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Survival of the fittest is a biological mechanism that's special in nature (species-ial: not really, really great). Attempts to combine it with social, cultural or economic theory are fundamentally flawed.

Survival of the fittest is a biological mechanism that's special in nature (species-ial: not really, really great). Attempts to combine it with social, cultural or economic theory are fundamentally flawed.

@Dave70 : while I've always been against shutting down opposing voices (even if sometimes I personally need to walk away), campaigns like that are not shutting down free speech. If leaflets were siezed, books burned, authors imprisoned, speeches censored or programs refused broadcast and punitive measures carried out by a state authority, then the concept of free speech/freedom of expression would be relevant. A company should be able to make their own ethical choices (as should a religious organisation on the other side of the debate). Both sides will get heard, let's not get too dramatic.
Humans are still evolving. We are not immune to laws of the biological world.
Evolution/revolution mean the same thing; change. Funnily enough it's what people individually fear the most. On the whole as a society we accept change together reasonably, as we have the support of our peers family and friends, there are areas of society that will adopt change quicker than others. Obviously the change taking place affects this.
Unfortunately the slowest to accept change in our society are those in politics due the insulated nature of what they do and who they are and how they were raise.
Humans are still evolving. We are not immune to laws of the biological world.
I think you missed my intended meaning. I certainly was not suggesting either point to the contrary : merely that to base our social progress (eg. Social darwinism) or economic theory (eg. Pure capitalism) on a misrepresented, abridged interpretation of actual evolution is misguided.
Human politics are intertwined with our evolution as a species (physical and mental) and our progress (or lack there of) are inextricably linked.

Advanced capitalism and democracy are poor bed-fellows. Equal rights for all are not compatible with the mega- money makers.
People driving with phones stuck to their ear.

Sh!t soccer mum nearly killed me on a pedestrian crossing near a school. FARK!

EDIT: She said sorry though, so I shouldn't rant.
While I'm here, Abbott's a *******, Turnbull has no guts, Trump is batshit mad and the plebiscite is ******. Also, there's a bunch of NZ politicians I'd trade for the lot in Canberra. And at the end of the day, I love beer. [emoji3][emoji304][emoji481]

What gets me is everyone is worried about the Muslims taking over....when in fact it is the bloody Kiwis's
Young bloke, with a car load of teens, red 'P' plate on his car, weaving in and out of traffic without indicating, cutting in front of other drivers. He also had something attached to the car which was dragging along behind him.

A call to the local cops, with rego details and description of car and location.

I bet he didn't feel so cool when/if they caught up with him.

This fkn schmozzle. This god damn clusterfk
Six months without Internet Bill what the H, E double hockey stick man?
Human politics are intertwined with our evolution as a species (physical and mental) and our progress (or lack there of) are inextricably linked.

Advanced capitalism and democracy are poor bed-fellows. Equal rights for all are not compatible with the mega- money makers.
In the same vein advanced socialism or advanced anything are bad for democracy, we are all different and a good thing too, but with more education we become more tolerant, too tolerant in the case of terrorism.
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Survival of the fittest is a biological mechanism that's special in nature (species-ial: not really, really great). Attempts to combine it with social, cultural or economic theory are fundamentally flawed.

@Dave70 : while I've always been against shutting down opposing voices (even if sometimes I personally need to walk away), campaigns like that are not shutting down free speech. If leaflets were siezed, books burned, authors imprisoned, speeches censored or programs refused broadcast and punitive measures carried out by a state authority, then the concept of free speech/freedom of expression would be relevant. A company should be able to make their own ethical choices (as should a religious organisation on the other side of the debate). Both sides will get heard, let's not get too dramatic.

Agree 100%. And lets hope we see none of this kind of carry on when the law gets passed.

Though I still maintain a collaboration of hundreds of businesses to not print material they disagree with (though I respect their lawful right to do so) is on the nose. In my opinion anyway.
A strong, reasonable and logical argument can stand on its own merits. To my ear, these company's are being somewhat patronizing.
I also find it impossible, or extremely unlikely to think that every employee of every advertising company involved would have been in total agreement. But hey, who wants to be considered the office homophobe.
Capitalism AKA "survival of the fittest" is incompatible with democracy.... the two things are incongruent.

The rich find ways to bend the rules.

There's your problem in a nutshell.

Who told you that? Capitalism thrives under democracy, its a matter of fact. If that be 'incongeuent', let there be more of it.
Advanced Capitalism thrives in despite of democracy, not because of it. That's because the democratic process is broken.

I need not point out the obvious example.