Dogfish Head Raison D' Etre

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So much lol but if I had to choose just one lol it would be "LMFCS".
I'm interested in this recipe. I have the Extreme Brewing book and haven't brewed a single recipe from it! 13gm aroma hop in a high gravity belgian style beer with no flavour addition? Seems a bit strange...

Good luck, be sure to report back
I wonder what it would be like with the raisins soaked in some rum? Looks like a nice recipe. What colour Candi Sugar?
Good luck

Sorry mate missed your post in amongst Malteds ramblings helpful posts.

Soaking the raisins in rum sounds like a good idea. Might give that a go but just use a small amount so it doesnt add to much to the flavour. just a dash in the blender when pureeing them.

I wasnt sure what candi sugar to use. Ive seen two recipes one uses clear and the other uses dark so will probably just go with the amber.
Now it is about 40 dirhams a pint.
Good to see Abras are still 1 dirham to cross the creek. :icon_offtopic:
Oh I don't know, good beer seemed reasonably priced to me (10 dingbats per bottle or about $2.80 AUD at today's rate):

They had a bloody good variety too:
The King Goblin failed to meet my expectations. My pick would be the Goliath and the Hob Goblin.

These were all very nice.

However these beers were purchased from the Barracuda Beach Resort bottleshop located in
Umm Al Quwain which is two emirates away from Dubai. It is only 58kms drive there though. Let's just say that the restrictions there are few. However should you be caught with an excess above the limits allowed in Sharjah on your way back through to Dubai, you could be in strife. Just in case, everything that leaves the shop is discretely packaged:

Funny thing is that on the other side of the carapark there was a hole in the wall of another building that many Muslims were receiving large blue bags from...

On our drive back to Dubai we met some interesting locals who were keen to stop for a talk:
Curious_camel.jpg Katrina__s_view_of_the_camel.jpg

This got me thinking about other beverages available. I liked this one:

But I certainly wasn't game to try this one. What if it tasted like sweaty Japanese bollocks? I wasn't about to find out what they may or may not taste like:

Oh yeah now back to where my original thought train for this post originated from. It wasn't that long ago that the Abras used to be 50 fils to cross the creek. They are certainly the best value entertainment for one dingbat. I'd probably be happy riding the Abras back and forth all day long.

It certainly is magic how many of them go back and forth without any significant crashes or anyone getting hurt. Maybe the magic term Abra-cadabra stems from this? Perhaps instead of looking for magic flying carpets and bottles of magic in the Deira Grand Souq, I had been conveyed across the creek by magic? What then is the link between Abras and magic flying carpets? Perhaps it is because the carpets are transported about the Gulf by boat. See the red arrow pointing to the carpets on the dock?

Maybe the sea transport and the carpet's proximity to the Abras imbues them with the abracadabra? I reckon they have the carpets all rolled & tied up and in piles to stop them flying away. However if this was the case then surely there would be plenty of magic refrigerators as these were in great abundance on the docks too. I reckon it is almost like magic how I can get better than bought beer, off the tap, in my own home from my kegerator. I really ought to brew a Hob Goblin type of beer one of these days, there is plenty of discussion floating around about the recipe.

The astute amongst you may have noticed the Jack Russell in the picture above. Huh? Anyone? It could be hard to miss, i'd forgive you if you didn't see it. Go back and look at the picture now that you know it's there. Yeah yeah now you see it huh! It was hiding in plain view the whole time! Magic huh!

Some people are cat people, some are dog people and some don't like pets. My missus and me, we are dog people, therefore we like dogs. My missus is not a dog. We are not keen on cat people or people that don't like pets but we do like dog people, and dogs of course. I might not swerve my car to miss a cat if it was on the road - it's just a safety issue but having said that it is not cool to hurt animals unnecessarily, but I do pound my missus' pussy from time to time. We like Jack Russell's. We don't have a dog. I enjoyed petting a mates fluffy little boot rooter hounds last night so I was thinking about dogs today. Dogs bring such joy, except for when they eat their own **** and then try to lick you. I didn't observe the boot rooter's eat any **** last night but they were unsupervised outside for a while and I didn't get to see what they got up to; the male one did lick my hand though. My hand didn't smell like poo afterwards. Dogs usually have bad breath so I didn't think it was viable to try and smell if it's breath was poo scented. With my face in such proximity to it's licking appararatus the likelihood of getting ones face licked by the boot rooter would have been high and I didn't know whether it had been eating poo recently. Here's a link to a thread in this forum in which people talk about dog's propensity for eating poo:
Dogs Are Disgusting LINKY. Yeah they might be digusting but we love them for it! I thought the picture of the magic flying carpet transporter had a lot of blue space that was pretty much a void, so I inserted a picture of a lovely Jack Russell in it. My missus' sister has a Jack Russell, she called it Jack; that's pretty silly don't you think? If I had a Jack Russell, I'd call it Russell.