Continuing Rant Thread - Get it Off Ya Chest here

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I don't know how many have actually slept on one, or if everyone just jokes about, but I remember actually sleeping on one in a motel I ended up in the gold coast with a heap of pot smoking American back packers, it was actually pretty comfy, well compared to the rest of my body on a hard floor that is.

I did never play goon-o-fortune though, tried it on at a coupla parties, was much easier just passing around the bag and getting real spannered and catching everyones mouth herpes...
Oh god. I'll spell it out for you. Two seperate times. I was in the far left lane.

zu verstehen?
I hate cops who set up speed traps at either end of an overtake lane. They are nothing more than dogs.
I saw more speed cameras on the roads today than I did cop cars. That's ********.
StalkingWilbur said:
I saw more speed cameras on the roads today than I did cop cars. That's ********.
You know what would really dick them over? Driving at the speed limit.
110km/h in a 100km/h zone, speeding or not???
I've always driven at this speed in the hundred zones (permitting slow fuks infront of coarse), even past cops with camera's and never been pulled over or sent a bill for fixed camera's, in different cars, so taking out the incorrect speedo factor.

I thought your Luxey doesn't go over 90? :p

I got told by a local copper out gippsland way that they never bothered pulling anyone over unless they were over 115kph. Their sergeant actually told them they weren't writing enough minor speeding fines so go and write some for the books.
110km/h in a 100km/h zone, speeding or not???
I've always driven at this speed in the hundred zones (permitting slow fuks infront of coarse), even past cops with camera's and never been pulled over or sent a bill for fixed camera's, in different cars, so taking out the incorrect speedo factor.

Whats more reliable GPS or speedo ? I would guess the GPS would be, considering it is measuring distance travelled over time and too many factors (tyre size etc) can change your speedo reading??

And one for the math people, how much difference to the speedo readout would worn tyres make on a 4wd type tyre?
I drove my last set of tyres down to almost nothing, well one tyre was down to almost nothing. No noticeable change in speedo reading. My speedo read exactly what the GPS did. With better half worn tyres occasionally my speedo over reads by 1kph. Very occasionally.
Victoria are the speed Nazi's. Everyone there is paraniod. They will do you for 2km over, and there response from the government......"you are allowed to do up to the speed limit npt over it "
This piss anyone else off when your driving on motorway in middle lane at posted speed. Come up behind some one who is cruising 10-15 Km/hr below the speed (which I'm fine with). You then go to overtake them but when you get beside them they Realise they are going too slow and speed up leaving me with no option other than get back behind them or go over speed limit and risk fines and or points.
Another annoying road user is people towing caravans and boats that sit on country roads doing 80 with a line 2 miles long of cars behind them and dont bother to pull over every now and again to let everybody pass them. It just makes people irate and then accients are caused as peole try to overtake them.

In another life I drove road trains in the Kimberley. You would approach Bob and Mary from Wisemens Ferry towing a van on their annual grey nomad pilgramage. Bob says "Oh look Mary a road train is fast approaching behind us, better slow down and let him pass." So jake brake on as I drop down 4 gears trying to slow down 3 trailers of brahman beasts back to 70 k because I cant pass them anyway as we are on a bend. So they slow down even more to 60k.
You end up getting stuck behind them because its going to take you a fair bit of straight open road to build up speed again from 60 k just to pass them. Better they sat on 80-85 and let me pass when safe to do so. At least some of them would be smart enough to pull over completly before you get to them so you could sail right past with a wave and a honk on the air horn to say thanks.
Although once a guy didnt pull over far enough and a road train was coming the other way so I couldnt give them a wide berth. The caravan he was towing was very old and the wind from the trailers riiped the side wall of the van apart. It looked like it had been in a tornado.
Camo6 said:
I thought your Luxey doesn't go over 90? :p
I was referring to the Nissan Patrol, the Commodore, or the Landcruiser :p

I do love driving the hilux, but my missus cant handle its poor speed. I remember the first time she come in it with me, we were driving down the coast from Beenleigh, we didnt even make it to Coomera before she cracked and I had to turn around and swap cars, holy *** i laughed. She was looking at my feet thinking i was **** stirring and not putting the accelerator all the way down. Goold old grease making 2.8L hilux's.
Truman said:
Another annoying road user is people towing caravans and boats that sit on country roads doing 80 with a line 2 miles long of cars behind them and dont bother to pull over every now and again to let everybody pass them. It just makes people irate and then accients are caused as peole try to overtake them.

In another life I drove road trains in the Kimberley. You would approach Bob and Mary from Wisemens Ferry towing a van on their annual grey nomad pilgramage. Bob says "Oh look Mary a road train is fast approaching behind us, better slow down and let him pass." So jake brake on as I drop down 4 gears trying to slow down 3 trailers of brahman beasts back to 70 k because I cant pass them anyway as we are on a bend. So they slow down even more to 60k.
You end up getting stuck behind them because its going to take you a fair bit of straight open road to build up speed again from 60 k just to pass them. Better they sat on 80-85 and let me pass when safe to do so. At least some of them would be smart enough to pull over completly before you get to them so you could sail right past with a wave and a honk on the air horn to say thanks.
Although once a guy didnt pull over far enough and a road train was coming the other way so I couldnt give them a wide berth. The caravan he was towing was very old and the wind from the trailers riiped the side wall of the van apart. It looked like it had been in a tornado.
Fukin story of my life this one, travelling to TAFE in Tamworth for 4 years up the Nymboida Range, stuck behind slow moving caravans, and again now having a farm and travelling the Gwyder Hwy to Glen Innes, same ****. If the Truckies can pull over to let drivers through, so can you ya silly old c@#t!
Drive after mid-day is all I can say. The grey nomads seem to like waking early and doin their Ks to the next toilet before it gets hot out there. I haven't encountered them in their furious numbers driving later in the day.
practicalfool said:
Drive after mid-day is all I can say. The grey nomads seem to like waking early and doin their Ks to the next toilet before it gets hot out there. I haven't encountered them in their furious numbers driving later in the day.
If I can I leave at about 3am. Most of the traffic on the highway at that time are trucks and I have found that the drivers of trucks at that time are alot better to be on the road with.
bradsbrew said:
If I can I leave at about 3am. Most of the traffic on the highway at that time are trucks and I have found that the drivers of trucks at that time are alot better to be on the road with.
My long drives that don't involve boys trips, so me and the missus, we do this, leave after midnight and roll with the truckies, best time to cruise.
<rant> so what's this new protocol with UK documentary series? In the old days - for example David Attenborough's Life on Earth that I'm watching at the moment, or The World At War, they just get straight into the material of each episode.

Nowadays it's like:

episode one:

"I'm Fred McFaggott, I'm a professor of Tautology and in this series join me as I explore the pottery and gardening landmarks of this nation (shot of Fred Walking up a hill) and visiting the ferret breeding capitals of the United Kingdom (fade to shot of Fred fondling a ferret), not forgetting of course the fantastic contribution of farmers and policemen as .... blah blah blah (compulsory aerial view of stunning rural landscapes as you fly over) .. and later I will be blah blah blah....

episode two:

"I'm Fred McFaggott, I'm a professor of Tautology and in this series join me as I explore the pottery and gardening landmarks of this nation (shot of Fred Walking up a hill) and visiting the ferret breeding capitals of the United Kingdom (fade to shot of Fred fondling a ferret), not forgetting of course the fantastic contribution of farmers and policemen as .... blah blah blah (compulsory aerial view of stunning rural landscapes as you fly over) .. and later I will be blah blah blah....

When I'm watching a whole series (aarrrh me hearties, shiver me timbers) it's annoying in the extreme, it is no doubt pandering to the dumbed down and short term memory deficits of the ****** in the head audiences nowadays who need to be reminded this week that they actually saw the previous episode last week.