Continuing Rant Thread - Get it Off Ya Chest here

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We got lucky at our work, bloke found a fully automatic Delonghi coffee machine on a local buy/swap/sell page for $40. Retail is about $700.

There's 6 of us who put in $15/fortnight to pay for the good quality beans from a local roaster, works really well.
Who's the bloke/chick sorting through the rubbish and finding them, separating the case from the contents and chucking the coffee in the green waste and aluminium with the metals?
sp0rk said:
Nespresso pods are all aluminium and recyclable ;)
So you are pulling them apart and separating them and they are not going into land fill. Well played sir.
TheWiggman said:
I worked at a gold mine which, let me tell you, did not struggle to support itself. We had a communal commercial Nespresso unit which pumped out significantly better coffee than Blend 43 (as most coffee machines do).
Speed bump 1 - it was in an admin's office and she was struggling to get work done because every man and his dog would want t strike up conversation while they were making a coffee. It was relocated to the centre of the building.
Speed bump 2 - even though admin 1's office didn't move, she reported to a different manager who didn't like the fact she was spending 30 mins a day (max) looking after the machine. The job got palmed off to a team of 2 admin girls under a different manager
Speed bump 3 - new custodians complained about having to look after the coffee machine cleaning because it "wasn't their job" and so to keep everyone happy, their direct report told them to make up a roster for users of the machine or it would be removed.
Speed bump 4 - users included engineers, geotechnicians, accountants and generally highly qualified people. We drank the stuff anyway so provided I could get my 2 PM coffee, I gave not a **** and like the rest of us complied. Money well spent.
Speed bump 5 - contractors worked out that the machine was there. They were using it more than the staff and pods/discs were disappearing. Stock ran low. To counter the absolute time-suck and inconvenience of ordering (note font) the admin girl limited the number of pods allowed to be stocked per day. A message was sent out saying contractors weren't allowed to use it any more.

Final straw - Staff folk kept asking for more pods as even though contractors stopped using it as much, the admin girl was still limiting access to pods because it didn't fit in with the ordering cycle. She saw the GM, stated it was costing a fortune, and a business initiative was put forth.
Nespresso machine gone, pay-per-cup machine installed in the tearoom for staff and contractors.

Should have ranted about that when it happened but yeah, **** that.
Pfft, coffee machines .
I supply my own coffee in a thermos.
Now if you want to get into an ingrained bastard of a system with a **** off attitude,we have an onsite dunny but it's a supply your own crap wrap,the company is too tight to afford crap wrap.
And to top it off the dunny needs an air strike called on it,it is so wrong I kid you not the bowl looks like an explosion in a chocolate factory !
Imagine if " office" staff had to use it,well bugga me if the **** would not then hit the fan.The fuckn thing hasn't been cleaned since April 2015, I kid you not !
Non compliance with test and tag ,basically full non compliance right across the board, and the boss gets his panties in a knot when I say " no I'm/he/they aren't doing that"
Damn near had enough of the mob I'm working for........

Ahhhh I think I feel better now...ahh **** it's only Wednesday .
Rant over.
At our current job we're using a little electric espresso maker. Nothing beats the smell of freshly brewed coffee. Helps us deal with the smell of a couple of hundred form workers and steel fixers. And don't get me started on the dunnies Spog.
Dave70 said:
Great advice, drinking stout at work. Pfft.

Dont you know its winter?
Better make it a hot Scotchy instead.

Brewers would draw off a small amount of the mash as it issued from the grain bed, fresh and warm. To this they added a dollop of Scotch.
I first saw this with Michael Dawson from Brewing TV. Him and Chip were brewing big beers in Dawson's garage.

They really spurred my brewing desires. And probably why I like glass fermenters!

Thanks Dawson.
Bridges said:
So you are pulling them apart and separating them and they are not going into land fill. Well played sir.
They all go in a bag and get dropped off to a retailer in Newcastle monthly, who apparently sends them back to Nespresso for recycling
They can't go in normal recycling because they fall through the sorters and just go back to landfill anyway
There's a map on Nespresso's website on where pods can be dropped off.
Not sure on the success rate, I reckon a redemption system would be a great idea, say 2-3 cents per pod added to your account so you can redeem for free pods once you've accrued enough (we go through 200-ish pods a month)
Ya know, when I was in primary in the States in the 70's they went to a whole lot of effort to teach my whole generation the metric system. Other than a wave of the hand in the metric direction, solely for the purpose of international trade, no more mention was made. ***** me to tears converting 1/16 ounce of chloride into grams.

Agreed. Totally stupid.
I'm Australian;

6' tall but 95kilos
in golf I might hit a 187mtr par 3 and make a good 8 footer for birdie
An errant tee shot misses my head by inches
When something is far away it's "miles away"
I'll have a pint of beer at the club...but add 5oo+mils of water to a recipe

where were we?

ounces? dayum brother!
As a 33 year old nothing is imperial in my life. I think myself and those a few years older (say up to 38?) are in the bracket of 'everything metric'. Or SI, as it should be known. Except wheels, they R17s, R18s etc. but I daren't say "inches" to get the message across.
For some reason inches on TVs are in vogue which ***** me no end. Years ago TVs were 51cm, 60cm, 80cm etc. I bought a 106cm plasma and that's the way I like it. Yet for some reason when I tell people I upgraded to a 146cm TV their faces go blank and says "what's that in inches?" even though most of them wouldn't know how long 50" actually it. So I convert it to mm for them to make it easier. Everyone knows mm.
When you put it like that it's a really depressing quote.
Russian Système international d'unités Stout might be on the cards. Add one croissant and leg of a frog to the boil, sneer at the yeast and do not bathe over the course of the ferment.