detergents in liquid bleach--a threat to head retention?

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The above link doesn't state that it needs rinsing. Looking into it further, it does not have to be rinsed at 300ppm, which is about the amount we mix it to as home brewers.
Actually the link does state that, I'm just not so savvy surfing with my phone. The amounts they are stating though are at a higher concentration than what we are using.
Bring a couple of cubes to phillip island and fill them up with tap water, there's enough **** in our water to sterilise your brewery and probably flea bath your pets as well.
It's like drinking out of the local pool, with less pubes.
an oft debated subject as a google on "starsan rinse" will show.

I also agree it should be minimised in finished beer but its never let me down so far and I think that rinsing a no rinse sanitiser risks undoing the work that the sanitiser has done.

so I am happy to stick with the "don't fear the foam" cliché...
I dunno what I'm doing with my Starsan but I rarely get much foam from it. I mix it at the 1.5mL per litre rate. Haven't had any problems so far although I try to tip as much as i can out of the FV and bottling buckets after I've sprayed them, before putting the wort/beer in there. Same with my yeast harvesting jars - I spray them and then let them drain out fully before filling with slurry.
I dunno what I'm doing with my Starsan but I rarely get much foam from it. I mix it at the 1.5mL per litre rate. Haven't had any problems so far although I try to tip as much as i can out of the FV and bottling buckets after I've sprayed them, before putting the wort/beer in there. Same with my yeast harvesting jars - I spray them and then let them drain out fully before filling with slurry.
Depends how much you shake it up. For kegs I put in 2-3 litres and shake, for FV I use double, and also shake. It generates a stack of foam that I know is sanitising what it contacts.... The foam will subside if you leave it for an hour or two but I've not had detectable issues when I have residual foam before racking.
Ah, that'll be what it is then. I just spray it onto most of my equipment. I get just enough in the FV to roll it around and cover all surfaces, then I let it pool in the bottom before tipping as much out as I can. Will probably adopt this process with my kegs too except for the times that I need to run some through the lines/taps etc.
Back to the Napisan, I use to use it but when changing to Sod Perc, I realised how hard it is to rinse Napisan out properly, if totally at all. Definitely surfactants in the mix and only 40% or so of what you buy it for .

I can justify a little extra cost per brew by buying something to do the job right. It pales in comparison to the cost of hops and other goodies.
I find that the ease of rinsing napisan is brand dependent. Coles 'sensitive' and the Aldi one in the white container rinse easy with hot water. Some of the cheaper perfumed ones are terrible, not to mention the smell.
Slightly off topic but pool shops also sell one of the calciums we use in brewing. A 1kg bag will last years.
Midnight Brew said:
Slightly off topic but pool shops also sell one of the calciums we use in brewing. A 1kg bag will last years.
U might want to look into the heavy metals and other contaminants, as it is not meant for human consumption

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