Extract Wheat Beer Recipe

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Hi all im planning to brew an extract wheat beer soon and am trying to put together a few ideas. I wish to steep some specialty grains to lift the brew and give it a fresh taste, but if that will kill the reicpe then i will go against it. I have temp control for my ferment and hope to use the Wyeast 3068 if that suits the style best??

Anyway any ideas very much apreciated, it will be my fourth brew to date and my first full extract. can i just use 480 gms LME wheat for the hop boil in 4 litres of water to get the gravity to 1040? Not sure if im near the mark but here goes.

2 tins 1.5kgs x coopers LME Wheat
Wyeast 3068
Specialty malt (type??) (weight?????) grams steeped 65 deg 30 mins
Halleurtar 15 gms @ 30 mins, @15 mins @5
Fermented at 20 deg?
made to 23 litres

Thanks in advance
I'd suggest a single 60 min bittering addition to about 18-20 IBU, 3068 is an awesome yeast, use a blow off tube & ferment at 17 if you want low esters, or a bit higher if you want the full on banana thing happening. What type of wheat beer are you looking at?
I love both german and bavarian wheat beers, havent got a favourite and arent too familiar with brands.When i lived near a Dan Murphy's for 6 months i tried to taste a new one every friday arvo id get two bottles.Just remember how easy to swill it was on hot fridays after work! My local bottleshops have bugger all variety where i live at the moment and im keen for an easy tasty version to try to replicate.
Have a look at the bjcp guidelines and that will help, I was thinking along the lines of a dunkelweizen, because that's my fave wheat style, and really that's all I can offer to help with as that's all I've brewed. Although most other on here will have a wealth of knowledge, especially Tony
I have a weizen planned for early spring. After a bit of research I have come up with the following:

1.5kg of dry Bavarian wheat malt
1kg of extra-light DME
100g Carahell, steeped
25g of Tettanger, 60min
3068 Yeast starter

Fermented at 17degC

Predicted OG 1047, FG 1012, 5% ABV, 13.5 IBU, 7.7 EBC

Seems spot on for style in the K&B Excel calculator.

Obviously I can't vouch for it but it has the steeped grain which may be a tip.

I think im leaning towards a weisen after a bit more research now, i didnt realise there were different types! i would like to tend towards the lighter coloured version and could even consider the wyeast german yeast that produces a slightly clearer finish. ANy thoughts? After more reading i think i will follow the above advice and settle one one hop addition for 60 mins, thanks guys. Any reason not to use 2 cans of wheat malt in the brew? If so why and whats the reasons? Being new im still on a huge learning curve but am reading as much as humanly possible and love everything about brewing so far, i just finished putting down a DR Smurtos tonight (Kits and Bits) steeping and boiling hops- its so much fun!
If you read the label most wheat beers are around 50% barley malt. The wheat kits usually are. Sounds nom. Let us know, if I don't go AG ( probably will soon) I might give it a shot.
IM certainly heading towards AG as wellas it stands, i want to taste, smell, and try and participate in the whole experience of brewing if at all possible.IM a complete AG virgin and dumbass but want to try to do everythinng as best as i possibly can (could be a disiaster lol). Ive only just started with kits and bits but have steeped grains to correct temps, have a temp controller and heat source and have a few varieties of hops in the freezer and decent yeast in the fridge! I would like to do 2 or 3 extracts next as i build up my arsenal of equipment, learn a heap more and try a few of my first brews (yet to taste one yet as they are conditiong in bottles still)! I will definately keep the temp down to 17 or 18 deg at the most with my temp controller for the weissen and cant wait to get it happening.Keen for any more hints or tips of brewers more knowledgeable than me ( which should be a million),Cheers lads.
If you like cloves. If you like a fruitier wheat you can brew a bit higher with a wheat yeast.

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