Does Your Home Brew Have An Effect On You?

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Perform a cognative function test. Run a set of pre determined mental and physical exersises with an inpartial and sober monitor taking measurements. Some will be measurable by either time, accuracy or other factor, some will have to be observational. Almost anything will do, but choose things that will log your deterioration over time. For example, Write a paragraph from memory on graph paper, recite some verse, do some mathematics, touch your nose while standing on one foot, draw a simple pre determined picture. The more tests the better the results to a point, but too many will take too long to perform. You can design the tests as you see fit, but appriciate that they need to reveal your intoxication, so something very easy sober maybe dfficult pissed. All factors about yourself that you can control should be the same as best you can. Empty stomach for n hours, similar ammounts of sleep and physical activity for the day etc. On the first day you need to base line yourself While sober. Run through all the tests, record the results then start drinking your commercial beer. You will perform the suite of tests at pre determined intervalls over the drinking session. Drinks should be measured and timed. On the night of the next test, drink home brew. Repeat the same measured drinking regieme. This will allow you to chart the difference. The most important thing is to keep every factor as close to the same as you can. Time of day, drinking environment, test timing, everything. You dont need mates over, you dont need music. Just drink the beer and measure. This way you can tell if the feelings you experience when drinking home brew are real or just a state of mind. If you find its your state of mind then all the better and rejoice in your home brew magic.
Perform a cognative function test. Run a set of pre determined mental and physical exersises with an inpartial and sober monitor taking measurements. Some will be measurable by either time, accuracy or other factor, some will have to be observational. Almost anything will do, but choose things that will log your deterioration over time. For example, Write a paragraph from memory on graph paper, recite some verse, do some mathematics, touch your nose while standing on one foot, draw a simple pre determined picture. The more tests the better the results to a point, but too many will take too long to perform. You can design the tests as you see fit, but appriciate that they need to reveal your intoxication, so something very easy sober maybe dfficult pissed. All factors about yourself that you can control should be the same as best you can. Empty stomach for n hours, similar ammounts of sleep and physical activity for the day etc. On the first day you need to base line yourself While sober. Run through all the tests, record the results then start drinking your commercial beer. You will perform the suite of tests at pre determined intervalls over the drinking session. Drinks should be measured and timed. On the night of the next test, drink home brew. Repeat the same measured drinking regieme. This will allow you to chart the difference. The most important thing is to keep every factor as close to the same as you can. Time of day, drinking environment, test timing, everything. You dont need mates over, you dont need music. Just drink the beer and measure. This way you can tell if the feelings you experience when drinking home brew are real or just a state of mind. If you find its your state of mind then all the better and rejoice in your home brew magic.

Or just drink beer. :icon_drunk:
maybe it is in the mind maybe we think its cheaper and drink more (this happens some times and is something I am trying to get ontop of) its so easy to go yeah its cheap have a few more. Also another thing I thought of today is the carbonation level. As sparkling wine hits your faster then normal flat wine. So as home brewers we carb our beers how we like (usually under the carb level of commercial beers).

So could this contribute? I think so I have drunk my beers when they are no where near carbed up and find that have a little less effect but after so long they hit you. I guess the bubbles make it absorb faster?

I am not sure if this is true or not just going of experience
To me its the same.

My brother in law, said that he loved coming to my place because he could drink all day and not feel pissed!

Well, he started at 11am. And at 7pm, I located and photographed his face a good 3 feet from his head. At least I thought that was where his face was? Guess who got the blame?

That aside he still reckons he gets less "drunk" off my HB.

Maybe it is more pleasant on the HB, so you don'y notce it as much?

As others have mentioned, ethanol is ethanol regardless of HB or commercial and as someone said, most commercial offerings are pasteurised now and they don't contain the preservatives that they used to.

Unless they aren't putting it on the label...

Some of the fusel alchohols (if present) might contribute but generally speaking if you've got all the standard symptoms of a hangover, it's because your kidneys were working over time and you're dehydrated.

Go get yourself a bottle of water / (insert sports drink here) and get your fluids up. That's about all you can do.

The farting on the other hand... That's a different story, I've got more wind than your standard politician now. I'm assuming only filtering -> kegging would fix that?
A mate and I had a session yesterday and we polished off half a carton of my Euro Spec Lager and we felt freaking awesome but far from pissed (we have had extensive research with Heineken, Becks ect and half a carton and we have trouble walking straight)

**** talking on the other hand is about the same though :lol:

No headache this morning either, a bit fuzzy at work but no smack in the face feeling
To the OP - you're definitely measuring your gravity right? I.e. calibrated hydrometer, measuring temp of wort being tested, etc?

Yep certainly am. Not that it is relevant though as regardless of the hydrometer reading I would be producing alcohol from the wort anyway.
As others have mentioned, ethanol is ethanol regardless of HB or commercial and as someone said, most commercial offerings are pasteurised now and they don't contain the preservatives that they used to.

Unless they aren't putting it on the label...

Some of the fusel alchohols (if present) might contribute but generally speaking if you've got all the standard symptoms of a hangover, it's because your kidneys were working over time and you're dehydrated.

Go get yourself a bottle of water / (insert sports drink here) and get your fluids up. That's about all you can do.

The farting on the other hand... That's a different story, I've got more wind than your standard politician now. I'm assuming only filtering -> kegging would fix that?

I think your surroundings play a big part in this on many levels, If I am at the pub I generally don't eat as much, certainly don't drink any water and generally drink a lot faster as it just feels like the right thing to do. Where as if you are at home have a few homebrews you generally eat something have reasonable hydration during the day and over all just feel more relaxed if you are either at home or a mate's place rather than the pub......
I think your surroundings play a big part in this on many levels, If I am at the pub I generally don't eat as much, certainly don't drink any water and generally drink a lot faster as it just feels like the right thing to do. Where as if you are at home have a few homebrews you generally eat something have reasonable hydration during the day and over all just feel more relaxed if you are either at home or a mate's place rather than the pub......

Yes I agree to an extent. However, as I mentioned, this happens all at home. Yes, I am familiar with my home environment of course, but this all happens at home. i.e. not in different environments. I have Commercial stuff at home and can be intoxicated, I have HB at home and feel virtually nothing.
Maybe your liver can tell the difference between HB and commercial and is punishing you for backsliding :lol:
Yes I agree to an extent. However, as I mentioned, this happens all at home. Yes, I am familiar with my home environment of course, but this all happens at home. i.e. not in different environments. I have Commercial stuff at home and can be intoxicated, I have HB at home and feel virtually nothing.

Well I am guessing it is either 2 things then.

1.It's in your head or
2.Your hydrometer/refractometer is inaccurate :lol:
I rekon i must just about polar opposite, my HB is knocking me about something fierce... Others as well, in fact ive started to knock the grain back a bit to try and get some quaffing type beers that are good for a session, by current breed just sits you on your ass..

Mmmm hoppy goodness
i try to brew at the 7-9% mark and find that
(a)if i smash back a couple pretty quick after work,cause i'm thirsty will get happy after a few more
(b)if i drink responsible will still get happy after dinner
©do both a & b have some serious bowel movements in the night and morning which do not smell like flowers and the missus cracks it's again
(d)drink megaswill get a massive hangover,feel like ****,have no money left,talk **** to the taxi driver,but at least the bedroom and toilet are live-able
(e)above all i love my beer and want more taps and if everyone brewed their own the world would be a better place :chug:
Well, I've put on 15 odd kg since starting HB christmas last year!

O and yes definately has an effect.
I try to stay about 4.5-4.7% however I have been trying to emulate one of my favourite beers "Poachers Choice" with plums, chocolate and a hint of licorice. The fermentable sugars calculated out to around 9% but of course there were some fruit sugars unmeasurable. It's a potent brew - nothing like the original (yet) but very pleasant all the same.

One rainy day the missus went shopping and my neighbour came to help me in my shed (to drink beer). Thought we should try the Poachers clone - one bottle led to another and we were thinking about trying to get a third bottle opened when missus came home in the arvo. By that time we were both talking a different language. I don't remember much after that.
drunk on homebrew,never,i only brew for the save money..coz its cheaper.

well if ya want ya can pissed and still have $80.00 dollars in your wallet in the morning (plus the missus knows where i am)
does it effect me...yep.....cheers...spog.....

piss take over,no offence intended......and the real effect is getting a kick out of making REAL BEER...cheers again....spog......

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