Continuing Rant Thread - Get it Off Ya Chest here

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Mardoo said:
And the Queens English, of course.
Can the queen speak like this?

'Yeah no ****** worries mate ya ****** good no **** in ****** miles eh'. Over.
Dave70 said:
Can the queen speak like this?

'Yeah no ****** worries mate ya ****** good no **** in ****** miles eh'. Over.
Course she can. It's her ****** language after all. She can speak it any way she ****** well wants to.
Hot enough to boil a monkey's bum in 'ere, your majesty, he said an' she smiled quietly to 'erself.

She's a good sheila, Bruce an' not at all stuck up.
Here's my rant:

My missus, has over the years had many complex ailment , some due to being born very premmy and drug addicted. She also has suffered chronic migraines for which she has a neurostymulator implanted to interfere with the nerves sending the pain signals. Now with this stym in she can't have xrays, MRI's, or even go through metal detectors. So it can be a pain in the arse but no more blinding migraines. One of her other issues is recurring cysts on her ovaries, so every year or so she has an ultra sound to check whats what. She did this last week at the local ultra sound place, fast forward to Tuesday this week and she gets a call from the local hospital to come in that afternoon for a scan and Biopsy, (nothing too unsusual) at the end of the scan the doctor came in and told her the were some abnormalities explaining some detail and they were going to put a rush on the results and to make an appointment with her own Doctor today.

My missus lives on 30% liver function and about 40-50% kidney function, what the ultra sound doctor had told her pointed toward Ovarian cancer,this has a mortality rate of 47% after 5 years (breast cancer 92%) and that's if you do the whole radio/chemo therapy, which with those kidney and liver stats would kill her. So need less to say not much sleep has happened this week.

We get to the doc's this afternoon and the results from the hospital weren't there. We rang the hospital and apparrently there's a mix up, there was another woman having scans at the same time with the same first name and a very similar last name. The lady she spoke to then procceded to blame my missus for the mix up. WTF!!

I've been on an emotional roller coaster for 3 days can't eat or sleep and I still don't if my missus has what would be for her terminal cancer.

Sometimes I wonder if certain doctors don't understand the stress that the patient and family have to go through waiting on very important results.
Your wife and yourself have obviously gone through a lot and this is another frustrating step. Hang in there the two of you, good news is hopefully around the corner.
****, MJ.
That's extremely ******!! I hope it's not what you're afraid it is.
Try to just take it one step at a time, I guess - there's a decent chance "abnormal" might be something benign.
I know it's easy to say, and of course you'll stress you're arse off anyway, as everyone does in that situation, but try to not worry too much about what'll happen further down the track.
Otherwise the stress will **** you both before anything else does.
It's totally ****** how, sometimes, you just never seem to get a damn break!

Fingers crossed you'll both be ok.

(PS & very OT: and Mardoo. Hopefully he's ok to!)
Hey Mike
Sorry to hear , hang tough
This to happened to me .. mix up of results ... back in the day
..was told my young bloke had hepatitis.. frecken doctors mixed up the results.. oh so sorry he said .. we were in months is despair... hoping all is good for you and the chief ... and yes Mardoo as well

Update: SWMBO spoke to the 2ic of the place late this evening, they were extremely apologetic, and it seems there has been a major cluster ****, so all will be going in Monday to be re-examed by the head guy, it initially seems she was never supposed to have the second exam anyway and all this some how got mixed up. So hopefully Monday her results will closely resemble the very first scan and all should be good.

I have no idea how something like this could ever happen.

Note once we have the all clear I'll be saying a few prays for who ever did have those results.

techno: poly cystic ovarian syndrome is not a normal find .... once you know you have them it then becomes normal. The scan that was explained to the missus was way out of normal even for PCOS 50c size. Nothing friendly grows that big that quick as I said we're hoping this one falls our way.

Prayers with Mardoo too.

one day maybe I should see what's inside a church or such
malt junkie said:
techno: poly cystic ovarian syndrome is not a normal find .... once you know you have them it then becomes normal. The scan that was explained to the missus was way out of normal even for PCOS 50c size. Nothing friendly grows that big that quick as I said we're hoping this one falls our way.
Hey MJ, apologies if I came across poorly, I more meant I hope that it's not as bad as you feared, and it's either something less sinister or, as per Micbrew, a misreading/mixup of initial scans. There's always a sliver of hope until the final confirmed diagnosis/biopsy. Maybe only a sliver, but it's something.

My SWMBO & I went through something slightly similar 2-3 years ago. 6 months of a pronounced (& growing) abdominal lump and concerning symptoms with 3 scans showing abnormal but inconclusive results by increasingly senior specialists finally resulted in a diagnosis of 3 (v large) fibroids and a large dermoid cyst on an ovary (coincidentally ~ size of 50c piece). 6 months is a very very long time telling your wife it's all fine when from professional experience I know "fine" is normally quickly diagnosed on the first scan. But we were very lucky in the end.

And yes, PCOS is definitely bad enough by itself! Plus everything else on top of that. Life really sucks sometimes [emoji53][emoji34]

Again, I hope you're both ok, and things finally go your way.
And hopefully we can share a beer or 2 in July! [emoji6]
To close this off, SWMBO had another scan yesterday, photo ID required, and then verbally check 2 more times, further signage has been placed about for staff. The head of the department and their top gun sonographer did the ultrasound, and all they found was PCOS (which she's has since she was a teen). Big relief!!
The head guy was really apologetic and understanding, spent nearly 2 hours with the missus. So had a few brews in celebration when she got home. Now I can get my head into the July swap. :)
Feckin' hell malty, that kind of **** doesn't fly. I'm really sorry to hear it. I love the Aussie medical system compared to the US torture brigade ("Yeah we'll heal you, but you'll end up bankrupt and homeless. Your choice mate.") However the lack of accountability on the administrative level here is practically cruel. God forbid you should have "one of those lady things"…there's no mercy there. My wife has dangled on that hook far too many times.

And thanks for the lubs guys. I'm doing well and the pain hasn't been anywhere near what I expected. A pleasant surprise. I'll be back home in the next couple days.

Glad things have come out well for you guys MJ, but too many times through that wringer can suck the life from people and families.
In Africa the lion, elephant, buffalo, rhinoceros and leopard – come to be called the Big Five and are a big tourist attraction in Australia we had the big two Ginia Rinehart and Clive Palmer but things are not looking good for tourists coming to Australia to see them in the wild they are a shadow of what they once where can someone help them before they become extinct.
I just came from the pizza shop they have pizza some ham the cheese is nice but i fell off my bike wet trousers with a small pie hand
manticle said:
I just came from the pizza shop, they have pizza, some ham, the cheese is nice! But i fell off my bike, wet trousers with a small 'pie hand'.
Do I win a T shirt or something?