Converting Flaked Barley

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Cloud Surfer

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If I do a mini-mash with 1kg of Dark Munich and 200g of Flaked Barley, will the Munich have enough power to convert the Flaked Barley? If not, I could add a small amount of Pilsner to do the job but it’s not what I wanted to do with the Dunkelweizen recipe.
Dark Munich can convert itself, its about the darkest malt that can, but it hasn't got much in the way of excess enzymes.
A good pale base malt like a German Pilsner should be able to convert itself and about another 40% of adjunct. Again that's close to the limit I wouldn't try to push it past 25-30%. So somewhere in the 667 - 800g range.

If you are making a Wheat beer why use flaked barley? Try flaked wheat. Don't forget you can get Dark Wheat Malt, Carawheat (crystal wheat) and Chocolate Wheat too, lots of great coloured wheat product if you want to have a play.
Actually I will probably use Flaked Wheat. I had good carbonation but poor head retention in my first Hefeweizen, and I decided to do something about it this time. As far as I can tell, Flaked Wheat and Flaked Barley have similar head retention properties.

Ok so I’ll have to find room for some Pilsner.
Is this going to be another extract with extras brew, or is it all grain? If its extract, remember that the wheat malt extract you are buying is probably about half pilsner already.
Wheat wins in the head development stakes, mind you any wheat beer shouldn't have any issues with head. Normally you have to hit it with a stick to stop it escaping.
The Briess wheat extract is only 65% wheat and 35% base malt, that’s why I didn’t want to add more Pilsner. I wanted to add as much dark Munich as I could seeing as this ones a Dunkelweizen. Seeing as I’m posting, it will look like this in a 21L brew-

3kg Briess wheat extract
800g Dark Munich
500g Pilsner
200g Flaked Wheat
200g Caramunich II
100g Dextrose
80g Carafa Special II
45g Hallertau Mittelfrueh
Wyeast 3068
Quick finger count gives me an 7.5- 8.5% nut brown, not a typical Dunkelweizen.
More a Dunkel Doppelbock, could be interesting, at a guess it might be a bit sweet at ~20IBU, depending on how well it attenuates. Interesting
I’m working on lower efficiency for the mini mash, and was expecting 5.8% ABV. Still high for a Dunkelweizen, but I want to get all those ingredients in there. If it turns out Dunkel Doppelbock-ish that will be fine, they’re very nice.

Not sure what to do with the hops. Half at 60 minutes and half at 10 minutes gets me 14 IBU. That’s the plan.