Coopers **** me

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Ringwood, Melbourne
So yeah, **** Coopers, good luck to Paul and his little power tripping ways..

I still rekon he is wrong about using simple sugar to do a yeast starter from lol..

So welcome Ned and the rest of the crew from Coopers.

Feck em, they can jam it in their jumper, I rekon Paul was waiting for the chance to ban me and I handed it to the ******...

Yes, making a starter with sugar is a bad idea, since it can cause the yeast to stop producing maltase.

I'm not exactly sure what the rest of the OP is all about though.
You got banned from Coopers?

Who GAF?

Type something interesting rather than something about you.
Wow, did you misplace your pink frilly panties this morning?
f*ck you nick, this topic is not about me anyway you tosser, it's about getting neds "hi to you all" conversation out of the current thread list. but you wouldnt understand that, you are just another Troll in many ways Nick. This is off topic so WGAF apart from you what is in here..?

@DU99 nope just a tosser

@PF I had this argument with him many times and his explination was that "becaude the yeast have only been through the secondary ferment that they are healthy enough", which to me sounded like complete ********.
Yeah, tried to explain that to him... wouldnt listen..

and this is the sort of advice they dish out... pathetic, I guess it's good for sales though... great marketing really

1. Buy a six pack of Coopers Original Pale Ale and place upright in the fridge for about a week for the yeast to settle.
2. Mix about 600ml of boiling water and 4 tablespoons of dextrose/sugar in a pyrex jug, cover with cling-wrap and leave to cool in the fridge for about 30mins.
3. Open 4 bottles and decant the beer into a jug, leaving behind the yeast sediment - about a couple of centimetres.
4. Pour the sugared water equally into each bottle, cover with cling-wrap and secure with a rubber band.
5. Shake the bottles then place them in a dark spot at a temperature in the mid 20’s.
6. Give the bottles a shake in the morning and at night to keep the yeast in suspension.
7. After around 2 to 3 days the yeast should become active and begin forming a head.
8. Pitch the active yeast into a brew immediately or store in the fridge for about a week. Just remember to pull it out of the fridge to warm for couple of hours prior to pitching.

taken from HERE
Yob said:
f*ck you nick, this topic is not about me anyway you tosser, it's about getting neds "hi to you all" conversation out of the current thread list. but you wouldnt understand that, you are just another Troll in many ways Nick. This is off topic so WGAF apart from you what is in here..?
I always thought trolls were the people that couldn't let something unimportant go. Maybe I was wrong.

Anyway, I've got a 6 pack of CPA and some sugar. Let's see if it doesn't work, eh? I highly advise you to do the same because no one likes people who have opinions about stuff they've never tried.

I've never tried your beer, but I'm pretty sure it's ****.
:lol: what would you even know about good beer, your'e a Lager drinker :p

have tried it Nick, didnt like the results, maybe if you ask instead of assuming you would know this.
I'm still angry at my Mum for telling me I'd go blind for doing that.

Turns out I only need glasses for reading. So like the guy at Coopers, she was semi-right and I was a ******** for listening.

If you need help with making starters, I'm willing to help you out. You get good at them when you like lagers.
thank you for your kind offer, sadly I have to refuse on the grounds that your'e a dick :lol:

and I think I will stick to Hoppy goodness... maybe one day when I have enough patience I will try a Pilsner Urquell?

In fact, do you have a recipe for one of those?
I like this one better than my best PU.

Budvar Clone (Bohemian Pilsener)

Original Gravity (OG): 1.050 (°P): 12.4
Final Gravity (FG): 1.013 (°P): 3.3
Alcohol (ABV): 4.91 %
Colour (SRM): 8.2 (EBC): 16.2
Bitterness (IBU): 34.1 (Average)

89.5% Bohemian Pilsner
7.68% Melanoidin
2.82% Carabohemian

3.5 g/L Saaz (3.4% Alpha) @ 60 Minutes (Boil)

Single step Infusion at 64°C for 90 Minutes. Boil for 60 Minutes

Fermented at 11°C with Wyeast 2000 - Budvar Lager

Recipe Generated with BrewMate
Bahaha this thread made my lunch break a bit comical...I love the internet and how bent out of shape some people get
and we havn't seen bad informatin on here, with the instigator insisting its true....
Yep totally agree.... Cooper's Mods need to stop their power trippin'.

A pretty sad policy that one is guilty until proven innocent and to ban the victoms of Trolls and leave Trolls still active!!...

It isn't very ethical to deprive people of natural justice or even to provide an explanation!... I thought Paul was a better person than that. Then again, I guess it isn't the first time I am wrong either!!

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