Hi guys,
Have just Brewed, and is still going, a coopers APA can.
My recipie was
Coopers APA can
1kg LDME
Morgan's premium ale yeast (wanted 05 but they ran out)
10 min boil added to wort of cascade
Dry hop citra 12 Gr after three full days of fermenting
24lt in total wort fermenting at between 16-19 but is around 17.
OG: 1.037
As it stands atm, after fermenting for 5 days, it slowed roght down and is sitting on 1.018, I have given it a swirl and activity has kicked in again a lot quicker. I would like it to get down to at least hopefully 1.010 but not holding my breath. I am expecting to have a final of around 1.012 which should give me almost a 3.9-4% ABV. (With carb drops added)
I am looking at adding some dextrose to the next batch (maybe 500gr) as I am keen to do this one again, just after some advice on how much to add to get me to around 5% ABV. I know the LDME has a lot more complex fermentables than the dextrose but just trying to see what my options are and how much to add.
Have just Brewed, and is still going, a coopers APA can.
My recipie was
Coopers APA can
1kg LDME
Morgan's premium ale yeast (wanted 05 but they ran out)
10 min boil added to wort of cascade
Dry hop citra 12 Gr after three full days of fermenting
24lt in total wort fermenting at between 16-19 but is around 17.
OG: 1.037
As it stands atm, after fermenting for 5 days, it slowed roght down and is sitting on 1.018, I have given it a swirl and activity has kicked in again a lot quicker. I would like it to get down to at least hopefully 1.010 but not holding my breath. I am expecting to have a final of around 1.012 which should give me almost a 3.9-4% ABV. (With carb drops added)
I am looking at adding some dextrose to the next batch (maybe 500gr) as I am keen to do this one again, just after some advice on how much to add to get me to around 5% ABV. I know the LDME has a lot more complex fermentables than the dextrose but just trying to see what my options are and how much to add.