Extract Brewing Steps

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hey dunno if I'm posting this in the right place I'm down with the K&K way of things just interested if someone can point me in the direction of a how to for full extract brewing? just wanna get my head around "the boil" and understanding recipes that tell you to add certain things at certain times at diff temps :)

cheers, sorry for being n00b just learning :p
click on 'the brew shop' above, they have a good extarct guide.

basically add extract to water and boil for 60 mins, hop additions are given as time to be boiled eg 20min means add hop with 20 mins left, ie 40 minutes into the boil.
40-60 minutes will give bittering, shorter boils 15-30 minutes will give flavour and quick boil 5-10 minutes will give mainly aroma and a little flavour. dry hop will give mainly aroma.
dry hop means directly into the fermenter normally 3-5 into fermentation.

temps do not come into extract only grain brewing.
basically what you are doing is replacing a pre bittered can of goo with an unhopped can, have a look through the articles tab and have a look through you will find lots info there, in particular the converting AG to Extract Recipes document.

The boil is exactly that and Yum has given a straight forward explaination of hop addition times. The different tempretures you may be seeing in recipes is more than likely the mash temps and you will need to use when you want to add grains to your recipes.

I would also suggest you look up How to Brew, by John Palmer you can find it on line, and it will answer a lot of questions for you.
This is how i used to do it.

Add 5oog of dry malt extract to a big pot.
Fill up to 5L
Do hop additions. (throw in 10g of magnum @ 60, 20g cascade @ 10 and 50g @ 1)

After the hops boil addd the rest of your ingredients (2kg of malt extract and 500g of sugar)

add this to the cold water sitting in your fermenter, tyop up to 23L.

Add yeast and ferment.
This is how i used to do it.

Add 5oog of dry malt extract to a big pot.
Fill up to 5L
Do hop additions. (throw in 10g of magnum @ 60, 20g cascade @ 10 and 50g @ 1)

After the hops boil addd the rest of your ingredients (2kg of malt extract and 500g of sugar)

add this to the cold water sitting in your fermenter, tyop up to 23L.

Add yeast and ferment.

Noob question, the extract u boil and the extract you add to fermenter are the same thing except the one you boil has the hop additions?
Yes. So this recipe would look like this

2.5kg driend malt extract
.5kg sugar

10g magnum @ 60
20g cascade @ 10
50g amarillo @ 1

So get 500g of the malt extract, add it to the pot and fill up to 5L. Then fdo the hop boil. The @ x tells us how long each hop will be boiled for. So the hop boil will usually be an hour (but not always). So get the malt to the boil and throw in the 10g magnum. Boil this for 50mins then throw in the 20g of cascade, boil for another 9 mins and throw in the 50g of amarillo. Boil for 1 min and then turn the heat off. Magnum will be boiled for 60mins, 20g cascade for 10mins and amarillo for 1 min. (these hops and amounts are pulled from thin air, just to illustrate how to do it.)

While this is all happening have 18L of CLEAN cold water sitting in your fermenter. To ensure my water was clean of bugs i'd boil it a few days beforehand and then put it in a 20L cube to chill it down to 4C.

Anyway, you've finished your hop boil, add the rest of your ingredients (2kg malt extract and 500g of sugar). Throw this into the fermeter with the 18L of cold water. Top up to 23L. The purpose of using really cold water is so that when you add the rest of the ingredients is should be sitting around 18C, perfect for US05. Add your US05 or other yeast and start fermenting. When the airlock stops bubbling the gravity of the beer has remained the same for a few days (and is around 1012 for this recipe) its ready to bottle/keg.

Have a read on here, there's a fair bit of info on extract brewing. Neils centarillo is an easy first brew to do, search for 'everyone should make this'.
so after you do the 5L boil with hops and malt extract, you throw everything else your using into the boil (at flame out) and then throw it all into the FV? Is it necessary to strain it, or is it optional?
throw the lot in at flame out or just before (5mins say) if you really want to make sure its sterile and tip straight into FV no need to strain it
Some people strain it, but i just throw it all in.
Without straining won't you get hop particles in your bottles?
no the hops will compact in the bottom with the yeast and everything. if you are worried strain them or use a hop sock. For flowers its better to strain them only because the get stuck in the tap outlet and to unclog it you have to force water or air back threw it so they will mix it all up and may add a infection.

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