For me (and I realise that my experience and wishes may not reflect those of everyone/anyone else), this was exactly what attracted me to the board when I first started posting here. I've always enjoyed the many different perspectives and I honestly feel it has improved my brewing. I accept, of course, that many people may just want the right answer immediately and don't want to pfaff about with all the different perspectives.
In fact, I lament the clear narrowing of perspectives that has occurred here of late. I'm not sure a noob asking a question does get a million different answers any more.
It's certainly great to hear a range of oppinions/theories/techniques/styles in regards to doing something brew related, and really, i'd love to have the time to explore them all...I really would.
And really, who wants to be preached some sort of dogmatic view/style, where you must do everything thusly otherwise you're doing it wrong.
What worries me that if say you're starting out and you pick up your tin of Tooheys New kit and brew it according to instructions, it doesn't turn out anything like Tooheys...and often they're come here for answers, and get hit by, sure, a bit of slander, but also a number of options and the poor bloke just wants to make one of the most common beers in the country. And the REAL unfortunate thing is that he'll never come remotely being able replicate that beer on a small scale with a kit ever...and would be doing well to do so with AG.
I mean sure, alot of commercially brewed lagers are not great examples for beers to expect from homebrewers, but they just happen to make up some figure around 90% (don't quote me exactly there) of the market of all beer consumed, and people would love to be able to brew what they's just never easy to tell them it's probably gonna cost them more for the equipment they need to do so than a years supply of the stuff would be.
Probably got off-track there, but my point is I think if I were starting off here looking for advice, it'd be nice for it to be either clearly scientific, or if opinion/annecdotely based, it'd be nice to know. At the end of the day, it's great that people are exposed to a number of options, and it's up to an individual to decide which path to take...and most of which are right...and it'd be nice to be able to try them all, but it's not an easy thing when you're just starting out.