English Ipa Extract Recipe Ideas

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G'day Brewers,
While I'm waiting for the rotten stench to leave my Weizenbock I'm tweeking an English IPA.

I've set the hop schedule,

It's what I have left of my English hops that need using plus my fresh unopened pack for flavour and aroma additions,

20g Fuggles @ 60 mins
40g EKG @60 mins
15g Northern Brewer @ 60 mins
30g Boadicea @ 20 mins
30g Boadicea @ 5 mins
30g Boadicea dry hopped @ day 5 or 6

all for an estimated 54.8 IBU's in 27 litres

I'll be using around a 2 litre starter of Wyeast 1028 fermenting @ 20 degrees.

To spruce up 3 kgs of LDME and 1 kg dextrose I have the following cracked grains in the pantry eagerly awaiting a soaking,

180g Pale Crystal
280g Carared
500g Carapils
320g Pale Chocolate
500g Carabohemian
400g Caramunich III
400g Caraamber

From the guidelines, I'm chasing,
Malt flavour medium-high, noticeable, pleasant and support hop aspect.........bready biscuit-like, toasty, toffee-like and/or caramelly..... sufficient malt flavour, body and complexity to support the hops will provide best balance.

What would you choose from the list and how much?
I'm open to any ideas but have this penciled in,
100g Carapils
200g Caraamber
200g Carared
100g Pale Choc

Input on any aspect welcomed, this will be my first attempt at the style.


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