Eoi: Sodium Percarb (wa)

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Hey guys,

I'm looking at ordering a reasonable amount of Sodium Percarb and was wondering if anyone local was interested in splitting a bag etc?

The rate I just got emailed was $4/kg + GST which isn't too bad considering that was only for a 25kg bag and it was a WA shop.

Would anyone be interested given the recent order? And what sort of sizes are people after?

- Ross
What's the difference between that and the home-brand napisan that woolworths sell? I got a kilo of that for $2.75 the other day.

Genuine question.
Napisan is not pure Sodium Percarbonate.

Generally Napisan and its equivalent homebrand ones are 20-40% and the rest is made up of detergents and other materials. I'm not saying that's a bad thing, its excellent value as a cleaner/sanitiser for the purpose of soaking. I use it to soak my fermenters overnight and it really cleans it up and removes stains and smells. The home brand one I am using atm was only a few dollars and is 34% compared to a few other name brands which were about 24-28%. Its also worth mentioning that if you do use napi-san etc to get an unscented one :)

Pure Sodium Percarbonate can be used as a no rinse sanitiser. It's the same stuff sold in those small sachet's at most home brew places (see attached picture). It's great stuff and the sachet's are awesome however its quite expensive to buy them like that @ $7.50 per pack of 5.

Hey guys,

I'm looking at ordering a reasonable amount of Sodium Percarb and was wondering if anyone local was interested in splitting a bag etc?

The rate I just got emailed was $4/kg + GST which isn't too bad considering that was only for a 25kg bag and it was a WA shop.

Would anyone be interested given the recent order? And what sort of sizes are people after?

- Ross
Hey mate,
I'm keen for about 5 KG's at that price. I tried to get this up and running about 12 months ago with this thread.
Hopefully we can get enough interest to get the ball rolling.
BTW what suburb are you located in ?
NOTR in Duncraig so a little bit of a distance from you if your profile is correct :(

Yer it's not a bad price and I was suprised considering others had quoted higher for larger orders.

With that said it drops to $3.20/kg + GST for 100kg or more but that's probably a little overkill.

How much were you looking at these days? I was honestly tempted to just get a 25kg bag to myself (would prefer to split it down a bit) but it could be worth getting a larger order if there was enough interest.
What rate do you mix it at for a no rinse?
Honestly I was just going to use the same amount in the LHBS packets which is 25g
5L from memory. Would have to check the pack when I get home.

I use it and swirl it around the fermenter for a good couple of minutes. Giving it a good shake and what not to ensure its covered everything, then drain the liquid off and run some through the tap. I also keep a small amount to chuck things like scissors and other utensils in to whilst I am working to ensure they are also sanitised. And one last bit is that I put some of it into the air lock to make sure no nasties can grow in there.

Maybe I am just getting paranoid but yer I like to make sure absolutely everything is sanitised.
Ill take 10 KG, IF you can get 250kg'sordered, youll be able to get it at abotu $2 a kilo
What rate do you mix it at for a no rinse?

It's not a no-rinse sanitiser. I'd call it more of a cleaning product... it does a great job of that.

It might be wise to check if it is supplied with a surfactant.
NOTR in Duncraig so a little bit of a distance from you if your profile is correct :(

Yer it's not a bad price and I was suprised considering others had quoted higher for larger orders.

With that said it drops to $3.20/kg + GST for 100kg or more but that's probably a little overkill.

How much were you looking at these days? I was honestly tempted to just get a 25kg bag to myself (would prefer to split it down a bit) but it could be worth getting a larger order if there was enough interest.

Bloke I was keen for around 5kg at this price but would go to 10 if it took the purchase over the line for a cheaper price per Kg :)
Well everything I've read about Sodium Percarbonate says that it's fine to use as a no-rinse. With that said it's not like your just pouring in your wort on top of 5L of the stuff, like all things you drain it off just don't put anything back in that hasn't been sanitised else it defeats the purpose. The details below state it decomposes to water, oxygen and sodium carbonate. Water and oxygen are good for our brews and Sodium Carbonate from what I am reading is used to counter the effects of chlorine which for us using tap water is probably a good thing.

Technical Information
  • Chemical Name: Sodium Carbonate Peroxyhydrate
  • Synonyms: Sodium Percarbonate, Sodium Carbonate Peroxide, PCS
  • Molecular Formula: 2Na2CO3.3H2O2
  • Molecular Weight: 314.02
  • CAS Number: 15630-89-4
Sodium percarbonate is a free-flowing powder with a common name of solid hydrogen peroxide, it is an addition compound of sodium carbonate and hydrogen peroxide. Sodium Percarbonate has an active available oxygen content which is equivalent to 27.5% H2O2. It breaks down to oxygen, water and sodium carbonate upon decomposition. Sodium Percarbonate offers many of the same functional benefits as liquid hydrogen peroxide.

It dissolves into water rapidly to release oxygen and provides powerful cleaning, bleaching, stain removal and deodorizing capabilities. Besides, sodium carbonate decomposed from sodium percarbonate is able to increase the pH value in washing water to knock down the activities of calcium ion and magnesium ion, thus intenerates water. Another benefit offered by sodium carbonate by raising the pH value is to reduce the negative charges of dirt and fibre resulting in the strengthening repellency between dirt and fibre, which leads to the improvement of bleaching and stain removing effects.

Compared with chlorine bleach, sodium percarbonate based oxygen bleach boasts following advantages in laundry formulations :
  • No environmental hazards-it breaks down to oxygen, water and sodium carbonate (soda ash) in your wash water.
  • Ideal stain removal capability; It is very effective as a laundry presoak for heavily stained articles.
  • It is used to for deodorizing and disinfecting.
  • Color safe and fabric safe. It brightens colors
  • Does not weaken the strength of fabrics
  • Prevents fabric from becoming yellowed or darkened
  • Effective in a broad range of water temperatures


Not sure about whether it includes a surfactant but somewhat doubt it.

I'm waiting on a confirmation of the minimum size order I can do in terms of 25kg lots or not and will go from there once I have some confirmed details.
As suspected needs to be in 25kg lots. I'll put something together tonight to organise the buy if people are still interested.