Drinks In Perth Soon

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mika_lika said:
name the time

I will be there at 4.30. Others might be earlier...
No hope of making it that early, might be there by bit after 6ish
I'll see what I can do

As for brewday's keep a space open in august september for one at my place, I will get the crap in the shed cleaned up by then!
Can't do either of those dates, but hopefully can make your brew day Sinkas.


ausdb said:
I'll see what I can do

As for brewday's keep a space open in august september for one at my place, I will get the crap in the shed cleaned up by then!

August/September ?? :huh:
Someones got to get it together before then.
I'd have a brew day here, but K&K ain't that enthralling <_<
ausdb said:
I'll see what I can do

As for brewday's keep a space open in august september for one at my place, I will get the crap in the shed cleaned up by then!

AusDB it sounds like you might be putting your hand up for the official Octoberfest gathering!
Case: my first AG was the brewday I had here 12 months ago. Having many brains around to pick works wonders.

Speaking of that, I'll have to bring along a bottle of the ruby ale at the next gathering for 12 month tasting
Can't make either unfortunately. Keen on getting to a brew day! Should be moving closer to civilisation again in the next month so that will hopefully improve my tardy appearance rate for the past 12mnths :huh:
Tony M said:
AusDB it sounds like you might be putting your hand up for the official Octoberfest gathering!

Thinking more an LCPA clone tasteoff brewday for aussiehomebrewers and west coast brewers members. Some time soon I will grow up the vial of WLP001 yeast that Chris White gave me when he was here and everyone can do their best and worst to brew a Little Creatures clone or a Rogers clone, if everyone chips in a few bucks I will even get one of those little keggy things of LCPA to have as a yardstick.

Does this sound like a plan or what!
Just home from watching the Blues get beaten by Freo - it's safe to say Freo look like having 12th place in it's sights....... :ph34r: .......nothing like paying $4.80 for a placcy cup of low alcohol tepid dish water ...

A thirst is rising for the 13th - my boss is away on honeymoon and I'm thinking I can slope off work early being POETGF*, sneak a couple of quick ones in,head home to the in-laws for the feast to celebrate the return of the prodigal son.

I'm also well keen for Cases maiden AG extravaganza - It will be a great help to fast track the climb of the AG learning curve (Especially for a bumbling Partial masher like me) :D . The LCPA taste off sounds like a cracker also but I will have to revise the CRAPA(Cristmas APA) recipe as the sulfurous taste of CRAPA#1 has only just left my mouth.

I will host a brewday/snagger crank off once I have polished my brewing technique to a level that the possiblity of injury/litigation is minimal(currently ~50%). I'll do my darndest to crank some links for Darryns shin dig(Perhaps something herby/earthy like a Cumberland Snagger? Or in the theme - something Seppo like umm, ummm....hot dogs - 100% L.T&A :D )

* POETGF = P*** Off Early Tomorrows Good Friday

chillamacgilla73 said:
I'll do my darndest to crank some links for Darryns shin dig(Perhaps something herby/earthy like a Cumberland Snagger? Or in the theme - something Seppo like umm, ummm....hot dogs - 100% L.T&A :D )

Yummm LT&A the best kind of hot dogs, I wonder where the red colour comes from the L's T's or the A's???? :ph34r:

On a serious note Chilla that sounds great, some sort of hot dogs or bratwurst as its going to be a hoppy day and cumberland's would probably be wasted.
These self portraits do little to promote the more benign effects of alchohol consumption
Vlad, your mate has a neck like Mr Squiggle, but got his bottom lip caught over his pencil. Poor *******.

Well it sounds like GL and I will be ready for all comers at 4.30 this Thursday. But are we meeting at the Belgian Beer Cafe or the Adelphi?

(Al, is there anything besides Erdinger to recommend the Adelphi - other interesting beers on tap, a happy hour starting at 4.30, particularly friendly staff...?)

I only went to the Adelphi twice and that was in the early sixties. The first time a bloke? tried to get me to his home to see his etchings and the second just wanted a quick tour of the dunnies that were at the bottom of the hill. So keep your back to the wall folks!
On a sour note at the Belgian last friday, the assholes are now seving the overpriced beers in generic glasses, if a glass greaks they dont replace it, so , no Triple Karmeliet glasses left etc etc, its bullshit, for those prices you deserve the right glass.
sinkas said:
On a sour note at the Belgian last friday, the assholes are now seving the overpriced beers in generic glasses, if a glass greaks they dont replace it, so , no Triple Karmeliet glasses left etc etc, its bullshit, for those prices you deserve the right glass.

that's bollocks! being served up nice beers in standard pubware. what next?

oh well, at least i have my own nice beer glasses to enjoy my home made belgians out of for a fraction of the price :chug:
sinkas said:
On a sour note at the Belgian last friday, the assholes are now seving the overpriced beers in generic glasses, if a glass greaks they dont replace it, so , no Triple Karmeliet glasses left etc etc, its bullshit, for those prices you deserve the right glass.

Its a pity they are not really in Belgium as isn't the deal there if your beer is not served in the correct glass then you don't have to pay?

I wonder if Barfridge will be up to downing another stein of Kriek, it would be worth all chipping in just to watch him go green again!!! :lol: :lol: