Do you smoke cigarettes?

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Do you smoke cigarettes?

  • Occasionally or socially?

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  • Only when I drink?

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes but less than a packet a week

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 2-3 packets a week?

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • At least a packet a day?

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'm a chain smoker and smoke more than a packet a day?

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Non smoker

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Well I started at around 16 smoked for 18 years and gave up using Zyban. I had quit for well over 10 years and started again a few years ago. My missus is always on my back to quit. yes she smokes too but she only smokes 3-5 a day. I smoke close to a packet a day and it certainl takes a chunk out of our living expenses every week. Certainly the biggest motivation behind quiting for me is the money I waste on bloody cigarettes. Thinking of giving a hypno a try.

My Bro in law can have a few ciggies when were out drinking or to be social and then not touch them for weeks afterwards. I envy people who can do that.
Not pushing my own agenda here...
Any of you guys looking to stop should seriously consider Hypnosis,
it works quickly and is far more successful than any other method,
ah yes it has its naysayers, mostly those who know no better.
Generally in around an hour you can stop and most therapist will give you back up support.
I'm 41 and have been smoking since I was 15. I've managed to cut down from about a pack a day to about 5 (ciggies that is, not packs ;)) over the last few years, except on the weekends, I tend to smoke more then, when I'm not occupied by work.

I plan to give up one day, but when that day will be, who knows.

Eddy, do it now mate, before they really get a hold of you.
Truman said:
Well I started at around 16 smoked for 18 years and gave up using Zyban. I had quit for well over 10 years and started again a few years ago. My missus is always on my back to quit. yes she smokes too but she only smokes 3-5 a day. I smoke close to a packet a day and it certainl takes a chunk out of our living expenses every week. Certainly the biggest motivation behind quiting for me is the money I waste on bloody cigarettes. Thinking of giving a hypno a try.

My Bro in law can have a few ciggies when were out drinking or to be social and then not touch them for weeks afterwards. I envy people who can do that.
Truman you posted while I was typing,
I also used Zyban many years ago and stopped really easily then started to get real sick from them so stoped taking them.
Turns out a lot of people almost went 'crazy' taking suprise they are a heavy anti-physcotic with the side effect of stopping the smoking signal in the brain.
Give the hyno a go mate, certainly worth an effort and the cost.
The best way to give up is the way that works for you. Everybody is different and there is no "one-size-fits-all" approach.

I happened to do it cold turkey. Psychologically it was harder than physically, reaching for the **** when having a drink or after a meal. The whole ritual of lighting up, flicking the ash, inhaling the smoke.

First thing I did was give away all my lighters, ashtrays, and the 200 duty-free **** I happened to have at the time after a trip overseas.

Less than 2 weeks later I had a trip with the boys to Amsterdam (I lived in the UK at the time) and I didn't smoke tobacco the whole weekend. :blink:
Less than 2 weeks later I had a trip with the boys to Amsterdam (I
lived in the UK at the time) and I didn't smoke tobacco the whole
Amsterdam aye...You didn't smoke tobacco, but... ;)
Liam_snorkel said:
Cock smoking?
No mate sorry Im talking about ciggies. But I can start a poll on that if you want to place a vote. :D
Best time to give up (I used this method - the price thing was really secondary) is to quit when you are sick as a dog with a heavy cold and the taste of the ciggies is revolting. Winter is on the way, lads.
Imagine how much better your beers, cheeses, smoked meats etc would taste once you quit!!
I have never smoked. I don't really care if other people want to (just like I wouldn't want someone telling me not to drink beer and coffee) but what does get on my tits is that smokers seem to think they have the right to litter the streets (to be fair some beer and coffee drinkers do the same but at a much lower rate and I never join their ranks).

If you're a smoker and have been known to flick a butt on the ground maybe you should consider doing Clean Up Australia day on the 3rd of March to make up for it?

As for anyone that does it when driving through dry bushland maybe you want to consider how many people have died from bushfires.... just a suggestion.
Had a mild habit years ago stemming from trying to looking hard at high school. Then it was just when I had a beer. Then I just stopped. Never really sunk its hooks into me. Lucky, I've got mates who've tried multiple times to kick it. Try working with a bloke in his late thirty's who's been a pack a day man since around eighteen in the midst of nicotine withdrawal. Mate or not - what a c**t!.

These days I cant even stand the smell. Both the boys who work for us are smokers. I can smell it on the paperwork they handle, I can smell it on the PC they use, and there's a waft around them constantly. It's rank.
Definately give the hypno a go if you really want to kick them, tried the tablets and they worked but I still wanted to smoke, so when I stopped the tablets I started smoking again. A mate who was an even more dedicated smoker than me stopped just like that ( 'snap' icon ) with hypno so I gave it a go. I've been off them for nearly 4 years, every now and then it seems like a good idea to spark one up but the thought of actually smoking a ciggie just turns me off. Dont mind others smoking around me, and love sniffing a freshly opened pack of port royal tobacco, but can't see myself ever being a smoker again.
A bit of semantics, but the guy said you're not an ex-smoker, cos they are always fighting the urge to smoke; you're a non-smoker and so not smoking comes naturally.
Good luck to all the quitters out there!
Black Devil Dog said:
One of the most stupid things I ever did was start smoking, one of the best was stop. That was about 15 years ago.

Never again will that **** be part of my life.
That sums me up all over - the time-frame and the sentiment :lol:

Actually, have to edit - I gave up for two years once and started again - that was easily the stupidest thing I've ever done.
The last few years I (just about) always had a smoke when I drank and was always stuck to port royals. I always hated smoking without having a drink but even after the first mouthful I really enjoyed it. Once it came down to me drinking just as an excuse to have a smoke is when I started to think twice about it.

Only had a couple since new years (and they were on very big drinking days, and even then I didn't finish them) and am much happier about it. I have 3 other mates who were in the same situation as me who still drink and smoke each day (much heavier now as well), but even just the thought of it doesn't cross my mind any more.

I hope all of you that are keen on quitting are able to get through. I know you (and your wallets) will be thanking yourself later on.
Never smoked one, never wanted to. I hate it with an absolute passion.

I don't mind others having the right to smoke - like anything, if the government allows it - then who is to ban it. I'm a bit anti-nanny state, though with smoking laws, not so much.

But, and this is a biggie - most smokers are pretty damn inconsiderate. From smoking inside cars with kiddies (I dunno why you'd smoke inside a car at all - I ain't ever buying a 2nd hand car with ciggie smell in it), to flicking ash out the window, chucking butts everywhere, smoking in undercover parking areas, playgrounds, in fact anywhere where there's another human being who isn't smoking around.

I fully support smoker's right to smoke. But I do strongly believe in my right not to and I don't like that right impinged by the inconsiderateness of others.

On another point, it is really interesting to see what ex-smokers and trying to quit smokers think. I feel really sorry for you - you got on when it was cheap n easy, and addiction is one of those things that must be hard to live with. I genuinely feel for you guys.
$19.50 per day x 7 days per week = $136.50 per week = $7098.00.00 per year. Thats a **** load of money to waste on something that will kill you.
I was seeing a chick who smoked inside at her kitchen table while her young boys aged 4 and 7 sat in the loungeroom. One of them had asthma. DISGUSTING. Even her ex husband would come over and do the same thing. I managed to convince her to smoke in the kitchen with the fan on, It was a compromise she made even though I tried to get her to smoke outside instead.

Ive never smoked in the house or in the car when kids or non smokers are in there.
simplefisherman said:
Definately give the hypno a go if you really want to kick them, tried the tablets and they worked but I still wanted to smoke, so when I stopped the tablets I started smoking again. A mate who was an even more dedicated smoker than me stopped just like that ( 'snap' icon ) with hypno so I gave it a go. I've been off them for nearly 4 years, every now and then it seems like a good idea to spark one up but the thought of actually smoking a ciggie just turns me off. Dont mind others smoking around me, and love sniffing a freshly opened pack of port royal tobacco, but can't see myself ever being a smoker again.
A bit of semantics, but the guy said you're not an ex-smoker, cos they are always fighting the urge to smoke; you're a non-smoker and so not smoking comes naturally.
Good luck to all the quitters out there!
Very true, as a are either a smoker or a non-smoker
Truman said:
$19.50 per day x 7 days per week = $136.50 per week = $7098.00.00 per year. Thats a **** load of money to waste on something that will kill you.
3 BM's with change......
luxury holiday in a tropical paradise......
a buttload of Belgiums best......
If my wife and I were to give up, we'd probably just spend it all on beer and wine. We become bloody alcoholics instead. :lol: