Earth Hour

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Well was going to start a new thread but this one will not die.

Who heard of “World Water Day”?

Yep I missed it too. I guess we were all supposed to not take a shower and stop brewing for the day to show our concern for the lack of drinkable water in the world.

Guess it got missed because no one to champion it like our great one Al Gore. Course he has become filthy rich talking about global warming and blaming man for it while flying around the world in privet jets and travailing in multi carbon pooping vehicle caravans. Not to mention he lives in a whopping big house that poops out as much carbon as most outposts in the outback.

Now if he could sell pollution trapping water plants like he sells carbon trapping trees he may get on the band wagon. Want to buy some potable water credits? I am selling.

Now if any of you climate changers were really willing to make a difference you would stop home brewing and even give up all alcoholic beverages because we all know the brewing process releases plant trapped CO2. You would give up all carbonated drinks because they contain CO2. You would work at home because traveling even by walking releases CO2. Your work would give up the use of all electronics because their use not only creates CO2 emissions but other planet killing pollutants. Even if you get your power from hydro like I do you would give up because the dams are killing fish and impacting the world’s oceans. Hell I guess you would have to just off yourself and be buried in a lead lined coffin to keep the CO2 in your body from escaping. No concrete liners as concrete is a big CO2 emitter.

So if you are truly a climate change believer no need to respond, as any response will emit CO2.

Do you believe? Really Believe? Your silence is proof.

I knew you were not a real believer! You just had to add planet killing CO2 to tell me I am wrong.

Water water everywhere and not a drop to drink.
There will always be people willing to jump on the bandwagon and milk major issues for what they can. Those are the people that stand in the way of real progress.
Don't get me wrong, I think these include people from both sides of the climate change issue.
There will always be people willing to jump on the bandwagon and milk major issues for what they can. Those are the people that stand in the way of real progress.
Don't get me wrong, I think these include people from both sides of the climate change issue.

Fortunately my attitude towards my surrounding environment is not formed by my reaction to him or to his missus.
Fortunately my attitude towards my surrounding environment is not formed by my reaction to him or to his missus.

My attitude may seem a little over the top to some. I put it down to growing up in one of the most beautiful, unique and contraversial environments in the world.
My attitude toward the environment comes from the environment itself.
My attitude may seem a little over the top to some.


As I said I cannot state categorically whether or not the science on either side is accurate and I won't even try. I still believe in attempting to live sustainably.
Sounds odd Katie, I really can't see how eating meat could harm the mansion. As long as they don't leave the waste from the product on the premises you would think it shouldn't be an issue. Perhaps it makes the old girl salivate.

And have you seen what they do for a living.? Wierdo's. I think they believe that the methane gases from cows will help the planet.

As I said I cannot state categorically whether or not the science on either side is accurate and I won't even try. I still believe in attempting to live sustainably.

It's an interesting discussion. (Dear moderator, I will link it to beer before i finish).

The challenge is that 'science' in reality has to employ a range of different methods for different enquiries, and different approaches to substantiation. 'Proof' is a remarkably difficult beastie to find in human knowledge. It'd be nice to have 500 identical planets to do a double blind trial... and we can't do with our understanding of history either. We study history with a different type of enquiry & an understanding of the limitations. No proof Caesar existed, but some pretty good evidence. In my field of community development, we work with one unique community. The levels of evidence we seek to substantiate something are partly defined by the usefulness of the findings and the costs of compiling data. Understanding the climate future for either side relies on modelling, assumptions and a wide range of investigations and unclear data.

With one planet to play with, we should err on the side of caution, but should look for substantive evidences to support the argument.

What I am reading into climate change debate is not absolute, but very significant, agreement amongst the scientific community. They have put strong arguments and evidences on the table. In most cases, (but not all, let's be honest), they have nothing to gain. They aren't trying to 'bring down the economy' and 'stop progress'. (Are you still actually reading this? I'm surprised...)

There is some remarkably interesting contradictory evidences that argue against evolution, but a lot more that is supportive, and the weight of scientific opinion in favour. (Sorry - i guarantee that's hacked someone off somewhere using that analogy!). I am impressed by weight of opinion, but it shouldn't substitute for thinking either.

So I like to base my beer practice on science where i can. But mostly i'm looking for substantial agreement amongst those with space to do that kind of research. My own experiments don't go far - each batch is like planet earth - too precious to risk - I'm not throwing a batch away just to satisfy my curiousity. I want every learning to be drinkable.

So that kind of lines up with Manticle's philosophy about the planet.
That article doesn't prove I'm wrong. It only proves that Dr Jones is a substandard scientist and that methods for estimating pre-technology data about climate don't give an accurate representation of facts. Global temperatue fluctuations vary from region to region. While the earth was cooling the polar caps were melting. We are in a glacial decline but it's getting colder?

Mr Rimrunner is like the rest of the sceptics clutching at straws so they can maintain a non-sustainable way of life, profiting from the destruction of our planet. They are the ones with something to lose, not the people who are willing to accept that we are having a negative impact on the planet and ourselves. Another thing he has wrong is that he thinks he is more advanced than a monkey. At least they aren't ******* the planet they have to live on and they live sustainably. If you honestly think that humans aren't having a negative impact on the earth and something doesn't have to be done to change our ways or we will be shitting in our own nest, then, you have got your head up your arse.

Rebut all you want and ignore any valid points that I have made while you are at it. The facts are that if it's happening without us, it's gonna be worse with us unless we do something.

I hope this thread gets dumped in the off-topic section. I'm going fishing and thinking about beer for the rest of the day.

you've missed the mark on my way of life there sorry. reguardless of my dislike for politics corruption of science my energy bill says i use 5 KWHs less than the average home (3 occupants) and we have always used less water than the level 6 restrictions we had on us recently. i drive an economical 4cyclinder car in good tune and don't have A/C. it might be a lot still, but it's a damn sight less than most peoples in australia.

due to good managment and enough money to fund research australia is pretty clean for it's GDP. it could be better and a lot of people are working to ensure it will become so. but we are 14th on the world GDP stage. america, china and the EEC dwarf our efforts by factors.

i doubt anyone on this thread really wants to just wantonly destroy the environment. they just want good science and better yet, good plans, to be the road followed. not knee jerk laws and rushed technology rolled out before proper life analysis can be done.
I'm tellen ya's, its them bloody pirates

they just want good science and better yet, good plans, to be the road followed. not knee jerk laws and rushed technology rolled out before proper life analysis can be done.

I'll have to agree with your there rimrunner
Like a few blokes here I build and maintain draglines, coal fired power stations, alumina refineries etc, when you witness first hand what these places suck out and spew back into the environment, you quickly realise that turning the kitchen light off for an hour is a ******* joke.

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