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so hows the hangover this morning QB?
Are you now going to be one of these pretentious wotsits that insists on being referred to as Doctor, and angirly corrects anyone who inadvertantly calls you Mister?

:lol: ;)
Only for a couple of months after graduation. Then I'll let it slide ;)

Certainly not pretentiously... and absolutely not angirly.

I'm told the last thing I want to do is to book a flight with "Dr" in front of my name - should a mid-air emergency occur, they know who those people are, and damned if my degree's gonna help anyone with a heart-attack. Then again, I'm already cautious with flights - when I went to the USA on a business visa for research, I had to make sure not to use the word 'nuclear' during the customs screening interview when describing what I do... as a nuclear physicist. It's a broad enough term that just about anyone working on particles can use.

I'd love a copy of your paper. PM me if I can have it.
PM on its way.

so hows the hangover this morning QB?
<slurps large coffee>

Non-existent. Actually, I'm feeling quite refreshed and stress free for once. I decided to shout drinks for work mates and a few close friends last night, and since I can't bring myself to shout bad beer, we forced the pub to restock their JS Amber Ale part way through the night, after clearing three fridges of the stuff.

Cheers to all for all the kind words. :icon_cheers:
Congrats QB.

I deliberately kept the title of my thesis to words contained in the Oxford Dictionary (t'was in analytical organic chemistry too). Was funny listening to the MC stumble over a few of my collegues titles though!
Congratulations, it's a long slog, I was amazing relieved when I handed in a few years ago. I'm glad I did mine now, but I would never ever do anything like it again.
So when the Large Hadron Collider gets going again and they create a micro black hole that rapidly sucks the Earth into itself how long would we have to get a last beer in?

Congrats, I know how bloody hard even a Masters can be. :icon_cheers:
So when the Large Hadron Collider gets going again and they create a micro black hole that rapidly sucks the Earth into itself how long would we have to get a last beer in?
"Black holes do not work that way. Goodnight."

Black holes don't 'suck' matter any more than the Earth sucks matter. It's just a matter of scale for escape velocity. If the sun was instantly changed into a black hole (of one solar mass) do you know what would happen to the Earth? ... it would get dark. That's it. Angular momentum would keep us in our orbit just fine.

Cosmic ray interactions in the upper atmosphere have energies orders of magnitude larger than those that the LHC will use. Any black holes produced (yes, it is theoretically possible) will evaporate via Hawking radiation in a fraction of a second.

Particle Physics gives me a Hadron!
In terms of travel or interior vs exterior dimensions???
I'd be interested in that answer too........

Im considering going down the path of the PhD myself, i posted off my application a couple of weeks ago and am waiting to hear back if i got a scholarship.

If anyone's interested (I know, they're not) my field is theoretical particle physics mixed with some nuclear physics and astrophysics, and the title is 'Applications of the Octet Baryon Quark-Meson Coupling Model to Hybrid Stars' - a thoroughly nerdy title but not so bad that the guy at graduations that has to announce them all will stumble (I'm looking at you, chemists!).

And I see what you wrote there about us chemists, some of the names of compunds we synthesise are very hard to pronounce, thats why most of us use common names rather than IUPAC names :)

try saying 4-methyl-1-(1-methylethyl)bicyclo[3.1.0]hexan-3-one drunk. Thujone is much easier :)

Im considering going down the path of the PhD myself, i posted off my application a couple of weeks ago and am waiting to hear back if i got a scholarship.
Cheers, and good luck with it.

And I see what you wrote there about us chemists, some of the names of compunds we synthesise are very hard to pronounce, thats why most of us use common names rather than IUPAC names :)

try saying 4-methyl-1-(1-methylethyl)bicyclo[3.1.0]hexan-3-one drunk. Thujone is much easier :)
How about the IUPAC name for C4H5As ? 'Arsole'. Yes, it's an aromatic compound.

Also popular are the oxide anion of uranium: 'Uranate', the hydrated form of titanium dioxide: 'Titanic Acid', and 3-oxoolean-18-en-28-oic acid, a.k.a. 'Moronic Acid'.

Then there's (Mg,Fe)7Si8O22(OH)2 = Cummingtonite, Al2Si2O5(OH)4 = Dickite, and my favourite... 1-deoxy-D-galactitol = Fucitol.

Heh, you crazy chemists.

Probably as good a time as any to update that I just got my thesis review back from the examiners. Very minor changes to make, rated as 'Excellent'. I'm stoked. :beer:
Probably as good a time as any to update that I just got my thesis review back from the examiners. Very minor changes to make, rated as 'Excellent'. I'm stoked. :beer:

Nice work, Doctor!
theres heaps of them :)

like megaphone C22 H30 O6 is a ketone from some plant called megaphylla or something like that
curious chloride, thanks to Marie Curie
erotic acid, also know as vitamin B13
churchane is an alkane that looks like a church

i love chemistry :)
and P.S. congratulations on the review from the examiners

you must be pretty smart, i took two years worth of quantum phenomena and i still dont know what any of it means haha
I'm told the last thing I want to do is to book a flight with "Dr" in front of my name - should a mid-air emergency occur, they know who those people are, and damned if my degree's gonna help anyone with a heart-attack.

I wouldn't worry, putting Dr on tickets etc has failed to yield me any perks since I finished my PhD (now over 6 years ago).

I was a crazy organic chemist, but I'm out of the lab and into commercialisation now. The nanoputians are my favourite molecules, much cooler than arsole. One of my former colleagues attached fullerenes to the end of single wall nanotubes to make molecular cock and balls.
I was a crazy organic chemist, but I'm out of the lab and into commercialisation now. The nanoputians are my favourite molecules, much cooler than arsole. One of my former colleagues attached fullerenes to the end of single wall nanotubes to make molecular cock and balls.
And I thought my field had some interesting pictures...


I got to meet John at the last big national conference. Funny guy.
Well done QB, whilst I have never done any sort of phd or anything I do understand how difficult it can be at times, when I first met SWMBO she had just started her degree in phsycology, so I saw first hand how stressfull & time consuming it can be. Kudos to you mate, hope whatever you plan to do with it works out well for you.
Well done QB....Awsome achievment...even if i don't understand your thesis topic !
Best i could do at Uni was gettting kicked out of B.Business ( Accounting )
I'm a Chippy now...lol
Homebrewer79...my wifes a Phsycologist...and we live west side....
You must come to a Westagte Homebrewers Meeting...we'll compare notes on how you can't argue with a Psycologist !