Digital Thermometers

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Hi Guys,

I have just started all grain brewing.

I bought a cheap digital thermometer - it works but takes a while to check the temp.

I want to get something a bit better.

What do people use or recommend - are the infrared ones any good?
You can't beat the simple glass thermometers. Reasonably cheap, and mostly accurate, plus you can buy them from the site sponsors (up top of page)

I too bought one of the cheapo digital thermo's from Jaycar, and when I tried calibrating it in and ice-bath, then boiling water, found it was out by +2 to +4 degrees respectively.

Whatever thermometer you buy, you should perform the simple calibration test regardless.

Hi Guys,

I have just started all grain brewing.

I bought a cheap digital thermometer - it works but takes a while to check the temp.

I want to get something a bit better.

What do people use or recommend - are the infrared ones any good?
Hi usastman,
Infrared thermometers are indeed useful around the home brewery, however they seem to struggle with shiny surfaces and also sensing directly off liquids, particularly the foamy surface of a mash, at least that's been my experience. I still use one though for checking the temperature of starters, fermenters, hydrometer for correction etc, I just can't recommend it for the actual mash or curved stainless (eg. the kettle). I'm fairly sure though that there would be a way to get it to work in those situations (probably sensing via something with a flat surface and a matte finish), but so far I just haven't been arsed working out how as I've got one of the old- fashioned glass stick types as well.

When you say your digital one takes a while, how long are we talking? Seconds, tens of seconds maybe? Just curious really, sounds like you're using one unit to check several different things and moving it between them all, if that's the case. What type and how much, BTW?

I am essentially using the thermometer to check mashing temp. It gets there but takes ages - 30 - 90 seconds.

Want to look at getting an infra - red or a probe type that is quick and reliable. Especially when checking half way through the mash - checking that the temp is still in the required range.

With the digital one I have - I have to take the lid off to check and as it is taking a while to display the temp - I am losing heat out of the mash

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