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Is anyone doing another bulk buy? Put me down for 1 (or 2 depending on price) if so.

Forgot to say thanks!

Awesome effort and great product, got 3 of mine venting as I type!!!
Hi folks. Can I use this on the kegking pressure ferment fitting. The one with the gold tshape brass pipe and pressure dial. Can't tell if the bit after the dial unscrews or I have to detach the piece the dial is attached to.View attachment 113055
If you check out my post in Pressure Relief Valve number 186, when fermenting I put a loop between the fermenter and the manifold housing the valve and gauge, this is the reason why. I have no doubt that my manifold will contain gunk also.
Imagine this going into a diaphragm valve it will stick to the membrane like **** to a blanket, the valve would have to be stripped after every ferment the amount of fluid being vented with the co2 will sit in the well of the valve. Those s/s screws (look like self tappers) going in and out of a plastic body after every single ferment is not good. You should have put more work into the s/s poppet valve, loaded with a weaker spring, not even any need for marking the shaft the purchaser can do that with a label and a biro.
I would like to see a test and to keep it at 2.5 psi

That sounds fantastic. Please let us know when you can come in and we would be more than happy to show you the device in action. Would you like to be involved in a video if we make a video about the product?

If you have sugars in particular that dry out and get sticky this will effect the opening and closing pressures of both poppet type and diaphragm type valves in the same way. The good thing about a diaphragm valve is it essentially multiplies the force that actuates the valve. So in the instance that something gets stuck in valve its far more likely to still close rather than the poppet style of valve. So even in this respect it's better.

to clean the valve out you simply undo 4 screws and then soak in something like this for about 5 minutes then rinse off:

The poppet valves have limitations on the actual way they work and Kee will probably explain this in a video at some stage to better explain the physics of what the problem is. Definitely there is something nice about the simple nature of a poppet type valve but they have limitations that are hard to overcome if you want accurate pressure control.
I am not at all interested in the diaphragm valves, I try and keep cleaning to a minimum, stripping down those valves and cleaning them is just extra work. I am looking forward to the video they are always a source of entertainment. If I was to ask Kee something I would be asking how the pacification of a keg is carried out, is it put in a blanket and gently patted?
Getting back on diaphragm opposed to poppet, your diaphragm valve is $15, with a GPM of 75% of RRP which is average brings the valve to $3.75 less shipping, duties etc say $3.00.
Now I am never against anyone making money, businesses wouldn't exist if they didn't, but I wouldn't be expecting a lot for a $3.00 valve, except the cleaning. The poppet I have is $4.66 USD wholesale,I know shipping is expensive and the valve is by no means accurate for the range of a brewer, I can keep mine at between 2-3 psi and capture the gas, I can ramp it up to 10-15 psi at the end of fermentation to carb the beer and I haven't had to clean it yet.
This is a pic I have posted before.
with all due respect the accuracy of a 30 psi gauge at 2 psi wouldnt be great, i suggest you use a manometer for your testing.
We seem to be getting a lot of speculation even though we have not supplied any to you guys yet. I think the best thing to do is to actually send some out and get some feedback from people who have actually used them.