Cub To Cut 50 Jobs In Abbotsford Plant

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I understand that he is in the core area of production so hopefully (for him at least) cuts will be at the fringes. Interesting that they cite "craft" beer as doing them damage. If this is the case then why have all their recent new products been "crisp super clean low carb blonde flavourless fucken shyte" - surely the success of their other portfolio brands such as Fat Yak must demonstrate something to them.
You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it think!


Because if you put a group of potential customers in a room and ask them what sort of beer they want to drink, 9 out of 10 of the bastards will tell you they want crisp, clean lightly flavoured beer like those Low Carb beers and Corona etc. Then if you give them a range of beers to drink - they will almost invariably pick the the same sort of beers out of a line-up and tell you they like them the best. Sure there will be one bearded, slightly weird looking guy up the end of the room who is banging his head on the table, frothing at the mouth slightly and ranting about flavour, aroma and seems to be unecessarily repeating the words malt & hops over and over.... But its just the one person out of the hundred or so in your focus study, so why would a marketing person listen to that guy?

Unfortunately for those of us who like more flavourful beers, its not the drift towards craft beer, ciders or even RTD's etc that is actually the issue for the big brewers (those were the Age's words not Fosters you'll notice) its a generally declining beer market, with the major shift being from beer towards wine - and more recently a global financial crisis, a shitty cold summer and a couple of minor instances of cyclones and flooding....

Sure, craft beer is a part of it.... But as homebrewers and craft brewers we do tend to ascribe it a lot more importance than it actually has in this sort of situation. Unfortunate but true I'm afraid.

And thanks for your concerns - but at the moment its a "hands up for volunteers" kind of redundancy, so while its a shame to see more jobs pulled from our industry and from the manufacturing sector in general, unless the situation changes no one has to go who isn't willing to go. I'm not willing to go.
They have been chopping for the last few years though, technical services took a large hit 2 years ago ... something stupid like 150 years between 4 guys vanished ...

Cant believe thirsty works for the enemy.
Cant believe thirsty works for the enemy.

Everyone needs to earn a quid. I dare say you would learn a lot working somewhere like CUB, there would be some older blokes full of knowledge.
Cant believe thirsty works for the enemy.

Haven't you looked at my avatar description? I am an evil megabrewer here only to gather enough information to ensure the eventual demise of both homebrewing and all non mega beer.

Anything i may have ever said or done that seems to help or encourage the despicable act of homebrewing is merely a ruse to gain your trust so my eventual victory is ever more assured........
Because if you put a group of potential customers in a room and ask them what sort of beer they want to drink, 9 out of 10 of the bastards will tell you they want crisp, clean lightly flavoured beer like those Low Carb beers and Corona etc. Then if you give them a range of beers to drink - they will almost invariably pick the the same sort of beers out of a line-up and tell you they like them the best. Sure there will be one bearded, slightly weird looking guy up the end of the room who is banging his head on the table, frothing at the mouth slightly and ranting about flavour, aroma and seems to be unecessarily repeating the words malt & hops over and over.... But its just the one person out of the hundred or so in your focus study, so why would a marketing person listen to that guy?

That is so true, in every social circle, work, family and friends, that is generally what they will steer towards, with the only exception being like minded brewers on this forum and in other places like Brew clubs & craft breweries.

On the bright side, there are the occasional wins where someone, tries some home brew or decent craft brewery beers with you and a year or so later blame you for ruining thier day at the football because they no longer like the beer served there. They still drink them though! And so do I.

Anyway job losses are not good for any of us.

I think of you more as a double agent, working for us though!
Bad luck about the job cuts i hope your job is safe Thirsty. I'm in the same boat every time the budget comes around, i also work for an evil empire.
Its great that this hobby brings together so many people from different backgrounds and professions.
At the risk of annoying cask wine drinkers, it's a pity they didn't bring in the equal excise for equal alcohol rates. The govt always chickens out on that one. However it would surely send a lot of drinkers back to beer. In the UK even cheapest box wines are around $30 each for 3L - according to ASDA and Waitrose sites (their equivalent of BI LO or ALDI)

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