Ever Gotten Sick Of Bear?

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I see what you did there.

My apologies.
bears are cool, ill never get sick of them.

was this an attempt at an april fools joke?
How can you get sick of bear?

That said it can leave a fishy taste in yer beer.
Apart from the spelling mistake....

One of my earliest experiences with (my dad's) home brew included a little bit of a spew.

Had several glasses of beer, and was tipsy enough to have a crack at some biscuits and cheese. Cheese was something like extra tasty or Old Bitey etc. I instantly felt incredibly ill, where I wandered out to the back yard and had a little spew, and instantly felt much better.

The only thing that came out was a lump of cheese about the same size as I had eaten.

My theory is somehow the beer reacted to the cheese and my stomach asked the bouncers to eject the bad influence.

People develop sensitivities to sustances over many years. You may well be eating something quite happily and then bang! the next day it makes you feel ill. This is the point where your body can no longer tolerate the sustance and just gives up.

Also the illness you felt might be like my cheese example- perhaps an interaction between beer and something you ate. Or a sensitivity to the byproduct of that interaction. Rigorous testing by starting off by drinking a beer then adding ONE item of the meal you ate, then another beer and then eating another SINGLE item of that particular meal, etc will determine what it was that set you off.

Obviously it was to much to beer.... um bear :rolleyes:
give a bottle of it to a mate who is not much of a mate! if he dont get sick try another one!