that sounds like a really interesting experiment, look forward to reading more about it.
my understanding is that the hop cones have two components that are used.
The resin is the stuff that is converted by boiling to bitter the beer. The higher AA% a hop has, it means there is more resins per gr hops and therefore more bittering to extract.
The other component of the hop, the essential oils are the ones that add the flavor/aroma. The essential oils can appearantly be divided into the "citrusy" and the "floraly" components, but I believe these divisions are very rough as the essential oils consists of hundreds of different components.
Reading in "The Art and Science of Brewing", it says that the essential oils evaporate from the lenght of time we boil the beer.
That is why the only component left in the beer from the 60 min boil is the resin, transformed into "bittering".
My understanding is that there is no direct link between high resin content (high AA %) and high essential oils % in the hops.
Pride of Ringwood is a popular hop because it has high AA%, meaning it has a lot of resin per gram hops so good for bittering and therefor early in the boil.
Saaz is a hop low in AA% so it has little resin per gram of hops, but has a lot of essential oils so it has good aroma/flavor properties. This is why it is a "noble hop" I believe, due to the high % of essential oils.
Here is page 56 of the Art and Science :
View attachment 36650
If BribieG perfects a way to use both essential oils and resin from the same hops, that would be an awesome step forward!
Interested to hear more about how that will work out, will check the other thread now.
I would then claim the right hop for dry hopping (or late hopping) are hops with high essential oils, so called "aroma hops".
These will be able to loose some essential oils in the wort, while the AA% (resin, bittering) has no effect as you are not boiling the wort.
Hi Screwy,
What hop form do you use in the keg when dry hopping? Pellets, plugs, flowers?
Also what do you put them in, or do you just throw them in.
Dry hopping is something Ive always planned to do but just never got around to doing.
After 70 odd AGs its a bit embarrassing.
I've gone the opposite direction.
To my palate, and to those who taste my beer, the aroma i get from a flameout addition is more than adequate. Its been a long time since i dry hopped anything.
Insert Screwy's disclaimer here
I've never really appreciated the use of hop pellets in dry hopping as they are always difficuilt to filter out. As a result you end up with excess trub in the bottles or/and I'm guessing as you are suffering from, excess head. I always find that whole hop flowers are much better to use, as they filter out much easier.
But there are so many other factors so I can't be sure :huh: :huh:
Scott, you can use any of those three but they have to be contained in something or they will clog the dip tube. You can get one of those stainless hop balls and chuck it in (but they eventually rust and break). I get some of my wifes stockings cut a bit off the bottom, put the hops in and tie it off and chuck that in. You really should try it, very simple and huge flavour.
Scott, you can use any of those three but they have to be contained in something or they will clog the dip tube. You can get one of those stainless hop balls and chuck it in (but they eventually rust and break). I get some of my wifes stockings cut a bit off the bottom, put the hops in and tie it off and chuck that in. You really should try it, very simple and huge flavour.
Have never used flowers in the keg, used all three in the fermenting vessel. In the FV after fermentation has ceased I allow a further week for the yeast to clean up. Hops are added after fermentation has ceased, just tossed in. In the keg..............posted heaps of times re my method, here goes again - I use a 300mm square of swisse voile (in boiling water for a few min first) put the hops in it and tie up with a plastic coated twistie tie, toss it in the keg, when the desired effect is reached (abt 5 days) I fish it out with a length of ss wire.
Disclaimer: These findings are the result of the brewers own tests using his brewing process and equipment, others should conduct their own tests and not assume that these results will be reproduced exactly using their process and equipment.
Totally agree have noticed the same thing with my beers too by doing thisI've gone the opposite direction.
To my palate, and to those who taste my beer, the aroma i get from a flameout addition is more than adequate. Its been a long time since i dry hopped anything.
Insert Screwy's disclaimer here
I used saaz hops when experimenting, and since then I have used Mt hood hops and Stryian Goldings.State of Mind, to go back to your original post, what hops did you use in your test?
Have given up late hopping (10 - 0 min) altogether. Not from reading, from my own results. Find better results using less hops with dry hopping after fermentation has finished in the fermenter and in the keg.
Disclaimer: These findings are the result of the brewers own tests using his brewing process and equipment, others should conduct their own tests and not assume that these results will be reproduced exactly using their process and equipment.
That interesting .'pressings' as the bittering hopsBribie G said:The other great UK book "Brew your own British Real Ales" by Graham Wheeler suggests adding late hops for the last 10 minutes of the boil - he claims that this is what the traditional breweries British breweries all seem to do - and then some, but not all, his recipes have some dry hopping. I think it depends on the hops, you wouldn't want to late hop with big quantities of, say, Challenger or Target as they are modern high alpha hops, but Goldings and particularly Styrian Goldings lend themselves to late hopping - as with Timothy Taylor's Landlord which is sent through a hop back of Styrians I believe.
I see the OP is in the UK - here in Australia a few of us have been experimenting with making a strong hop tea in a coffee press/plunger (French Press or whatever the term would be in the UK). I currently have a couple of American Amber ales which have had two additions of a hop such as Amarillo - 30g french pressed and added after 4 days, and another 30g french pressed and added into secondary / cold crash. Both turned out nicely subtle and not too over the top in hop flavour and aroma.
Another recent experiment, which I'll be bottling next week, is a simple Pilsener type lager with just one hop - in this case New Zealand Aroma Hallertau flowers. I made 500ml of hop tea out of 45g of these hops, put the hop tea aside, used the 'pressings' as the bittering hops - and yes I got nice bitterness - then I tipped the hop tea into the fermenter at the same time as pitching the yeast. The idea is to see if I can get the best of both worlds out of just one hop. Will report next week on the original thread I raised for this experiment.
I found that when i did this, without having used a hop sock to contain/remove hop sludge after the boil, it came out veerrrrry bitter! even though i chilled it....Dave70 said:I've got a new spin on this which involves inadvertently dumping all the kettle trub into the fermenter. I'll report back with the results this weekend after shes had a week of cold crashing.
I find it unusual that you found an underwhelming result dry hopping @2g/lt. I find 1g/lt more than adequate but each to their own & everyone's got their own personal preferences. I'm pretty happy with 0min additions & rarely dry hop anything anymore unless a recipe specifically asks for it. What I am doing a lot of lately is adding my flavour & aroma addition after the boil. I manually whirlpool for 5mins or so until the temp is @90deg & than chuck in the late additions. I leave it be with the lid on for 10mins & then chill immediately. It adds a complex flavour & aroma addition without the bitterness.Ciderman said:I've read this thread and I'm not sure I've got the answer I was looking for. I will just preface this with saying I'm talking about APA/IPA style. I'm relatively new to brewing, but in terms of aromatics and overall hop profile in a beer, I get much more from say adding 30g of Amarillo at flameout than dry hopping with 30g. I had always thought it was the other way around? I recently dry hopped with 40g of Amarillo to a 20 litre batch and it was underwhelming compared to that of late additions. Is this the case for fellow Brewers or do I just need to dry hop with more hops?
I'm interested to hear how you got on with this experiment Dave70.Dave70 said:I've got a new spin on this which involves inadvertently dumping all the kettle trub into the fermenter. I'll report back with the results this weekend after shes had a week of cold crashing.