Craft beer exists so guys who don’t drink wine still get to be prete

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Before I'd even heard of Craft Beer (~15 years ago) I'd accuse my dad of having "Beer Flavoured Drinks", rather than "proper" beer. I don't even remember what beers in question it was, probably VB vs Coopers.

But he doesn't care what he drinks, it's all "just beer", thus "all good". It's entirely possible he might just be doing it to stir me up, but I really think he doesn't taste, or at least appreciate different tastes the same way I do. Perhaps there are degrees of Supertaster, and he's a bit on the low side - although he has a good sense of smell. I guess we're all different (I'd love to be a tetrachromat BTW).

The other thing is simple herd mentality, you have to drink the same beer to be part of the tribe. For others, beer is just a convenient vehicle towards inebriation.

I guess I am guilty of rabbiting-on about beer, but geeze, it's my only hobby / vice. I'm not interested in football/cricket/politics/religion/wine, and whatever people talk about in pubs other than beer.
Mr Wibble said:
I guess I am guilty of rabbiting-on about beer, but geeze, it's my only hobby / vice. I'm not interested in football/cricket/politics/religion/wine, and whatever people talk about in pubs other than beer.
Well, O'l Jack's got your number buddy..

Jack Franklin@SugarfootJack 5h
Give a man a beer and he'll say thanks, teach a man to home brew and you'll never heard the end of it.

Have you read his tweets?
Oh man, do yourself a favor, he's simply hilarious!!

Beat Magazine.
Thats one of those free mags you see in places like JB Hi Fi and waiting rooms isn't it?
I'd love to meet him some day and have a Tooheys (or two).
Very funny! Very true about the engineers/IT pros!
TheWiggman said:
What caught me is that beer snobs are apparently mostly engineers and IT professionals. What would that real proportion be? I'm thinking SFA.
Yeah, as a physicist I was much more offended that someone might think I'm an engineer than I was about someone thinking I'm a craft beer ****** :p .
The big difference between megaswill and craft beer? Let them get to room temperature, the megaswill will taste really bad, like you just sprayed windex in your mouth, the craft beer will taste fine, maybe even a bit better.

My son is a chemist, now working in an engineering department - I guess it's all relative.
I was going to be a physicist, but when I read that a lot of the theorists now believe in a multiverse with different laws of physics for each one, I thought stuff it engineering is the way to go.
I also drink my beer cooler than room temperature, but warmer than most, and it does taste better
Lord Raja Goomba I said:
Having said that, if beer pretentiousness gets the tax breaks wine pretentiousness does, then maybe it's a necessary evil.
That won't be necessary. These days money talks. If we can demonstrate significant expansion in an economic segment that will significantly offset any tax loss from lowering the tax on craft brew, then a much more favorable tax structure can be put in place.
I was going to be a physicist, but when I read that a lot of the theorists now believe in a multiverse with different laws of physics for each one, I thought stuff it engineering is the way to go.

Really? But in that sort of physics there'd be so much more scope for making **** up. "Well, this part of the multiverse is made entirely out of pink penguins accelerating away from one another at the speed of an elephant on acid...."

I come from an arts background - Music and English. Which perhaps explains my absolute inability to cope with complicated pieces of machinery, my fondness for my own dysfunctional but fun low-tech approach to brewing in the kitchen, and.... my ability at making **** up.
I don't get it. Since when does being able to articulate an appreciation for small-scale quality (as opposed to factory-produced mediocrity) make one a pretentious ******?

You could say the same thing about cars. You could have a mass-produced Ford/Holden/Toyota (not for very much longer in this country!), or go for something hand-made by an artisan company, or build one yourself. It's still just a car, but the understanding of what goes into the finished product makes it that much more interesting to drive.

Maybe the original author of the article has shares in CUB or Lion Nathan...?
Right, Martin.

We've come to accept choice in food as a natural thing. It's not as if all Australians have to eat now are just lamb chops or eating a hamburger at the milk bar - whereas two, three decades ago an Italian restaurant might have been seen as exotic, now those choices are just part of a thriving restaurant scene.

But then folks get slapped down for going for a beer other than the standard Carlton/Tooheys/VB.

Choice is a beautiful thing.
The article should probably be titled "bloggers exist so that failed journalists can still feel relevant"
What are those "journalists" you speak of? In ten years time there will only be bloggers.
Bribie G said:
What are those "journalists" you speak of? In ten years time there will only be bloggers.
You may be right, but I really, really hope you're not. Journalism has it's flaws, mainly stemming from the need to sell, but at least you need some sort of qualification to do it and are then regulated. I mean, any fool can write a blog about anything they feel like and say pretty much anything about anyone or anything without much in the way of repercussions.

I don't trust much I read in a newspaper or from online journalism, but I trust a lot less that I read from bloggers. To be frank, the article of interest here reads a lot more like a high school student's blog or Facebook post rant than it does journalism. That's probably because it's an opinion piece, which I still believe has no place in journalism. Stick to the facts folks...oh wait, that wouldn't sell.

Wow, for a 28 year old I sound like a proper old fogey. Hey! You kids, get off my lawn!
Go to and their first page has about 20 stories. Apart from teenager pack raped and Toyota closing down, the vast majority are stories about Schapelle Bogany, Katy Perry, Biggest Loser and other lifestlye and celebrity pap. Journalism is dead, horse bolted.
verysupple said:
Wow, for a 28 year old I sound like a proper old fogey. Hey! You kids, get off my lawn!
You clearly have not experienced the feeling of 'lawn pride' next step is to become a lawn snob.

Well look at the state of their median strips, well well...

Then you start manucuring the median strip of the neighbour you do like, but make sure there is a crisp line between your perfectly manicurred median and that weedy feral death/fire trap with snakes your unliked neighbour has the audacity to show the whole world!
There is an art to a good lawn. Takes years of practice. The right amount of water at the right time, correct fertilizer selection and application, making sure the mower blades are SHARP and cutting at the proper height. Get any of those factors wrong and your lawn can be ruined for months.

And when you do, some prick will come and drive on it..........and don't get me started on the dog next door leaving land mines
What a sulky article. Is there even a point to the article, or is this guy just complaining about stuff he doesn't like? What a douche.