December Meet: 17/12

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Hi All,

I thought I would pull my finger out and try to organise the December meet with enough warning, as we all know it gets a little busy around Christmas.

I was wanting to do a family lunch thing as a sort of club Christmas party, maybe at a park somewhere to let the kiddies run around and the partners run away.

Let me know what you think.
Busy time of year. Hopefully can make it. Assuming Gosford is most central and accessible point on coast, that's my ten cents worth. A park or venue close to rail or bus stops ideal.
Hi All,

A central location that wont be too crowded would be best, and if anyone has any ideas, please post them up.
The only real place I can come up with is Couche Park, not quite as central as Gosford, but 100m from a station.
Couche Park looks nice, right on the water. Toilets & BBQs??
No BBQs, AFAIK, can't remember about the toilets, will have to check
I'm sure someone has a portable BBQ
Invites are out... hopfully we can get some people.
Dont forget to bring the family!

stuff we need:
portable BBQ
Likely non alcohol beverages for non beer drinkers

G'day, pretty hectic this time of year Are we looking to meet a minimum number of parties to hold a meeting? Thinking we need at least 1-2 more, otherwise may have to postpone it until January?

Any more takers???

I'm in another brewclub which created a WhatsApp group and found it to be a good way to interact and coordinate between members.

Also note the other clubs I'm in have mid week meets which may warrant discussion in the new year as well as the WhatsApp group?

As I said busy time of year, hopefully in new year we can grow our regular member base. Challenging brewing season ahead!
endisnigh - probable

@MJF were you planning on coming?
I was hoping it would be a bit bigger, given the set dates (3rd Sunday), but it is a busy time, and brewers are a lazy patient bunch :p
Was attempting to get another mate to attend as he's starting to brew again, only extract but he wants to tinker a bit. Fell through though as I'm now required in Sydney sunday. Kids and xmas stuff needs to be prioritised so can't attend meeting. Will reward myself appropriately at the end of the day with a special beer as I deserve it. I could make it late arvo possibly but middle of day is difficult to attend. Will be a nice day on the water regardless of the turn out. Enjoy and see you in the new year!

Btw,Low on beer supply at the moment. Had a recent dud which I believe I didn't rinse the cleaner properly. Now have a Vienna smash currently fermenting. EKG hops and S189 yeast at 14 degs c
Due to the underwhelming numbers, we are just holding a small get together at endisnighs place.
If anyone wants to come along, let me know and I will share the address.

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