Mm. Started test after to Q4 it jumped to a Serve Corp ad??
Try again tomorrow
I think there's something wrong with the test.
No, but using iPad, will use pc tomorrowI didn't get any ads. Do you have adblock plus?
Actually the opposite is true. Intelligence strongly correlated with hereditary, estimated up to 80%. Genetic variation, malnutrition and disease aside, environment plays little to no role in IQ. The jury isn't out on this, its simply a conclusion based on mountains of evidence and years of research.
If you could truly influence intelligence to a meaningful degree via environmental factors, we would be up to our necks in nobel laureates.
No amount of high pressure parenting and after school tutoring will turn a child with perfectly ordinary smarts into the next Stephen Hawking.
Seriously??? Have you heard the crap coming out of Politicians(front bench ministers) mouths when they're not parroting word for word what their adviser have spoon fed them. Surely you don't need examples! And this is half the problem, the leading elite are so far out of touch with the daily realities of life for the vast majority of their constituents. When their job is management of a country, how do you manage people you don't (want to) understand or have empathy for? The only reason most front benchers can tell you the price of bread or milk or even a case of beer comes down to one interview years ago. Dumb as DS!The bottom line is greed and money do get you places. But it always seem to be the other guy / country / group whos greedy.
You should, if you haven't already, read Coming Apart and The Bell Curve by Charles Murray and Richard Herrnsteinn- or cheat like me and do the audiobook thing.
When we say 'ruling class' we're really saying the "cognitive elite" - dumb people dont typically govern countries.. The uncomfortable truth is the divide between the classes more to do with the incontrovertible link between intelligence and personal success, higher income, social stability and so on. Like it or not, countries with the lowest IQ scores also tend to share the lowest standards of living for their citizens.
Wealth distribution or Marxism wont save you if your country is still at the level of public executions, medieval theocracy and tribalism.
Unfortunately the only interest our current crop of pollies have is getting re-elected, by doing as little as possible in the process, incase doing something rocks the boat a little too much.
New Zealand on the other hand was freely settled.
er, what?
contentiously settled might be a better term and certainly not peacefully.
also, no terra nullius so there's that too.
proceeded by