Finally, First Ag Under My Belt

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I finally made the leap and have nailed my first AG. The yeast has just been pitched and already cant wait for my next SG tasteing.
I decided to make Tonys "Bulls tail pale ale" All went as planned with minimal dramas. My promash efficiency came in at 86% (not bad for first go) Ill have to check my figures as this sounds too good to be true.
I would like to thank Tony for all his ongoing help with me going AG. I worked with Tony for 6 months or so not long ago, he opened my eyes to AG and provided me with a lot of information and help. I was doing kits for years not know the wonders and seduction of AG - Thanks again Tony
Also many thanks to the members of AHB who have helped in my transition to AG.
Well done Snagler :super: you've got a great teacher there in Tony & a top bloke as well. Good to see the transition to the dark side gathering momentum across the country :)

Cheers Ross
Well done mate - it will taste awesome, sounds like you had a dream run!

Cheers - MIke
No worries buddy.

hope you like it. you will have to throw down a LCBA clone next. I have had so many people comment on it.

I have made a couple of small changes to the recipe from my own and others tasting notes..... mainly dropping the acidulated malt. you dont need it with the water here in the valley

I have one planned soon with B SAAZ and NZ cascade flowers.

oooo its a nice drop for summer.


I hope it turns out to be a cracker for you.


Well done Snagler, welcome to real beer, glad it all went so smoothly.

Awesome work snagler. I've just finished the keg of my first AG, so I guess you could say it's under my belt too.

I hope they all go as smoothly.
No worries buddy.

hope you like it. you will have to throw down a LCBA clone next. I have had so many people comment on it.

I have made a couple of small changes to the recipe from my own and others tasting notes..... mainly dropping the acidulated malt. you dont need it with the water here in the valley

I have one planned soon with B SAAZ and NZ cascade flowers.

oooo its a nice drop for summer.


Once again your doing the hard yards for me Tony, I have been racking my brain thinking "well what next"
That LCBA clone would be a top choice for my second brew. Its the one you have posted in the recipe section am I right? Im going to go to the bottle shop this arvo and buy a LCBA or two to remind myself of the taste.
I finally made the leap and have nailed my first AG. The yeast has just been pitched and already cant wait for my next SG tasteing.
I decided to make Tonys "Bulls tail pale ale" All went as planned with minimal dramas. My promash efficiency came in at 86% (not bad for first go) Ill have to check my figures as this sounds too good to be true.
I would like to thank Tony for all his ongoing help with me going AG. I worked with Tony for 6 months or so not long ago, he opened my eyes to AG and provided me with a lot of information and help. I was doing kits for years not know the wonders and seduction of AG - Thanks again Tony
Also many thanks to the members of AHB who have helped in my transition to AG.

Any Pics ?

I like Pics

Pumpy :)
No sorry pumpy, no pictures. I meant to take pictures as the process went along and of my setup but clean forgot. I guess I was too focused at the job at hand, concentrateing hard etc not wanting to stuff up.
I will post a picture of it with comments in "whats in the the glass"
I promise to get photos of my second go - Probably Tonys LCBA clone.

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