Delirium Tremens clone

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Going to do a delirium clone attempt next weekend. Anyone have any hot tips to make it a cracker?
omg - that's up there with forbidden fruit!

Isn't that a high alcohol beer? Yes it is: link to wikipaedia. 8.5%
Use a good healthy crop of yeast, Lots of wort aeration, and/or O2... All standard stuff I guess.

My other comment might be to keep an eye on fermentation. I failed at making a dopplebock a few months ago. The fermentation stalled at 1.040; had I bothered to go check it rather that just assuming all was well for 2 weeks, It may have an easy fix, like giving it a good stir, or adding more yeast. It may have also not been infected (probably) when I added the orange zest & cacao.
If your using grains of paradise, go very easy with them, as they're exceedingly powerful crushed.

I think we used a 1/4 teaspoon crushed (6 gal) and it was plenty for a solid background flavor.
No tips specifically on delerium but basics that have worked for me with strong belgians, including golden strong and tripel:

Quality pils malt as a base. I prefer dingemans, weyermann also does the job. If using spec malts, use a judicious hand. I like a touch of toasty like biscuit and/or aromatic but don't go crazy.

Big pitch of healthy yeast. I prefer all wort active starter. Yeast choice is obviously important. I aim for 4-6 L of active starter, aerated as well as I can.
Nice fresh hops, usually a noble and/or styrians. A touch in the flavour arena is good but don't overdo it. Also don't underdo it. Many high alc paler belgians are well bittered.

Step mash along the lines of hochkurz regime to hit attenuation but retain body. I also like the character decoction brings.
Dextrose or candy sugar added in stages as ferment slows. Not too much, too early.
Start fermentation temp low, allow to rise reasonably high (22-24) gradually and later in ferment.
Cold condition a minimum of 3 weeks when ferment is done. You want to drop all of that yeast out and get it crystal - if you like yeast, bottle and serve mit hefe rather than bottle unconditioned.
If bottling, use 330 mL.
Don't have too many in one sitting.

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