Continuing Rant Thread - Get it Off Ya Chest here

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Truman said:
I was far from gruff and pushy let alone impatient. And the line of people behind me were all getting just as frustrated as I was about this guys total disregard for the people he was holding up with his inability to decide what he wanted in the ten minutes or more he was standing in line.
Not to mention when I stepped beside him the girl behind the counter was more than happy to serve me while this idiot stood there deciding what he wanted.
Hey, I'm with you man, shits me almost as much as assholes who creep along the road at 10 kph looking for an address, then speed up a bit, then slow back down, then up again, then spontaneously jump on the anchors, yank on the steering wheel and operate the blinker.

I still think you should have given it a little elbow or at least muttered a just audible oh for fucks sake.
Yesterday I came up with the glorious idea to build a second level into the garage on top of the roof trusses, to have some extra storage space for all that stuff that I only use once a year or will never use but can't get myself to throw away just yet.

Took measurements and was happy to see that whoever built that garage has been very precise with the distance from truss to truss being exactly 900mm.

So I went off to Bunnings and found some perfectly suitable pre cut floor boards, with a big sticker on each of them boasting the exact measurements, 1800mm in length.

Came home and lifted the first few panels into the roof when I realised that something wasn't right. took them out again and got out the tape measure. Each single one of them was exactly 20mm longer than advertised, what a funking joke. I mean it's nice that they wanna give me 'stuff for free', but please tell me beforehand and don't put a stupid big arse sticker on each panel with the apparent exact measurements.

As I had just unloaded all the panels from the car I had to reload them again, drive all the way back, unload again and get the bloke on the saw to cut all 12 pieces I had to correct size and load them back into the car. He did it without fuss, apologised (wasn't his fault, obviously) and made sure they all were exact 1800mm, but just another 1.5 hours and a whole chunk of my Sunday enthusiasm wasted for nothing.
It's probably just an Anglo thing, I can appreciate Florian's frustration as he comes from the land of BMWs and all other things precise and well engineered.

During the Second World War a British Expeditionary force was sent to Norway following the German invasion. The troops were fully equipped with skis, but the army forgot to supply the straps to put them on their feet.
I expect Bunnings were behind it.
Truman said:
big job with a handsaw.
Yes, but can't assume every man has, and knows how to use, a circular saw.

Plus, that's what my grandpa would have done, used a hand saw.
Back to traffic and road users...Why dont people understand an intersction with a right turn arrow and amber arrow only? This just happened to me while getting some lunch and does at least a few times a week.

I approach an intersection wanting to turn right. The lights have a green arrow, amber arrow and thats it which obvioulsy means you can turn right on a green light if the traffic is clear coming the other way.
A car is sitting there with no traffic coming the other way, so I beep my horn. Nothing, she doesnt move. Beep my horn again, still nothing. The lights turn red. Then when they go green again there is no arrow as the arrow only comes on if there is at least 4-5 cars waiting to turn right. Traffic clears coming the other way and she still sits there. I blast my horn and point to the fact that there is no RED arrow so you can go. But no she sits there. I back up and go around her and turn.
She still sits there waiting for a green arow that will never come.

I can see her facebook, "This impatient man turned right without a green arrow after blasting his horn at me, some people dont know how to drive."
Green = cruise thru
Amber = go as fast as possible
Red = go hard but hit brakes hard as possible at last minute
Steve said:
Got made redundant last November...First time out of work...Eventually swallowed my pride and applied for the dole recently as I had to put food on my boys plates and pay a mortgage. Sat their going through all my forms and the woman said do you have a current work phone number? WTF!! I nearly choked right there on the spot. I looked at her expecting her to start know some sort of twisted Centrelink "in" joke. Ended up the computer said no because my wifes part time wage (that's not enough to pay our mortgage) is more that we are allowed so im not eligible to claim the $240 a week dole. I walked out. The first time in 20 years ive asked this country for help and this was what happened. ******* disgusted.
Maybe you should be staying at a mate's house until you find work, Steve ;) Then you would be eligible.

Yeah, it sucks, mate. I had to go on disability payments years ago after having an operation on my foot. I could only just hobble around with crutches after the operation and I was in a heap of ******* pain. I went in to apply for it before the operation and was told that I would have to come in personally after the operation with the doctor's certificate and any other information relating to the operation. I told the girl that I would hardly be able to walk. Too bad, so sad.

Went in there a few days after the op (hobbling and in much fecking pain) and was told that I had to come back at another time, because I needed to organise a proper interview for this type of claim!!! Why didn't you tell me this shit before???? You know, when I could walk?

The only other time I asked for anything from our gubment was when I was at uni claiming Ausstudy. Working 20 hours a week and studying full time, the most I could earn was about $250 a week before they cut the Austudy altogether.. Help pay the mortgage, fuel, food....all gone. If I hadn't have been with my wife at the time I would have been eating out of a soup van. Towards the end I was working up to 40 hours a week plus full time study just so we could keep our heads above the water. Then come out of it with a $17,000 HECs debt. Stoked. I digress.

I know there are heaps who rort the system but it makes it hard for honest people in genuine need like yourself to get any help.
SmallFry said:
Most people would just get out their handsaw
5 minutes with the trusty triton workcentre and job done.

They cut them long because there are always manufacturing variabilities with that sort of thing so the cut size will float a bit. If they cut them right to the correct size and things were a bit off that day they could end up under the advertised size and that would get them into trouble. Better that they cut them a bit long and you just have to trim off a bit.
jyo said:
Maybe you should be staying at a mate's house until you find work, Steve ;) Then you would be eligible.

Yeah, it sucks, mate. I had to go on disability payments years ago after having an operation on my foot. I could only just hobble around with crutches after the operation and I was in a heap of ******* pain. I went in to apply for it before the operation and was told that I would have to come in personally after the operation with the doctor's certificate and any other information relating to the operation. I told the girl that I would hardly be able to walk. Too bad, so sad.

Went in there a few days after the op (hobbling and in much fecking pain) and was told that I had to come back at another time, because I needed to organise a proper interview for this type of claim!!! Why didn't you tell me this shit before???? You know, when I could walk?

The only other time I asked for anything from our gubment was when I was at uni claiming Ausstudy. Working 20 hours a week and studying full time, the most I could earn was about $250 a week before they cut the Austudy altogether.. Help pay the mortgage, fuel, food....all gone. If I hadn't have been with my wife at the time I would have been eating out of a soup van. Towards the end I was working up to 40 hours a week plus full time study just so we could keep our heads above the water. Then come out of it with a $17,000 HECs debt. Stoked. I digress.

I know there are heaps who rort the system but it makes it hard for honest people in genuine need like yourself to get any help.
Yeah the system's a joke. I had an old mate who was considered terminally unemployable and would get the dole without completing a job diary or even attending appointments. Another changed his last name and continued to get payments under both names.
Then the one time I applied as an 18yr old the fekkers gave me a job picking feckin daffodils in cold winter rain. The free flowers were nice tho...
I once had an employee and his name was Kelly. He shared a house with another guy. He told me that Centrelink used to always send him letters cutting off his dole because he was in a relationship and living with a guy. He had to go down there and prove he was a male just as it stated on his forms. But sure enough a couple of months later they would do the same thing.
SmallFry said:
Most people would just get out their handsaw
Got the hand saw out to do other smaller adjustments that needed to be done, including a 900mm cut, but cutting a straight 12m long line with a handsaw? You show me, please.

I've got a jigsaw, but that doesn't really cut it either for a 12m cut.

I've contemplated for a little bit if this was just the perfect excuse to buy a circular saw, but honestly couldn't be bothered with doing research into which one to buy as I just wanted the job done as soon as possible.

Also, Airgead, I get that concept, but if they manage to consistently cut exactly 20mm too long then surely they could just get it right instead. The occasional 3 or 4mm out would have still been alright for the job but 20mm just didn't work.

Anyway, just about to put the last few panels up so all forgotten. Have already thrown most of the garage junk up there, it's amazing how much space there suddenly is. The whole thing only cost me about 100 bucks and a few hours of my time and made the wife very happy, so well worth it.
Why do people choose to STOP dead 2 or 3 car lengths behind the first car waiting at a traffic light? Why? Why? Why? I have been known to pull out from behind them, pull alongside shaking my head at them and then slowly drive in front behind the first car. Absolutely ******* clueless.
Florian said:
Got the hand saw out to do other smaller adjustments that needed to be done, including a 900mm cut, but cutting a straight 12m long line with a handsaw? You show me, please.
Not that hard. Mark straight line,ensure saw is as sharp as possible, cut and follow line. Nice long full length cuts at about 30*. Will test your fitness.

Was one of the first things I was taught as an apprentice, along with hacksawing and 3mnths of hand fileing blocks of metal to within .1mm.
People who do not listen to what they are told or asked and at the same time disregard signs.
Over Christmas we went on a tour of the Nueshwanstein castle out from Munich as above this was referring to backpacks so as not to knock into people etc.
This knob in front didn't bother to comply, immediately turning and hitting me,so I said hey mate c,mon take the back pack off.
He just glared at me and turned away, a few minutes later it happened again,so I asked him again but he ignored me!
( getting pissed of at this stage).
Bugger me if it didn't happen for a third time !, I snapped.
" Oi shit for brains you were told to remove the backpack and you didn't,you've hit me 3 times,if it happens again I'm gunna knock your ******* block off"!
He simply moved away but didn't remove it from his back,a couple of people give me a nod,one said to me " good on you for telling him but you Aussies swear too much" . Opps.
It takes a fair bit to piss me off but that prick ticked all the boxes in a short space of time.
Ahh I feel much better now.... Cheers....spog..
I bet he was French or American. The most useless travelers ever... At least with the hopeless chinese/japanese travelers u can just give some small abuse and they'll listen, yanks and frenchy's need the information punched into them.
shaunous said:
I bet he was French or American. The most useless travelers ever... At least with the hopeless chinese/japanese travelers u can just give some small abuse and they'll listen, yanks and frenchy's need the information punched into them.
American,though not typical of other yanks I met over there.
You obviously have some experiences of your own.

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