Favourite Beer style & Favourite food

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Was thinking it would be interesting to get a thread going with everyone's favourite beer and food combo, you can be as specific or as vague as you like!
(pics for extra points)

I'll start:

Dry aged Sirloin with caramelised onion and grilled leeks with an English IPA

Had this at my new years BBQ, the English IPA, I've forgotten the name of but my local back home in Brisbane stocks it. (comes with a foil label if someone wants to take a guess at the name)
Most every Saturday night, unless working.
BBQ T-Bone with a glass of something from the darker(but not black) end of the spectrum.

Coopers vintage or a dark pommy ale.......yum
A hoppy American Brown Ale with pizza gets me most times. Or ABA goes with anything with home grown tomatoes.
Fri Night Fav.................... Stilton Cheese and an IPA :super:

A little mouthfull of the blue cheese, chew it until creamy then a sip of IPA

I thought beer was considered food...

I went down to my favourite local for one of my fave burgers today, but it wasn't open.

In light of this, one of their amazing burgers, with twice cooked chips and a glass of fresh Feral Hop Hog usually goes down alright.
I've never been a big one for mixing good food with good alcohol. I like to reserve them their own special place. However I'm not adverse towards a hot curry with a couple of cold megaswills to wash it down.
Grilled lamb cutlets in rosemary and garlic. Punchy IPA, maybe a Ballast Point like am I am enjoying right now !!!!!

Heck yeah !!!
Midnight Brew, I had a pizza that had a red ale caramelised onion base 10/10
Blue cheese and IPA is definitely super nice! Haven't tried it with a mouthful yet though!

I disaree! Good alcohol should always have a few friends: company, comfort and food!

Sounds like everyones big on the IPA match up
A good burger
Spicey chicken wings
pulled pork tacos
Mornington IPA
Any or All of the above
Any decent cut of steak cooked to medium rare with garlic butter and good chips, with a pale ale late hopped around the 30 IBU mark.
I think I've had chips and beer once, obviously missing out on some secret there...

Anyone a fan of a ploughman's (Dark rye, pickled onion, gerkin, bit of relish, chunk of cheddar and left over roast is my version) and ESB after a day of yard work?
ArgM said:
I think I've had chips and beer once, obviously missing out on some secret there...

Anyone a fan of a ploughman's (Dark rye, pickled onion, gerkin, bit of relish, chunk of cheddar and left over roast is my version) and ESB after a day of yard work?
Ploughman's is a ripper
Got a taste for it in UK (and good uk ale)
Mexican food with lager.

Any dish heavy on mushrooms with a dark ale.

Coconut-based dish - amok, curry, etc - with pale ales.
Spicy pizza and my weizen. Great combo.
Beer takes the edge off the heat and you go again, and again.
Then wash down with another weizen in the appropriate glass.
Chocolate mousse and a good porter or stout. Try it. It's great.
Chicken Vindaloo and a pint of lager please.
A massive pork knuckle and some sort of Bavarian lager (also massive) is the food of kings.
Went to Pig & Whistle in Olinda thanks to Dips me lid 15 beers on tap had fish and chips and decided to have half a pint of each beer after the first half pint of Fullers ESB my mouth kept saying a pint of ESB.