Fermentation Freezer constantly working

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Right so I've finally been able to get hold of a temperature controller so I've plugged everything in and put in a brew.

But I've noticed that with the temp set at 18°C the freezer runs until it hits 18 then the temperature continues to drop until 17.7 when the heater belt turns on (finally stops the temp drop at about 17.5), which then heats up until it hits 18. But it continues to heat up and hits a top temp of 18.6.

So it sounds like there's always something working is this normal as it just seems a bit excessive, constantly heating or cooling.
Pull out the heater, just let the freezer cool and ambient temp will usually heat it back up until the freezer kicks in.
What temp-controller are you using ?

Generally there be a setting to say what the delta is for temp, mine is set at 1 degree, so if 1 degree above desired it will cool, and vice versa.
I was thinking that might be the solution, maybe push the temperature up to 19°.

I'm using one from BrewMart but it's just a STC1000 in a box.
Yeah, it seemed like all the threads on here talked about having the heat belt/lamp in the set up didn't really think about it

But I've unplugged the heat belt and it's actually warming backup at pretty much the same speed... Damn this Perth heat
When I finally got around to bottling my Hefe after cold crashing it, I noticed that I had a lot of leakage from what looked like the tap of the fv (1.5L in fact), I had a tupperware container under the tap as part of the jerry-rigged system of keeping the fv in place without a proper support ready for it. Is this normal for the square Bunnings fv's? Or do I just have a dodgy seal?

I also noticed that I had quite a lot of condensation that had collected at the bottom of the freezer, anyone else had this problem or is it something up with my setup?
Geordiekrispy said:
When I finally got around to bottling my Hefe after cold crashing it, I noticed that I had a lot of leakage from what looked like the tap of the fv (1.5L in fact), I had a tupperware container under the tap as part of the jerry-rigged system of keeping the fv in place without a proper support ready for it. Is this normal for the square Bunnings fv's? Or do I just have a dodgy seal?

I also noticed that I had quite a lot of condensation that had collected at the bottom of the freezer, anyone else had this problem or is it something up with my setup?
Firstly, why did you cold-crash a hefe? It is in your interest to keep yeast in suspension with that style.

From your description it sounds like the tap is taking some of the weight of the FV. If this is the case, count yourself lucky that you only lost 1.5 L instead of the tap popping out entirely and costing you the whole batch. Fill the FV with water and see if it leaks with no external forces pushing on the tap. If it still leaks, try buying a new tap for $1.50.

Condensation is pretty normal. Even if your fridge/freezer seals perfectly, some evaporated wort/beer will condense. Just clean it up between batches to keep the mould at bay.
Thank for the reply squirt.

I cold crashed it because there was lot of big chunks of yeast in the small amount I took off to check the gravity, so I thought cold crashing would remove the bigger bits, leaving the majority of smaller parts still in the beer when I bottled it.

I don't think there was any weight on the tap as the Tupperware was either side of it. But I'll check it filled with water when I sanitise it prior to the next batch.

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