Electic Hws As A Hlt?

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Morning All,

Received a Vulcan 40 lt electric hot water service yesterday from a friend and was just wondering whether I should use it as a HLT? Anyone see any issues with doing this? If anyone is currently doing this, any tips?

240 V, max thermostat temp is about 70oC, mains pressure

I currently batch sparge but if I end up using this unit then I guess I will make the move to fly sparging.

If ya ever seen inside a hotwater tank you wouldnt even drink the water,its not good
You will have to muck around with the thermostat as you are looking for a minimum of 78C for fly sparge or around 85 for batch and there will be an overheat protection which may or may not be a problem. I use the guts from a 3600W water heater in my 70L HLT and find it most satisfactory.
The tank will be baked enamel on steel unless you are really lucky then it could be stainless or occasionally copper for some old ones, but I'd suggest you cut the top off, have a good look and use it as an open tank. Even if you dont open the tank there should be sacrificial anodes of aluminium or zinc which should go. All the electricity stuff should be at the bottom
You will have to muck around with the thermostat as you are looking for a minimum of 78C for fly sparge or around 85 for batch and there will be an overheat protection which may or may not be a problem. I use the guts from a 3600W water heater in my 70L HLT and find it most satisfactory.
The tank will be baked enamel on steel unless you are really lucky then it could be stainless or occasionally copper for some old ones, but I'd suggest you cut the top off, have a good look and use it as an open tank. Even if you dont open the tank there should be sacrificial anodes of aluminium or zinc which should go. All the electricity stuff should be at the bottom

Thanks Tony. It is a glass lined HWS so not sure if it would be easy to take the top off it.. pencil pusher here with limited tech skills so will need to look into it further.

Good point re: thermostat. Just had a look at the unit and it has overheat protection on it.