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Farming goats is the new black, so much so, farmers can hardly keep up with demand. I've never understood it. Sheep are vacuous, high maintence and ******* useless. Essentially the Kardiashans of the farmyard. Plonk one in the middle of nowhere and it stand there bleating until it becomes becomes flyblown and falls over dead, yet we persist in farming them. But do the same with a goat, and you'll be up to your neck in no time.
We should all be rocking mohair jumpers and eating mutton curries like nobody's business in Australia. Riding on the goats, back as it were.

Goats are actually much better suited to OZ than sheep. They dont damage the land like sheep by stripping out every last blade of grass. Goats as a rule dont eat a lot f grass and like the tuff woody plants out west. They also dont suffer flies and worms either and pretty much look after themselves

And goat is very nice to eat as well
What about the fish Tilapia they say here in Queensland that its impossible to eradicate but its illegal to eat the fish why do they not start up some farms for these fish and could be eaten instead of Basa from Asia.

ALDI source their Basa from Vietnam. Basa farmed in the more or less the open sewer Mekong river. Those Tialpia must be pretty bad to be illegal.
Goats are actually much better suited to OZ than sheep. They dont damage the land like sheep by stripping out every last blade of grass. Goats as a rule dont eat a lot f grass and like the tuff woody plants out west. They also dont suffer flies and worms either and pretty much look after themselves

And goat is very nice to eat as well

Plus they can be fed on laundry, according to the nursery rhyme about that disturbed sadist Bill Grogan..

Bill Grogan’s Goat

Bill Grogan’s goat,
Was feeling fine.
Ate three red shirts,
Right off the line.

Bill took a stick,
Gave him a whack,
And tied that goat,
To the railroad track.

The whistle blew,
The train grew nigh,
Bill Grogan’s goat,
Was doomed to die.

He heaved a sigh,
Of awful pain,
Coughed up the shirts,
And flagged the train!
I did have to Google the 'not for eating' couldn't believe it, African nations eat them, why not Queensland, we have (or had them in Victoria in the cooling ponds at Hazelwood Power station) don't know if they or the Barramundi survived pulling the plug on the power station. Carp are high in nutritional value but we don't eat them either.
I did have to Google the 'not for eating' couldn't believe it, African nations eat them, why not Queensland, we have (or had them in Victoria in the cooling ponds at Hazelwood Power station) don't know if they or the Barramundi survived pulling the plug on the power station. Carp are high in nutritional value but we don't eat them either.

Our euro carp are a prick of a fish, full of fine bones and taste like ****, even if you bleed them

If they where good to eat then everyone would be eating them and we wouldnt have a problem
That cat is a fox but you get the same amount of hate. There's a bloody Facebook page and organization in Sydney called Sydney fox rescue. These imbeciles want to catch and re-home foxes. They also think that we should desex them and release them... They're eating the native animals guys, not rooting them!! Haha
I thought it was a fox at first glance but looks more like a cat from the photo. I know we get them that big out west of here.
Thinking of starting a cane toad and Tilapia sanctuary myself.
You can get a decent fillet off the tail area on large carp but must be soaked in vinegar to get rid of the muddy taste. Great for fish patties after good mincing.
Our euro carp are a prick of a fish, full of fine bones and taste like ****, even if you bleed them

If they where good to eat then everyone would be eating them and we wouldnt have a problem
Didn't say they were good to eat just high on the nutritional value scale, very nice smoked apparently, but then you are going into the carcinoma territory. Used to go out with a Russian girl who's mother prefered carp to trout, used to have it on Christmas day as a delicacy.
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The reason tilapia are not allowed to be taken (or returned- must be killed and buried over 2m from the waters edge IIRC) is to prevent the spread of them. They are one of the most eaten fish worldwide (they still taste like **** compared to most of our natives- but you can live of it) however the QLD gov doesnt want to promote this as people may start to stock them in dams etc, which may spread them into other catchments.
And yet aquarium shops can still sell them to the public- go figure.
Did a lot of rabbit shooting when we were kids, tasted alright in the pot. Knocked off the odd fox if we came across one (or whistled one up). Pigs too, but I'm not keen on dogs which are a bit of a must if you're into pigging. The wild pigs can be plagued with parasites, so best to get some piglets, worm them and fatten them up.
Very fond memories of the bush when I was a kid. Knew how to read prints and scats.. town bound now. Miss the bush...
Unbelievable Droopy Brew.
I find a viagra and a couple of pole dancers can turn an Unbelievable Droopy Brew into an Unbelievable Brew
I did have to Google the 'not for eating' couldn't believe it, African nations eat them, why not Queensland, we have (or had them in Victoria in the cooling ponds at Hazelwood Power station) don't know if they or the Barramundi survived pulling the plug on the power station. Carp are high in nutritional value but we don't eat them either.

The company I work for have a crew out at Hazelwood. They'll be there another couple of months. We're devo'd the station closed, not just because of all the jobs lost (a few of my mates lost their jobs there and the ripple effect will be felt far and wide!!) but also because of the barra. It was said that because of the artesian water that enters the bottom of the mine coming out at around 50C that the barra would be fine. They aren't fine at all. They've just done a barra cull. I'm glad I fished there and got a bloody ripper but I should've kept it. Looked extremely healthy and would've looked great on the wall near my deer head...

Went 800mm, absolute stonker for the dam with such young fish!! Hooked a smaller one on my second cast there, caught and landed this on my 9th cast. Turns out it's the only one I've landed... haha. Hooked up to about half a dozen small ones but just can't land them.

ImageUploadedByAussie Home Brewer1501581925.529689.jpg
The reason tilapia are not allowed to be taken (or returned- must be killed and buried over 2m from the waters edge IIRC) is to prevent the spread of them. They are one of the most eaten fish worldwide (they still taste like **** compared to most of our natives- but you can live of it) however the QLD gov doesnt want to promote this as people may start to stock them in dams etc, which may spread them into other catchments.
And yet aquarium shops can still sell them to the public- go figure.
Aquarium shops can sell Tilapia here in Aus?Or did you mean Carp?
I remember the rule being mentioned in my research of Aquaponics.
$35,000 fine per fish, alive or dead for Tilapia. (thats a vague memory dont quote me on that)
So that's' basically possession of Tilapia at all including to go on your dinner plate?
Tricky rule considering people should pull as many as they can of them out of the waters so I'm uncertain of the detailed law... :confused:
They are hard to kill fish so their the go to most fool proof fish to farm and raise around the world.
Another introduced thing that becomes vermin/pest here and takes over everything else in the waters.
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Do you know why it's illegal to eat? Carp also can not be return to the water but at least you can eat them
In Queensland, it is illegal to have tilapia in your possession. This includes eating them.

The maximum penalty for possession is $200,000.
Aquarium shops can sell Tilapia here in Aus?Or did you mean Carp?
I remember the rule being mentioned in my research of Aquaponics.
$35,000 fine per fish, alive or dead for Tilapia. (thats a vague memory dont quote me on that)
So that's' basically possession of Tilapia at all including to go on your dinner plate?
Tricky rule considering people should pull as many as they can of them out of the waters so I'm uncertain of the detailed law... :confused:
They are hard to kill fish so their the go to most fool proof fish to farm and raise around the world.
Another introduced thing that becomes vermin/pest here and takes over everything else in the waters.
Actually not Tilapia but the same family- cichlids. Mouth brooders as well and just as hardy. This is how tilapia got into our waterways but as is typical of the government they shut the gate after the horse has bolted (eg Whitespot disease).
Our euro carp are a prick of a fish, full of fine bones and taste like ****, even if you bleed them

If they where good to eat then everyone would be eating them and we wouldnt have a problem

Apparently its the histamines released when you skull drag the fish up the bank and let it flop around that are responsible for the muddy taste. The trick is to get them into an ice slurry ASAP.
Not much you can do about the bones, and I hate bony fish. So I never bothered pursuing it.

I will say another fish that get a bad wrap seems to be Australian salmon for being to stongly flavored. Back when I actually had time on weekends, I can recall seeing blokes who were targeting stuff like Taylor throwing them back when fishing on the beach. Personally I never had a problem with them. Fine if fresh and bled early. With a handful of spices and some bread crumbs they make a great fishcake.
Trouble with carp as a foodstuff is an image one for sure. Its always going to be a tough sell..

When I lived in Israel on a kibbutz in the Jezreel Valley there was a lake shared among several neighbouring kibbutzim and well stocked with carp. They would take turns in sending out the communal boat once a week, and carp day was great, simply deep fried and everyone got a carp each at dinner time. Tasted ok to me.