Continuing Rant Thread - Get it Off Ya Chest here

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If their claims for asylum are valid then the time it takes our Government to vett their claim is well spent.
Speaking of right wing fuckwits, how dumb do you have to be to put a "**** off, we're full" sticker on your car.

Australia is actually in the lowest 10 countries of population per square kilometer. We're very far from full. If you're against immigrants and refugees, come up with an excuse that's factually true or shut the **** up.
StalkingWilbur said:
Or please don't tell me you know someone who had it tattooed...
no I don't, I'm just your standard run of the mill fuckwit not a right wing.
I support vetting of asylum claims on a per claim basis and Immigration through the correct means.
StalkingWilbur said:
Speaking of right wing fuckwits, how dumb do you have to be to put a "**** off, we're full" sticker on your car.

Australia is actually in the lowest 10 countries of population per square kilometer. We're very far from full. If you're against immigrants and refugees, come up with an excuse that's factually true or shut the **** up.
Yes, although I don't see too many people moving to places like Wiluna or Meekatharra.
There has to be a degree of control, 50,000 refugees came in under the labour government, no one knows whether they were bona fide refugees, and the Australian tax payer foots the bill I have no qualms about refugees entering Australia through the proper channels.
Throughout the world there are people who are being displaced through civil war, religious conflict, famine and people who are seeking a better life and there are millions of them, Australia must be firm about who come in we can't take them all unfortunate as it may seem, and this isn't a 21st century problem it has gone on for centuries.
As for Tamil refugees I believe the last boat stopped with 41 refugees only 4 were Tamil, the rest were Senegalese.
the issue I have is these harsh measures are only affecting people who come by boat, when most people who seek asylum here arrive by plane, outstay their visa, then claim. If you come by boat you get sent to a prison island then (if accepted) resettled on an under-resourced island of PNG where the locals fecking hate you.
On the other hand, if you arrive by plane & outstay your holiday/fake visa, but are found to be a genuine refugee, you (mostly) are within the community during processing, then settled here with (minimal, but sufficient) assimilation support.

from 2013:

Myth 5: Most asylum seekers come by boat
REALITY: Statistics from 2008 showed at least 13 asylum seekers arrive through Australian airports daily, more than 32 times the number of boat people supposedly ''flooding'' across our maritime borders in that year. A total of 4768 ''plane people'', more than 96 per cent of applicants for refugee status, arrived in that year on legitimate tourist, business and other visas - compared with 161 who arrived by boat during the same period. While boat numbers have increased, Australian Government statistics from the first quarter of 2013 showed more than 90 per cent of asylum seekers who arrived by boat were found to be genuine refugees. In comparison, those who arrived by plane - despite being eligible for release into the community and not having to face years of detention on Nauru or Manus Island - were almost twice as likely to be rejected as refugees. The figure continued a long-term trend of high approval rates for people arriving by boat, with 93.5 per cent being found to be refugees in 2010-11 and 91 per cent in 2011-12.
The constant conversation over this during the last decade is giving me the shits.

If they have no intention in working then I wouldn't give them a second look.

If they claim that they are oppressed and displaced by war which they are on the wrong side of, then generally, not our problem.

If you are of fighting age, male, and are capable of getting together thousands of dollars. Travelling across various countries to get here. Then, you are more than capable of hardening up, and fighting for your cause.

Have a look at what's happened in Europe, and especially the uk..
StalkingWilbur said:
Speaking of right wing fuckwits, how dumb do you have to be to put a "**** off, we're full" sticker on your car.
I saw one of these a few years back in local traffic and thought what a tosser. Funny thing is a couple of months later I ended up working with the bloke whose car it was. Turns out his dad emigrated from Greece in the 70's.
It's not letting my spelling edits appear so **** it ill erase the lot.
so you think the validity of the claim is less because they aren't able to enter the country under false pretences? WTF mate that makes no sense.
Beertard said:
There's nothing stopping the "boat people" from applying for and entering under a valid visa, whether theyll be given one is dependent on their situation.
Actually... yes there is. The Australian government routinely refuses to issue visas to people in known refugee hotspots (afghanistan, etc) on the grounds that they will most likely come over and apply for refugee status. This essentially forces them to make a dangerous and expensive boat entry without a visa. It would indeed be much more civilized if we allowed them visas so they could come over safely and cheaply by air and be processed properly. But we don't. So in reality, the fact that they come by boat is our fault...

And as for the whole "if you are of fighting age then man up" statement above.. sorry.... what complete bollocks. If my village is being overrun by some religious numpties fighting some other religious numpties and both sides are intent on slaughtering anyone who gets in their way, then fighting be dammed... i'll pack up my family and look for somewhere safer to live.
It's about entry point, an airport is an international point of entry, a beach in bumfuck nowhere is not.
Sail their boat into say Darwin WITH a visa in hand and they'll be afforded the same treatment as entering from an airport.

Those applying for asylum or an shp visa at an airport are entering through an international entry point not hiding in the bottom of a boat, their claims are no more or less valid than any other. visa over stayers should have that taken into account when processing their application, I don't know if they do or not?

Edit, **** my fat fingers today I need spell check.

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