F*ck you Woolworths

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Dibbz having a go at the train drivers won't get you far around here those guys are national heroes.
1974 Toyota Corona (25 years second hand) . Paid cash ($1000) from working my ass off picking fruit and packing groceries at an independent supermarket.

What a car. Should have kept it.

I had no debt then, and I have no debt now.
Citi Lending you can borrow up to $75,000 for that dream holiday only about 10% interest and $10 month fee about $140 a week to pay interest only and if fall behind in payments sure the interest and fees go up have to be a really good holiday and while your paying off not going to do many other purchasing credit is what is going to send country into recession depression.
Real estate expense... of having 8 supermarkets in a 2km radius perhaps, council's charging rates on every car park then paying 10x the cost of simple constructions, $2m for a a few km of bike path near here. Or pet barn with one massive shop in every second suburb. Or why every local hardware shop has closed except bunnings and now it's a 50 minute round trip to get to one.

For housing, in rough numbers for the sake of the argument you can break up the demographics into 1/3rds, outright owners, morgagee's and renters. Many of the 1/3rd with mortgages don't even have crazy debt, so not sure how you can pin it all on real estate. Plenty of houses under $400k in Brisbane, on train lines even. Priorities.

It's easy to blame the coalition but it's intellectual laziness coming to such a simple conclusion. Oh yea but I don't vote for them so I'm not part of the problem, that moral high ground might give you some warm and fuzzies but it's bs.

Meanwhile QLD rail have to pay bonuses to get drivers to turn up during the commonwealth games, can't hire drivers that haven't already been in the union, and the CMFEU do their part for the costs of property and doing business in Australia by having 26 "RDO'S" a year but they are not tied to overtime. Tell me again why stuff is so expensive and why all those jobs went overseas. Unions do their part too, no need to single out whatever political party you don't align with as the cause to the costs of living.
400k is still wayy too much to pay for a home in a suburb, from which you have to catch a train to go to another place to work. It's much much more than previous generations paid to get a home after their free state paid education (which young people pay for now).

All this should have been nipped in the bud a long time ago, but TurdWaffle doesn't have the Authority or balls.

The other party are just as crap.
The other party are just as crap.
And that is the problem. There is no real leaders to vote for anymore. It has arrived at a sad point when I am reading one nation policies to see which way I will vote in the upcoming Qld election. To be honest, I think they have some great policies, not sure how they will pay for some of them though. I have more confidence in One nation to try and deliver on promises than I do of the 2 major parties and most of the green policies are silly.
It is a lot worse than you think. Our company has to pay for shelf space to both woolies and coles. That is so the product is at eye level. Last year alone they paid $200 million just for shelf space. On top of that Woolies and Coles dictate when we have specials and for how much. Yet they are able to sell their homebrand products and don't have the extra cost of shelf space.

More companies should be like Coopers. They told Woolies and Coles what they could do with their shelf space charges.......
Not all manufacturers are large or powerful enough.

We just need some decent legislation. And someone with the spine to implement it. Simples.
More companies should be like Coopers. They told Woolies and Coles what they could do with their shelf space charges.......

......BUT...did you notice how the stubbies are now taller.....and that was because Woolies wanted Coopers to change the carton stacking height so it fits in better with the Woolies wharehouse shelving. My local Coopers rep told me that. Woolies sell huge volumes of Coopers. Coopers caved in
you can see which BIG company's have bought the best space by the volume of stock in that area.....
and Train Drivers always get picked on they have to work with in some cases equipment that is beyond its life and the member's of public that think it's great to walk or drive in front of..and people who sit in air conditioned office telling them how to run there train..
The really worrying fact in the supermarket world is that eventually, small business will fold & the big boy one stop shop will hold monopoly on our freedom to buy what we want. It's already happening & you'll see more & more small business close simply because they can't compete with range nor prices due to buying volume & power. We're already forced to change brands or buy bigger, or even buy 2 items for a cheaper price than just one alone. It's ironic that shop owners come into Coles to buy their Coke cans far cheaper than they can buy direct from Coke themselves. The buying power & volume of sales from these food chains is quite frightening & in years to come, they'll be the only ones left standing & you'll have no choice but to shop there.
As mentioned its going to be interesting, maybe, to see what Amazon does to it all. The duopolies will be under threat then too. We think they are nasty to Aussie suppliers now wait till then. The idea Amazon can deliver to your door in as little as an hour. so considering the apathetic direction of over all people in general you can stay sitting on your arse to go shopping rather than go to the shops at all.
Forecasts could potentially put 80% retail stores out of bussiness. The mega Amazon storage factories will be mostly robotic with just a shoestring of employees.
I don't really know what purposes/jobs for people there will be left to earn money to be consumers?
Everything we do is to advance technology and robotics that puts us more and more out of work. :confused:
There was never really free education, only 7% - the lucky people got the opportunity to attend "free" university and many wasted years repeating subjects or doing double/triple degrees at tax payers expense because there was no consequence. I recall the year it came in and the uni pub basically went broke and had to let go of most of it's space because suddenly people were going to lectures instead of drinking beer, I think the user pays model is fairer for more people than for the 7%.

The new problem today is now it's a business they will sell you courses that have no real world application or market like the new world liberal arts subjects that leave you with no job but maybe a job in HR as a diversity consultant. Oh yea smash capitalism because look what it did, lol.

And previous generations never had it that good with housing as suggested, I recall my and most my friends parents also couldn't even afford the deposit on a 80k house until their late 30's. It might look like it was easy but it wasn't when they got in the market and held on for 10 years until money/wage inflation made it look a lot easier than it really was, if you survived the super high inflation in the 70/80's. No one had a lot of luxury items and houses were built at at budget, fibro with no insulation, not 4/5 bedroom 2 bathrooms, $1000 smart phones and 4 tv's like today. It was never normal for kids to even have their own bedrooms.
I agree that many universities offer degrees for which there are no jobs. I know because I did one.

It cannot be denied however, that housing is now much dearer than it ever was, many more times the median salary.

Secure jobs are fewer too. I recall my Dad saying to me:

"I left school at 16 and had the choice of 10 jobs, the world was my Oyster - I could do choose to do what I wanted" ...
"I got my licence down at the Police station, no hassles" ..
"I roamed the farm and district with an air rifle slung over my shoulder" ..
"I went fishing without a licence" .

Life was great.

Not many young people are saying that today. Kids stare at smart phones now because they are bored. Today's nanny state doesn't let them do anything else.
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Its the same in all country's at the moment name a country with a strong leader
North Korea
Saudia Arabia

um, I'm seeing a pattern here? And it doesn't look like democracy. Except one could argue that the US also appear to have a strong leader, well at least unless you listen to the "fake news" that is only trying to bring down the best President the world has ever seen.....