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Used to be all about the APA/IPA/IIPA/IIIPA/USBarleywine/ImperialBarleywineOfDeath etc etc. Now I think Saison is the style of choice. So many good ones out there.

I am a Fillet Mignion man and don't care how it is cooked as long as it is moist.

Chur Chur.
Good beef pie and a malty amber ale.

It's been a while.... :icon_drool2:
This recipe has been doing the rounds - I first saw it in a beer magazine - but it's good.

You need some pears, a spicy chutney, almost any cheese in the world, and almost any beer in the world.

Get a couple of pears, slice in half them down the seam. In the meantime heat up a frypan until searing hot, and chuck the pears on, flat side down, and give them a good couple of minutes on the pan until their flesh is all delicious and caramelised, orange to dark brown, and the rest of the fruit has a lovely sweet almost custardy texture.

Serve on a plate with slices of cheese and a spoonful of chutney. I made a lot of cheese last year and had this at different times with Muenster (a smelly cheese), mozzarella, cheddar, and cream cheese. All good. If you like you can make a hot and spicy meat addition, like a chorizo or salami.

Wash it down with a a hearty ale. I reckon a pale or an amber ale for this one.

stillinrehab said:
Used to be all about the APA/IPA/IIPA/IIIPA/USBarleywine/ImperialBarleywineOfDeath etc etc. Now I think Saison is the style of choice. So many good ones out there.

I am a Fillet Mignion man and don't care how it is cooked as long as it is moist.

Chur Chur.
Is the Saison from N.Z suppliers?
Ridiculous answers above.
It should be more a question of which version of pork belly combined with which IPA.

And for those who prefer malty beers: they're always best by themselves.

'Nuff said.
Mmm...A while back, my local did Rissoles and gravy with veg....basic...but as a lunch special with a few Coopers....very nice
A bit boring really but there's nothing better than a good steak and vege dinner and a pint of mild or bitter.
A picture clogs a thousand arteries.

Siu Yuk. Blood pressure be dammed. I want that crackle salty as all get out. Perhaps with a dipper of ketchup manis on the side.

Paired with a slightly dry ale around the 5% mark and running to about 40 + IBUs with plenty of late Cascade, Amarillo, Centenial to cut through fatty deliciousness.

Time to crank the Webber.

wide eyed and legless said:
Is the Saison from N.Z suppliers?
Well Invercargill Saison is the first one I ever had and it was a cracker. I then didn't have another until I had Dupont and now I am all over the style. Bottles of Saison are limited to only a few NZ breweries with 8 Wired being another I have had a few of. Du Pont Avec les Bons Voeux is the most regular. I have also had Moinette Blonde a fair bit of late as the price is right. I have also enjoyed many Nogne O Saisons. MMMMMM Saison *Homer Drool* :icon_drool2:
Dave70 said:
A picture clogs a thousand arteries.

Siu Yuk. Blood pressure be dammed. I want that crackle salty as all get out. Perhaps with a dipper of ketchup manis on the side.

Paired with a slightly dry ale around the 5% mark and running to about 40 + IBUs with plenty of late Cascade, Amarillo, Centenial to cut through fatty deliciousness.

Time to crank the Webber.

Damn I love pork belly.
Just had a french onion soup with some sourdough and an ESB, perfect for a cold lazy Sunday like today!
Plate of Gorgonzola, Stilton, Sgt Billets Strong Chedder, Smoked Pastrami, Pickled Chillies. Wash down with Marstons Pedigree or Fullers 1845.
Stout with ice cream otherwise known as a stout spider.

Just do it
Ive recently discovered Pork Rashers in spicy bbq sauce at Aldi. A couple of those on the grill, with some roast spuds and pumpkin and washed down with my MPB Pale Ale clone is like Ive died and gone to food and beer heaven. :D :D
Some Bobotie with my Cascade IPA goes down a TREAT!!!

Though there is something about a Pork Knuckle and a Hef which makes me feel all gooey inside :icon_drool2:
wide eyed and legless said:
Went to Pig & Whistle in Olinda thanks to Dips me lid 15 beers on tap had fish and chips and decided to have half a pint of each beer after the first half pint of Fullers ESB my mouth kept saying a pint of ESB.
Man it's pretty hard to stop drinking ESB on tap, by the time I was finished I just about rolled down the mountain singing the songs of my forefathers.