Crimea 101

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Bribie G

Adjunct Professor
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In 1953 the Australian Government looked at the States' boundaries and decided it would be far more sensible to give the Northern Rivers portion of New South Wales to Queensland and redraw the new state boundaries to the South of Grafton. Sir Robert Menzies, the Prime Minister at the time, officiated at the ceremony. Of course there was a lot of spitting and cursing but generally this was regarded as an obvious move, given that Brisbane was the nearest capital city and major service supplier, and the Northern Rivers were quite inaccessible from Sydney due to the poor highways and electricity grids at that time.

As well as vastly improving the reliability of services to the region, it would transfer to Queensland the troubling question of the couple of million aborigines who had been forcibly exiled to Central Australia during the 1940s but who were now returning home and causing a bit of a problem. In those days what Sydney wanted, Sydney got - dump that problem in the hands of Queensland.

Over the next few decades quite a few Queenslanders moved into the Northern Rivers as part of the normal population "churn" but currently only comprise around 27% of the population, the remainder being NSW descendants who still identify as NSW people, plus a significant population of local aboriginal peoples.

Back then in the 1950s it was considered a minor shuffling of borders because it was totally inconceivable that Australia would ever disintegrate back into individual states, as happened in the late 1980s and early 1990s during the so called Velvet Revolution.

Now Independent NSW wants the Northern Rivers Back from its independant neighbouring State Queensland, has occupied the Kingscliff military base and harbour and have held a referendum with the population in the Northern Rivers.

Australia = USSR (edit: of course USSR did NOT mean Russia, always a common misconception in the West)
NSW = Russia
QLD = Ukraine
Sir Robert Menzies = Kruschev backed by the Supreme Soviet.
Northern Rivers = Crimea
Aborigines = Crimean Tartars

well more or less. B)

I reckon the wash up will be, that if Russia refrains from invading historical Ukraine itself then the Ukrainians will probably (quietly) be glad to quit Crimea, Russia will build a bridge over the narrow straits between the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov to supply the area and all sweet again.

I was watching a show on TV late last night about Crimea. The Russians have basically taken it by force...but the trouble is Crimea is reliant on Ukraine for power,water,gas,ports etc...and to build the bridge will take years and billions. Basically Ukrain can turn the taps off and Crimea is rooted and of very little value to Russia because it wont be able to function.

Very interesting situation. Putin is flexing his muscles, but only for a military standpoint. It gives him a Russian controlled peice of land to use militarilly....
The Ukraine is a broken toilet that makes Pripyat look like Majorca
The intervention of Mother Russia is a deliverance.
Once again it shall be returned to its true glory as a holiday resort and prime Black Sea naval base.
They said on SBS news the other night there wasn't much chance of the holiday resort area booming again, because affluent Russians were now heading down to Mediterranean resorts. However with the recent dipping of the currency, maybe these just got a fair bit more expensive.
Mr Wibble said:
They said on SBS news the other night there wasn't much chance of the holiday resort area booming again, because affluent Russians were now heading down to Mediterranean resorts. However with the recent dipping of the currency, maybe these just got a fair bit more expensive.
Naval base and officers club it is then.
Oy, as a resident of the Northern Rivers, but being born & raised in Queensland, I resent your comparison.

Firstly, the Northern Rivers is a paradise (if you disregard Nimbin, Casino, Lismore, Grafton & Coraki), not a 2nd world hovel.

Secondly, as an immigrant, I have considerably raised the social, intellectual and moral tone of the region; no homophobia, racism, sexism, welfare dependence or Tooheys Extra Dry on my property.

And lastly, they better not mess up Kingscliff. I often take the kids up there to visit their Great Grandmother. We enjoy the beach, fish and chips and, of course, Crimean Tartar sauce.
Lincoln2 said:
Firstly, the Northern Rivers is a paradise (if you disregard Nimbin, Casino, Lismore, Grafton & Coraki), not a 2nd world hovel.

And lastly, they better not mess up Kingscliff. I often take the kids up there to visit their Great Grandmother. We enjoy the beach, fish and chips and, of course, Crimean Tartar sauce.
Well as am imigrant you obviuosly know nothing of the "towns" you disregard. They ARE the Northen Rivers. As for Kingscliff ...yeah you can send it back to QLD and you can go with it. We dont need your views on our towns.

A very proud resident of a so called "disregarded" town.
Bribie G said:
In 1953 the Australian Government looked at the States' boundaries and decided it would be far more sensible to give the Northern Rivers portion of New South Wales to Queensland and redraw the new state boundaries to the South of Grafton. Sir Robert Menzies, the Prime Minister at the time, officiated at the ceremony. Of course there was a lot of spitting and cursing but generally this was regarded as an obvious move, given that Brisbane was the nearest capital city and major service supplier, and the Northern Rivers were quite inaccessible from Sydney due to the poor highways and electricity grids at that time.

As well as vastly improving the reliability of services to the region, it would transfer to Queensland the troubling question of the couple of million aborigines who had been forcibly exiled to Central Australia during the 1940s but who were now returning home and causing a bit of a problem. In those days what Sydney wanted, Sydney got - dump that problem in the hands of Queensland.

Over the next few decades quite a few Queenslanders moved into the Northern Rivers as part of the normal population "churn" but currently only comprise around 27% of the population, the remainder being NSW descendants who still identify as NSW people, plus a significant population of local aboriginal peoples.

Back then in the 1950s it was considered a minor shuffling of borders because it was totally inconceivable that Australia would ever disintegrate back into individual states, as happened in the late 1980s and early 1990s during the so called Velvet Revolution.

Now Independent NSW wants the Northern Rivers Back from its independant neighbouring State Queensland, has occupied the Kingscliff military base and harbour and have held a referendum with the population in the Northern Rivers.

Australia = USSR (edit: of course USSR did NOT mean Russia, always a common misconception in the West)
NSW = Russia
QLD = Ukraine
Sir Robert Menzies = Kruschev backed by the Supreme Soviet.
Northern Rivers = Crimea
Aborigines = Crimean Tartars

well more or less. B)

I reckon the wash up will be, that if Russia refrains from invading historical Ukraine itself then the Ukrainians will probably (quietly) be glad to quit Crimea, Russia will build a bridge over the narrow straits between the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov to supply the area and all sweet again.

You're really good at looking stuff up on Google and passing the information onto AHB.
Sorry Stu, couldn't resist and I was pretty sure I'd get a bite from one of the Southern Northern Rivers residents. I'll be posting shortly about the Grafton Brewery to make up for my insularity.
What's just as interesting is the posturing by the "West" about this situation.

I'll predict now the "West" is on a loser here.

The question now is, how will they save face with the inevitability of Crimea being absorbed back into mother Russia?
Lincoln2 said:
Sorry Stu, couldn't resist and I was pretty sure I'd get a bite from one of the Southern Northern Rivers residents. I'll be posting shortly about the Grafton Brewery to make up for my insularity.
Probably because your an insulated QLDer who fails to see just how good an area can be without highrise & canal developments.
spudfarmerboy said:
You're really good at looking stuff up on Google and passing the information onto AHB.
That's what Google's for :p
In the case of Crimea I have ancestors who actually did the Charge of the Light Brigade (not the electricity bill) and as a lapsed pom I also still take an interest in things UK and European. Google is actually good for getting the real "back story" as opposed to the filtered version delivered by TV and Gina Reinhards press.
The American overlords can only wonder. wtf is going on with all these hits from Russia! Their department of homeland insecurity is probably doing surveillance on Austin's mum's basement.
warra48 said:
What's just as interesting is the posturing by the "West" about this situation.

I'll predict now the "West" is on a loser here.

The question now is, how will they save face with the inevitability of Crimea being absorbed back into mother Russia?
I read a story on ABC last week that more or less said that after the present kerfuffle Putin will get Crimea but the West will get Ukraine.
And they'd both appear to have won?! - the Crimean lukewarm War.
Bribe...your acount of NSW v Crimea has a ring to it. Nth NSW actually uses the resources of Brisbane hospitals. Purely because they are much closer via helicopter and road ambulance. Much the same as NSW & Victoria .

There has been an under current within the Nth Tablelands & Nth Coast to secede from NSW ( Newcastle Sydney Wollongong)

Considering its one of the best places to live...
To join qld! They must be mad.

Then again, people in cairns, the cape and perhaps even Townsville want to secede from se qld.
I want to secede from Taree and join Forster Tuncurry as there are more hipsters there as opposed to hip hopsters. :beerbang:

edit: the reason QLD is so vast is that it was originally envisaged that it would be split into two or even three colonies. If as originally proposed the capital had been at Maryborough this may well have occurred. The position of Brisbane in the very bottom right hand corner next to the border of such a huge state makes little sense nowadays.
Yes even Townsville. It gets wheeled out by the pollies on slow news days up there. As someone who has lived both inside and outside SE QLD, I can see their point.

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