Coopers Brew Kit: Has It Been Fermenting Long Enough?

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I purchsed and started a Coopers brew kit last Wednesday (it is sunday night now) and the airlock has stopped bubbling. Apart from today when it was around 26 degrees, I kept it at a steady 24 degrees the entire time. The yeast was standard yeast included with the kit. It had a lagtime of around 10 hours. By mid- morning sunday, it had completely stopped bubbling. Is this reasonable? Should I leave it till Wednesday before the two week bottling?

Thanks in advance for any help.

It's a bit late for a full explanation but airlock bubbling is not a reliable indication of fermentation.

You need to take gravity readings using a hydrometer, they need to be consistent 2-3 days in a row and they need to be roughly what you'd expect.

No-one can tell you wednesday to sunday is enough because there are so many variable factors.

Next time try and keep the temp around 20 degress. I know what it says in the kit instructions but 20 will give you a much cleaner tasting beer than 24.

My views are dont even bother looking at the airlock. I dont. Take a gravity reading with the hydrometer and that will tell you if the brew is fermenting or has finished fermenting.

And when it doubt, leave it a few more days, it will be fine.

My guess is that your brew is done. Just give it a few days to rest. Hydrometers are your friend.
I purchsed and started a Coopers brew kit last Wednesday (it is sunday night now) and the airlock has stopped bubbling. Apart from today when it was around 26 degrees, I kept it at a steady 24 degrees the entire time. The yeast was standard yeast included with the kit. It had a lagtime of around 10 hours. By mid- morning sunday, it had completely stopped bubbling. Is this reasonable? Should I leave it till Wednesday before the two week bottling?

Thanks in advance for any help.


As others have indicated use a hydrometer that's what it's for. Steady gravity over a few days indicates frementation has ceased. Almost all fermentations can do with another week after fermentation finishes, especially so if your brew has fermented out quickly. It may benefit from some more time to clean up after a speedy fermentation.

As above. Gravity readings are the best way to check the fermentation process.
ERRR is the fermenter properly sealed. try pressing gently on the lid and watch the airlock for movement. this has caught me out before when the brew seemed not to be fermenting.
I had the same problem a few weeks ago - first ever kit stopped bubbling after 4 days. Hydrometer reading was still a little high so I gave the fermenter a little swirl twice a day for the next week before getting a definite steady hydro reading. If I've learnt anything its that I need to be more patient.

Also, I have read that 2 weeks in the bottle is a bare minimum, but am yet to see that for myself.
Easy just leave it in the fermenter 2 weeks. will definalty be done... thats all i do
Easy just leave it in the fermenter 2 weeks. will definalty be done... thats all i do

I hope you stll check with your hydrometer? I wont definatly be done, but most likely will be. Stuck ferments do happen, and can end up quite dangerous if your bottling. Rule #1 always use your hydrometer
oh yer sorry i do. but ive found 99% of the time 2 weeks is plenty... plus i keep an eye on it wirte down when it appears to be done. take a couple readings. But my rule is two weeks...

Ps - tried the beer that came with the kit the other day. in fermenter 2 weeks. Bottled a month ago. Found it to be a bit bitter for my liking. That normal for the standered kit?

And it had a head on it... for 30 secs! didnt stay :S
Many thanks all.

The airlock has equalised, and the top is definitely tightly sealed. I can see the line of 'scum' probably 2-3 inches above the liquid.
at what point can I open it (just to be nosy!)?

I originally read 1.050, and just checked it again. It was 1.010 just now....and tasty!! I added in a third of a hops tablet (I know....very classy) for a bit extra kick in flavour when I started the fermentation. I cannot wait for it to be bottled and bubbly.

According to my calcs, it is currently mean to be around (or atleast the table in "how to brew" by John Palmer) 5.1%. Obviously my readings are not perfect, but it still will be approaching the high 4% mark which sounds just about right. I will give it another week and bottle. First brew, ingredients not brilliant (Coopers brew kit yeast etc), time to get on to a real brew. To be honest, a little more gas and I would gladly drink it as is.....sort of.....

Many thanks for your help guys,

I don't pay attention to the airlock anymore, waste of time looking at it :p. Hydrometer readings and the obvious signs of fermentation are the way to go.
as others have said-3 constant hyd readings over 3 days,dont open ferm unless you want to risk an infection,if you can rack into a second frem/bunnings 20ltr water container and drop temp to 1*for a couple of days,to drop out yeast so no bottle bombs

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