Continuing Rant Thread - Get it Off Ya Chest here

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Black Devil Dog said:
I was overtaking a few cars in a 100 zone, some time ago and this woman in a car behind me was right up my arse, she was also creeping out near the edge of the road, ****** if I know why, it's not like you can overtake by driving through bushes. Incredibly dangerous, totally unnecessary, (I was already exceeding the speed limit by overtaking) and when she did get the opportunity to overtake me she gave me the finger and was clearly abusing me. I just smiled and waved.

At least one of us was having a good day.........
Living in the Philippines fixed my road rage issues when I found out half the drivers carry guns. It is a wonderful realisation that driving like a ******** helps no one, especially when it could get you shot
shaunous said:
I hate home brewers who are to stuck up and think their to cool to drink mega swills and would rather 'not even have a beer if it isn't craft or Homebrew'. Wine in Australia has basically lost all its pompous/up its self type consumers, let's not make beer the next to take its place, just like u can get a real good $5 bottle of wine, u can get a decent tasting megaswill.
Lots of errors here
Home brewers who don't drink mega swill aren't stuck up, they just don't like bland, tasteless beer, me included.
$5 does not buy you a "real good" bottle of wine.
And it's "they're", not "their". (Insert holier than thou emoticon here)
It was 3x 750ml bottles of snapps for $20 and a cheap goon sack to finish u off back in my day.
meathead said:
Lots of errors here
Home brewers who don't drink mega swill aren't stuck up, they just don't like bland, tasteless beer, me included.
$5 does not buy you a "real good" bottle of wine.
And it's "they're", not "their". (Insert holier than thou emoticon here)
So your telling me you'd drink a coke in a bush pub :unsure: Or drag around a mini keg that'd last half a day on a week long camping trip?

U can get good wines for $5, mainly whites at that cheap of coarse.

Enough wit tha spelling ********, its a forum not an english majors final paper.
Dave70 said:
Did someone say 'cyclist'.

Yes, I did.
I passed one on the way to work this morning. The funny thing is that his lycra was branded Bridge Road Brewers, If i was a cyclist id definitely be getting some of that
One day, someone will come up with the genius idea of putting beer in a goon bag.
shaunous said:
U need to do your wine research then...
You need to learn to appreciate the finer things in life.

Life is too short to drink bad wine. Its also too short to drink ****** beer (which is why I brew).

Life is definitely too short of you mix huge amounts of alcohol with a shooting weekend.

And yes I do take away a small keg on camping holidays. We are there to camp not to get pissed on cheap beer. We can do that much easier at home.
Airgead said:
You need to learn to appreciate the finer things in life.

Life is too short to drink bad wine. Its also too short to drink ****** beer (which is why I brew).

Life is definitely too short of you mix huge amounts of alcohol with a shooting weekend.

And yes I do take away a small keg on camping holidays. We are there to camp not to get pissed on cheap beer. We can do that much easier at home.
Your old with kids and a city boy aint ya...

I studied wine science and travelled around drinking a fair bit of it, yes this doesnt make my taste buds any better than the next man, or any good at all, but you can deff get good cheap wine. Most people seem to think if it isnt over $25 it must be ****, well no. (I'll find some current examples if i can be fuked, but i rarely drink wine anymore as my missus has swapped it for cider, and drinking wine on your own makes u feel like a dirty wineO)

I love homebrew and my kegs, but really, its not worth the hassle dragging them around everywhere half the time.

p.s. I do not condone drinking and hunting.
Aaaaaahhhhh. Anyone would think AHB was getting back to normal. Feels like coming home.
Each to their own, but if you take a 4x4 camping it's pretty easy to bring a keg setup, and you have less (no) bottles & cans to get rid of at the end of the trip.
But can you stab the bottom of a keg with a screwdriver?
shaunous said:
Your old with kids and a city boy aint ya...
I prefer to think of myself as mature. Also known as - "no longer young and stupid". But yes kids. And a city boy.