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A n00b section can work really well, for the reasons stated previously.
Sick of "my airlock isn't bubbling, will my beer explode" threads - don't read the n00b section.
Want to ask a question (because the search showed 10 000 threads that were 70% BS, 20% pissing contests and 9.9% porkspin) and don't want grief - post in n00b section.
Anyone else here on OCAU? It's a computer forum that caters for everyone from 12 yo's wanting to learn some basic **** to IT professionals and everything in between. The n00b section there works well. No flaming, no question too stupid, except the question you don't ask etc.
That is what this board has always been like. If it is different now it is not the board software that is at fault.
A n00b section can work really well, for the reasons stated previously.
Sick of "my airlock isn't bubbling, will my beer explode" threads - don't read the n00b section.
Want to ask a question (because the search showed 10 000 threads that were 70% BS, 20% pissing contests and 9.9% porkspin) and don't want grief - post in n00b section.
Anyone else here on OCAU? It's a computer forum that caters for everyone from 12 yo's wanting to learn some basic **** to IT professionals and everything in between. The n00b section there works well. No flaming, no question too stupid, except the question you don't ask etc.

Technically we do have a new brewer section and this is where those questions should be asked.

Kits & Extracts
Post in this section if you are a new brewer or brew with kits & extracts.

I don't really think the problem is the Noobie questions, most experienced brewers can and will answer them, the problem has more to do with members who only seem to want to increase their post count by trolling threads when they have no real interest in offering any constructive help or feed back.
I can't for the life of me understand this attitude, why post something unhelpful, unless of course it's just for the cheap thrill of derailing a thread?
For example, would FANBOYS of a retailer give thumbs up (in exchange for items) although that retailer was promoting their monopolised product.

The only way to tell who knows their **** is to know the **** properly yourself, unfortunately new brewers ussually just believe whoever shouts the loudest (posts the most).

not entirely true.

since i am new here and full of **** and ready for giggles...

i tend to look for guys who have done write up's EG Nick JD and Bribie g. then follow there threads and see where they go. I look at Dr S's threads for recipes and go faaaaaaaaaaark. still way to comlicated for me but i am sure he has a bag of knowledge and prob a big pisshead too ;)

From the local guy's i have found JYO and Kiefer33 to be most helpful and spoonta too. I may need to bribe him to come down and help me with my tub. The rest of them sorry guys i just don't know you to well but cdbrown is a top bloke!
A n00b section can work really well, for the reasons stated previously.
Sick of "my airlock isn't bubbling, will my beer explode" threads - don't read the n00b section.
Want to ask a question (because the search showed 10 000 threads that were 70% BS, 20% pissing contests and 9.9% porkspin) and don't want grief - post in n00b section.
Anyone else here on OCAU? It's a computer forum that caters for everyone from 12 yo's wanting to learn some basic **** to IT professionals and everything in between. The n00b section there works well. No flaming, no question too stupid, except the question you don't ask etc.

Sounds like the whirlpool forum which covers everything too
From the local guy's i have found JYO and Kiefer33 to be most helpful and spoonta too. I may need to bribe him to come down and help me with my tub. The rest of them sorry guys i just don't know you to well but cdbrown is a top bloke!

Agreed. Had alot of help from Kiefer and spoonta also. There is a lot of people on here who are willing to answer any question with a pretty long detailed response. Pretty good bunch mostly, you always get a few 'elitist' people but oh well.
Manticle for Mayor of AHB I say. Always helpful and a top bloke from what I've heard from a few guys who met him at the Vic case swap.
Spending time on the site is the best method of sorting the best info. Learning is all about research, trial and error. You will get the answers from those who know how but dont know why, then you will get the info from those who know why, which will usually come from a question within the how thread. You cant expect it all now without a bit of work/time. After a few years on this forum I can now scroll through threads, both new and old, and stop at certain names. This works for times that I want reliable info on specific topics ie. I may have confidence in one poster for their info on bitters but not lager or one may have great knowledge in water but not single vessel breweries etc.

A 'book' may be good but can't beat a great network of experienced people. It is up to the user as to how much time/research they want to put in to build their confidence in posters. For the record the_same_old darren may post some **** but he can also give some good info when he chooses just the same as some guys can have a bit of fun but can be taken seriously as well.

For example, would FANBOYS of a retailer give thumbs up (in exchange for items) although that retailer was promoting their monopolised product.


I get the_new_darren T-Shirts at cost. Like that, you mean?
...the only real way to find out if someone on here or any other font of knowledge knows **** from clay, is to taste their beer...
Spending time on the site is the best method of sorting the best info. Learning is all about research, trial and error. You will get the answers from those who know how but dont know why, then you will get the info from those who know why, which will usually come from a question within the how thread. You cant expect it all now without a bit of work/time. After a few years on this forum I can now scroll through threads, both new and old, and stop at certain names. This works for times that I want reliable info on specific topics ie. I may have confidence in one poster for their info on bitters but not lager or one may have great knowledge in water but not single vessel breweries etc.

A 'book' may be good but can't beat a great network of experienced people. It is up to the user as to how much time/research they want to put in to build their confidence in posters. For the record the_same_old darren may post some **** but he can also give some good info when he chooses just the same as some guys can have a bit of fun but can be taken seriously as well.


as a noob +1!
Maybe i should ask this in the n00bs section. but how do u get over 700 posts in less the 8 months?...... oh wait i figured it out :p
Maybe i should ask this in the n00bs section. but how do u get over 700 posts in less the 8 months?...... oh wait i figured it out :p

So Troopa posts equal experience. Doesn't have anything to do with being new and asking questions maybe enjoying the on lin e company of blokes with a similar interest. Mate I realise your having a go at someone else but get your head out of your arse. We all should beable to ask questions and seek advice and share experiences. By the way the bloke who put me onto this site has been AG brewing for 25yrs, previous brewer at Carlton Toowoomba, he is a chemist and has 4 posts but has a look most nights.
Maybe i should ask this in the n00bs section. but how do u get over 700 posts in less the 8 months?...... oh wait i figured it out :p

Gone from knowing absolutley fuckall to knowing enough to produce decent AG beer, and have them on tap, in 8 months too. Along the way contributed to the "whats in the glass - commercial" thread, started a couple of threads for everyone's enjoyment, asked a bunch of questions, had some fun.. I think they call it "active forum member" or some such thing.
maybe if there is a way for people to like a post and it shows up below the question as a recommended answer?? prob very hard to implement and it would mean a whole forum over haul even if it was possible.

There's quite possibly a simple way to implement some code on the forum tablet that uses either the Google +1 or something similar to gather an aggregated consensus on posts. With a little bit of tinkering that could be linked to OP user names and an additional line created on the profiles with user scores - kind of like the ratings found on ebay.

The downside is that while this has obvious advantages it will of course also stymie the forum's autodidactic nature and create an enforced pedagogical environment, moving away from the 'open source' type arena of unfettered free sharing.

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