Continuing Rant Thread - Get it Off Ya Chest here

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**** me. I'm really royally pissed off that this rant thread has turned into an 'I'm mildly annoyed, but really can't be arsed to do anything about it' thread. Used to give me hope that at there was at least one poor sucker who had it worse than me. Now it's just tedious rubbish. if you're not actively frothing at the mouth, itching to inflict bodily harm (but wouldn't as you're actually a reasonably stable human being), and really, really agitated, it's not a rant. It's a moan, and bloody tedious.

Now that's a rant.

good4whatAlesU said:
True wynumm .. but for that I would need insurance.

Ex-rental Corolla with 150+ K's can't be worth more than a couple grand. It's not worth insuring, but certainly worth servicing to keep it reliable though.

I got bills .. I need to pay, gotta work work work every day.
Where they went wrong with the Corolla is they stopped prerusting the metal body work the early Japanese cars constructed in Australia from imported panels had to be cleaned of rust before they could be put together if your car does not turn into a pile of rust can keep fixing .just think if they built the cars with aluminum how long they would last before getting stolen and fragmented or put in a furnace.
Blind Dog said:
**** me. I'm really royally pissed off that this rant thread has turned into an 'I'm mildly annoyed, but really can't be arsed to do anything about it' thread. Used to give me hope that at there was at least one poor sucker who had it worse than me. Now it's just tedious rubbish. if you're not actively frothing at the mouth, itching to inflict bodily harm (but wouldn't as you're actually a reasonably stable human being), and really, really agitated, it's not a rant. It's a moan, and bloody tedious.

Now that's a rant.


Dont worry... I am not happy that it is getting colder
Blind Dog said:
**** me. I'm really royally pissed off that this rant thread has turned into an 'I'm mildly annoyed, but really can't be arsed to do anything about it' thread. Used to give me hope that at there was at least one poor sucker who had it worse than me. Now it's just tedious rubbish. if you're not actively frothing at the mouth, itching to inflict bodily harm (but wouldn't as you're actually a reasonably stable human being), and really, really agitated, it's not a rant. It's a moan, and bloody tedious.

Now that's a rant.

My smoko flat white was over-extracted and bitter. **** me. What a world..
Probably one of those useless Hipster barristers

Could have been worse and made with International Roast
My new supervisor came to me with a carton of cider and asked, is this a good beer. Nuff said.
If this thread is getting too cheery this might bring it back to the right level.
My son was born via surrogacy 5 weeks ago and we are sitting with him at the Royal Children's Hospital waiting for him to get surgery. Little dude started spewing heaps on Monday which was my first day back at work. Gut told me something wasn't right so took him to hospital and they said he had a blockage at the bottom of his stomach which is a 1 in 300 thing and needs surgery. Got flown to Melb and now he has a drip going into a vein in his head and hasn't had a feed since Sunday. Surgeons say school holidays means a massive increase in child traumas so he keeps getting bumped down the surgery list. He is so hungry but there is nothing we can do but cuddle him. So many worse off in here and compared to the **** we went through to get him, this is nothing so I'm not complaining too much it's just hard seeing him so upset. Just need to sneak out for a pint of IPA somewhere and I'll feel better.
VP Brewing said:
If this thread is getting too cheery this might bring it back to the right level.
My son was born via surrogacy 5 weeks ago and we are sitting with him at the Royal Children's Hospital waiting for him to get surgery. Little dude started spewing heaps on Monday which was my first day back at work. Gut told me something wasn't right so took him to hospital and they said he had a blockage at the bottom of his stomach which is a 1 in 300 thing and needs surgery. Got flown to Melb and now he has a drip going into a vein in his head and hasn't had a feed since Sunday. Surgeons say school holidays means a massive increase in child traumas so he keeps getting bumped down the surgery list. He is so hungry but there is nothing we can do but cuddle him. So many worse off in here and compared to the **** we went through to get him, this is nothing so I'm not complaining too much it's just hard seeing him so upset. Just need to sneak out for a pint of IPA somewhere and I'll feel better.
Never easy mate and you feel so helpless for them. Both my squirts where born very premature and was a very hard road to travel. I send my well wishes for your bundle and all the best for yourself and your partner.
I'm hoping some demons players are around here tomorrow for the appeal so he gets to meet Max Gawn. The wife is hoping for some tigers players.
Shouting out a quick **** You to the short-sighted money-hungry *********s in the AFL that decided to sell exclusive TV rights to FOXTEL.
Perfect night to watch a game.
Not televised on free-to-air.
Great way to expand the game and draw the kids in.
Brilliant move *********.

(edited) PS: Sorry to hear about your son, VP. Hope he recovers ASAP. And you get to an IPA very soon as well.
an obnoxious or contemptible person, typically a man.

a stupid, irritating, or ridiculous man.

Got to use the correct word to convey the correct meaning. I find those people I mentioned contemptible. So I gots ta call 'em *********s.
And basically I hate *********s more than I hate using the word *********.

But I appreciate the general sentiment of resisting the all-smothering culture of the U.S. Of A.