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Seriously??? Have you heard the crap coming out of Politicians(front bench ministers) mouths when they're not parroting word for word what their adviser have spoon fed them. Surely you don't need examples! And this is half the problem, the leading elite are so far out of touch with the daily realities of life for the vast majority of their constituents. When their job is management of a country, how do you manage people you don't (want to) understand or have empathy for? The only reason most front benchers can tell you the price of bread or milk or even a case of beer comes down to one interview years ago. Dumb as DS!
Unfortunately the only interest our current crop of pollies have is getting re-elected, by doing as little as possible in the process, incase doing something rocks the boat a little too much.

Take a few minutes to profile a handful of the countries leading pollies, any party. Virtually all are university educated, some have Phd's, a few Rhodes Scholars in there, lots of economists and solicitors. These are not stupid people. I'm not saying they aren't out of touch, or that they enact stupid polices, or say stupid things, but they are in the business of persuasion after all, not empathy.
Australia consistently scores top five in the worlds best standards of living. I personally don't believe that would be the case if the upper house was stacked 'down to earth' representatives the likes of Lambi and Hanson (or Hanson Young for that matter).
A slightly right of center minarchisim would be my pick for a change of pace. They don't seem to have an Australian branch however.
Is the IQ of the politicians raised by pedigree (your argument of IQ inheritance) coming from dual nationality? If so, should the high court strictly enact the section 44 verbatim?
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1. Dutton

Couldnt be anyone more honest and trustworthy. After all he is an ex policeman and a politician
Yeah there's room for improvement.
For example the 'trustworthy' question could be re-written, something along these lines.

Q. Which of the following names is most closely related to Peter Trustworthy?

1. Peter Dutton. 2. Peter Garret. 3. Peter Sutcliffe. 4 Nick JD.

I remenber old Pete. I'll pick four for genius status please.
Is the IQ of the politicians raised by pedigree (your argument of IQ inheritance) coming from dual nationality? If so, should the high court strictly enact the section 44 verbatim.

Well, its not really my argument, but the best evidence seems pretty conclusive.

Absolutely it should. Who knows what the likes of that shifty Larissa Waters (I knew the breast feeding was a crafty red herring) and Scott Ludlam were up to.
I've had a gutfull of these duplicitous foreigners thumbing their noses at our constitution. We should build a wall. And make Canada and New Zealand pay for it.
Nutty as squirrel **** I tells ya..

She's just a ********. One trick pony. Race, climate, religion and vaccinations. What else do they have?

A shitload of voters. Can you believe it?

Pulling stunts like that could rile a hardliner enough to push them over the edge.

Play with fire and you might get torched.
Actually I missed all that cuffufle today ****!!! All the days I listen to parliament until I'm numb and nauseous I missed it!
haha i think I come close to liking PH a little today...
Honestly we are losing what it is to be Australian and that is having a healthy character to laugh at ourselves.
But No!!! you are NOT allowed to anymore. You must be so extremely careful to suppress your obvious thoughts and observations because you will offend the offendables and you know what happens then so dont!!!!!!

ps I haven't caught up with the details of this satire yet. Only heard a little and I laughed. Hope I don't get lynched. :fallingoffchair:
ol' C Bernardi was up on this **** on ABC last night. Reckons all the "gays" in the village mocking the priests and nuns and by donning their religious clothing during Mardigay is quite analogous to Pauline's stunt yesterday. I paraphrase more or less but you get the point i hope.

The thing Mr. B is failing to comprehend is that as well as religious, this might just be cultural, is it cool to cover up people based on gender, probably not. Is there a security concern here, unlikely, haven't seen a case where it's happened people are too busy using cars as weapons.
CB is defending PH and by proxy attacking regular people and their clothing, not religious figures, and that's pretty dangerous.

So, I would put it Corey, if he thinks that Pauline's actions are okay, does that mean some clown can waltz into parliament with a kippah and complain about the Jews appropriating all the scheckels? Methinks, not.
**** racism. That is all.