Does Drinking Beer Affect Your Ability To Sleep Well

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Pumpy's Brewery.
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I have run out of beer for a week or so , bad planning or bigger thirst .

I noticed I have been sleeping better ,

Has anyone else noticed that drinking beer may give you a poor night sleep ?

Pumpy :unsure:
I have run out of beer for a week or so , bad planning or bigger thirst .

I noticed I have been sleeping better ,

Has anyone else noticed that drinking beer may give you a poor night sleep ?
Pumpy :unsure:

Oh yeah Pumpy. Sleeping like the dead!

The alcohol has a more fitful sleep with less REM. I guess you are probably having more dreams? I had a dream about bottling Coopers Sparkling sunday nite!


Could be right Pumpy. When I have a few too many I always wake up around 3am and find it difficult to get back to sleep. Usually nod off around an hour before the alarm. <_<

I'd always put it down to dehydration? :unsure:

Out of beer Pumpy :eek: Playing with those Cellis too much. :D

Warren -
I noticed I have been sleeping better
Hi Pumpy,

that is a well known occurence.
We call it an "alcohol related early wake up".

You may have no problems to fall asleep, but you wake up very early, sometimes middle in the night, cant sleep anymore, youre restless (harder cases).

Its because alcohol affects the nervous system, first calm it down, then when the alcohol is metabolized it comes to a rebound effect, that means, the nervous system becomes aggravated.

[joke on]thats the moment when you have to drink the next one[/joke off]

Cheers :beer:
drinking commercial beer seems to stuff my sleep. It seems to be one of a few factors that ellavate the instances of night terrors.
over xmas i drank more commercial beer than normal and almost every night i was waking/woken up doing something strange.
And it makes you snore more (according to my missus anyway) ;)
definately makes me a little restless.
i take valerian every now and then to help and it really works for me.

and YES, the beers also help elevate the snoring...!
Yes 3am or the middle of the night I wake up .

Gee you Guys are great for councelling .

I thought it may be just me .

Pumpy :)
Also the alcohol cancause the muscles in the throat to totally relax, cutting off or restricting the airway. This causes the brain to release chemicals in the body to wake you up partially to get the mucles to tighten up again so you start to breath properly. If severe enough it will wake you up completely

AKA....sleep aponea
Wow! I thought I was just wierd but ever since I started brewing, the 3am wakeups and the snoring have started.

SWMBO is on a quest to find the cause. I have recently been bought an 'anti-snoring pillow'

hope she never reads this thread :ph34r:

lets just keep this thread to ourselves shall we?!! :rolleyes:
Some of you people must be drinking more than me (not that there's any thing wrong with that) I have a few beers most nights and I sleep like a baby. (wake up every 2 hours looking for a nipple) :D
i take valerian every now and then to help and it really works for me.

Yep Valerian is very good... They sure stink like crap though. Gotta hold the nose before ingesting. :blink:

Warren -
I'm with Pumpy....a 3am wake up....

why does this happen????

Also the alcohol cancause the muscles in the throat to totally relax, cutting off or restricting the airway. This causes the brain to release chemicals in the body to wake you up partially to get the mucles to tighten up again so you start to breath properly. If severe enough it will wake you up completely

AKA....sleep aponea

That's exactly why rook!

I get that after a BIG night of drinking. I usually wake up too early (8am) after passing out around 3, taste the horrid garlic sauce on the yiros I had without brushing my teeth (mixed with the bad breath and alcohol), and pass out again :)
I used to have this problem. Now i have a son. cured all my sleeping problems... fall asleep from exhaustion now.

But seriously, i've found the biggest reason i feel crap after a night on it is purely lack of sleep. Ifd i have a big night then can get say 9 hours sleep, i'm AOK. Still doesn't get rid of the garlic sauce taste from the 4am kebab though.....
Thanks Adam, must have went straight pass Linz post

better get my eyes tested.

rook :D
I'm with Pumpy....a 3am wake up....

why does this happen????


Acetaldehyde rebound effect is the culprit.

I had some real problems with this about 12 months ago. Every night I was waking around 2-3am and then nodding off a while before the alarm went off. Of course I was tired and grumpy all day as a result, which meant I was tending to have a few beers each night to relax. This was just feeding the problem. I found laying off the grog for a few days fixed it, and I could sleep like a baby.

I also found this is a cumulative problem ie. one big session doesn't really cause it, but if you have a few beers every night for a couple of weeks, then your sleep will start to suffer. A couple of alcohol free days a week should help a lot.

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