Couple Of Questions

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Hey hey,
Just want to ask a couple more newbie questions. First thing being I went to Bunnings a week ago and purchased myself a 25 ltr water carrier that I want to convert into a second fermenter. Now I was just wondering what size drill bit I will need to use to drill out the hole to drop the grommet into for the airlock bubbler. I could have a guess at the size but I would rather have someone who has done it before tell me to avoid any screwups.

Second question is before I left home for work I bottled Neils Centarillo (spelling) and have some Centennial hops left over and was planning to just do some simple kit and kilos whilst I am at home (Coopers kits Aussie Pale Ale, Mexican Cerveza Canadian blonde and a european Lager) Now would it be worth my while dry hopping those leftover hops into any of these brews.

And finally I have a light dry malt extract bag from the local homebrew shop at home, not quite sure the size maybe 500g. Would that be any use to use with the above kits??? I am willing to try using honey or other things but maybe the forum can give me some ideas/recipe's using the above ingredients.

Cheers Bomber
as for hole size I believe 1/2",but I have two bunns water containers that I use for ferms & both have a warped top that makes sealing difficult,personally I now use gladwrap [3 layers]secured with the lid "o"ring' [a lot better]as many will tell you,as for malt done a nice canadian blonde with 1kg coopers BE1,300grm ldme, 150grm carapils[for a creamy head retention]us05 yeast dry hopped with centenial but you could use the malt in any of your cans to improve them'but to improve your beers drop the kit yeast and try to keep ferm temp under 20*[18* ideal]
Those red lids never seal so are next to useless with a air lock in it. My thoughts it's the barrel that is to flimsy up top by the thread not a dodgy lid. Toss the lid in a draw and use glad wrap and the seal from in the lid to hold the wrap in place. I used to double wrap but now I just use a single layer.

Hopping anything is good :)

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