropping the Munich - the MO and crystal will do wonderfully on their own with those hops.

+1. Not that there's anything wrong with Munich in a bitter, but I think it's good to keep it simple at first so you know what you're tasting. Then go wild. :D
Thanks guys

1.A well-known, commercial English ale yeast, selected for its fast fermentation character and its ability to form a very compact sediment at the end of the fermentation, helping to improve beer clarity.

this is from the craft brewer website

2. Ok i can leave out the munich and keep it for another brew day as it is ordered

i will post how the day turns out
Congrats on yer first AG Kleiny! Great fun isnt it? No dramas?
Well done and awesome logo, nice and easy to etch, embroid and tag ;)

no f$uking around there mate, that looks like a very nice setup. far cry from the old bucket in bucket business. top work.
No big dramas on the day
just a few small problems from not havin my brew stand ready (finished today) should make it a bit easier next time

The brewery took around a year to get together and didn'nt cost that much other than beer to mates once on the role
overall id say around $250 spread over a year

Thanks guys
Well done buddy!
No looking back now. Your gear looks A1, and I know you have the knowledge. Let us know when you try your first AG beer, it always a big moment. The recipie looked good and I would agree with those who suggested too drop the munich. You'll love the combo MO and Fuggles/Goldings.
Top job mate!
I would try and cover up the power log though, otherwise a nice set-up.

No big dramas on the day
just a few small problems from not havin my brew stand ready (finished today) should make it a bit easier next time

The brewery took around a year to get together and didn'nt cost that much other than beer to mates once on the role
overall id say around $250 spread over a year

Thanks guys

Less than a dollar a day ;) Not bad!

You haven't cut any corners on the set up - nice work. Many people (myself included) settle for the old plastic bucket and an immersion heater - good to see some stainless used in your first AG!

Like the logo too.
Looks like an effective set up and I hope that your first one is great.

Can you post some pics of your mash tun for me as I am currently setting up an AG set up and am interested to have a look at yours. Can you also tell me what you used for insulation and if you used a false bottom or other type of set up.


the mash tun isulation is a camping mat you can find at rays outdoors for prety cheap
it has a 12 inch false bottom from ross at craftbrewer
and some welded stainless fittings to take the temp guage and the ball valve i will get some photos and put on here soon

heres a couple of pics of my mash tun reg


i had a slight problem with the mat getting abit hot so im going to remove it from the bottom section of the
mash tun, pretty sure it was from the drain holes in the keg.

good luck
Thanks for the quick reply.
That is exactly the set up I will use.
I just got a 36 litre hot water urn.
Now just need the SS false bottom, a few ball valves and I should be away.
Well hopefully by the start of May.


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