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uıɐbɐ ʞunɹp ɯ,ı
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I reckon the next beer I have is going to taste particularly delicious... no matter what it is. C'mon 4:30!

After 3.5 years (or 1277 days... not that I'm counting, and not including the 5 years of undergrad before that) I have finally submitted my Ph.D. Thesis! I figure if people can post a thread about their newborn (which only takes 9 months, I mean, c'mon!) then I can post for the sake of pride too.

I've even managed to line up a comfy post-doctoral position for the next 2.5 years, so the brewing will remain funded.

If anyone's interested (I know, they're not) my field is theoretical particle physics mixed with some nuclear physics and astrophysics, and the title is 'Applications of the Octet Baryon Quark-Meson Coupling Model to Hybrid Stars' - a thoroughly nerdy title but not so bad that the guy at graduations that has to announce them all will stumble (I'm looking at you, chemists!).

Cheers to all the AHB regulars - you have provided me with many hours of distractions along with the wonderful knowledge I have applied to my brewing, which of course has provided more distraction, both in the brewing itself, and the drinking, which there shall be a fair bit of now (my DOC-toberfest has matured nicely and won't be around too much longer).
Congratulations man.........

Bring on beer o'clock ASAP........
Congrats mate!

I cant remember what I did after submitting mine - I think I was so knackered I went to bed!

Good work on the postdoc too - do you have a research topic for that yet?
Wootacular! I agree about this warranting a posting... a baby only takes 9 months!

I'll ask you for a copy of your thesis when this theoretical physics stuff becomes useful B)

But anyway... Congrats! I've still got about 3 years to go.
Wootacular! I agree about this warranting a posting... a baby only takes 9 months!

I'll ask you for a copy of your thesis when this theoretical physics stuff becomes useful B)

But anyway... Congrats! I've still got about 3 years to go.

Yeah but you try pushing it out of your vagina! :angry:
do you have a research topic for that yet?
Same field, but with one of the world-leaders rather than my current supervisors. I'll probably branch out a little into the nuclear physics side a little more - there's some actual experimental data to compare against, unlike the astrophysical stuff I've studied.

I'll ask you for a copy of your thesis when this theoretical physics stuff becomes useful B)

Never mind. Although, no-one thought Quantum Mechanics was going to be useful (it was investigated as an academic curiosity) but it's fundamental to making transistors, and hence phones, computers, just about everything.

That said, I don't have quite such high aspirations for my work... yet. :ph34r:
Congrats. It took me about the same length of time from start through final thesis defence. Beware though - the day I got my PhD is also the day I conceived our first child. ;)
Anyway QB congratulations. Hope you are raising a all grain made beer.

Anyway QB congratulations. Hope you are raising a all grain made beer.
Cheers! Actually, since I'm meeting up with folks in the city it's commercial1 beer for me, but rest assured - there'll be plenty of AG beer [1] consumed in the next couple months2.

1Whichever beers I can find that don't have the words 'new' 'blonde' or 'dry' in the name.
2Well, continually from now on.

[1] ' The Lab ' Craft Brewing.

... I gotta get some sleep too sometime. I swear my dream have footnotes.
congratulations QB!

but if you've just handed in, why do you have to wait till 4.30 for beers?!?
Are you now going to be one of these pretentious wotsits that insists on being referred to as Doctor, and angirly corrects anyone who inadvertantly calls you Mister?

:lol: ;)
Never mind. Although, no-one thought Quantum Mechanics was going to be useful (it was investigated as an academic curiosity) but it's fundamental to making transistors, and hence phones, computers, just about everything.
I cant see beer on that list, but congratulations anyway
Congratulations 72 ^10000.

Astronomy, including astrophotography, physics and astrophysics is bit of a turn on for me. Wierd I know but I still have time for beer, fishing, boating and other normal stuff so I don't feel complete geek :lol:

I'd love a copy of your paper. PM me if I can have it. :beerbang:
Are you now going to be one of these pretentious wotsits that insists on being referred to as Doctor, and angirly corrects anyone who inadvertantly calls you Mister?

:lol: ;)

Congrats Dr QB. :icon_cheers:
Just started my Masters thesis (sort of) which is only minor and will only take till June 2010 so congratulations on a bigger job than I will have to do.
Well done QB, whilst I have never done any sort of phd or anything I do understand how difficult it can be at times, when I first met SWMBO she had just started her degree in phsycology, so I saw first hand how stressfull & time consuming it can be. Kudos to you mate, hope whatever you plan to do with it works out well for you.