Continuing Rant Thread - Get it Off Ya Chest here

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Liam_snorkel said:
No. Being offended by the word ****** is an American thing.
True. But FWIW, in case anybody finds himself in America at some stage, the offense is pretty profound -- i.e., it's not like the f-word or the c-word. It's a totally different beast. It's colored by the arbitrary and hateful dehumanisation of a quarter or so of the population, first through 250 years of slavery and then through another century of segregation, exclusion and gratuitous cruelty. Where I come from, it's not a word -- it's a touchstone for the worst in us, and a reminder of how easily a supposedly enlightened culture can become cheerleaders for mass murder.

I always laugh when we Americans compare ourselves favourably with the Nazis, or others with similarly self righteous delusion based on group identity.
I can't believe that anyone thinks using the word "******" is acceptable in any context, anywhere.

It's not as though we're not aware of the history of black and white racial issues and that in most cases the word is used to villify non whites. I was with a mate once and he was using the word in public and I pulled him up on it and then he said something like, "oh well, ******' black c*nts".
When someone is using the word "******", they might as well be saying "black c*nt'", because in my opinion that's what they mean.
But seriously, saying in public is a bit 'not on'.

Time and a place really, and only certain people can get away with it, like a lot of bad jokes, certain people get a laugh, many get shunned or beaten up.
shaunous said:
But seriously, saying in public is a bit 'not on'.

Time and a place really, and only certain people can get away with it, like a lot of bad jokes, certain people get a laugh, many get shunned or beaten up.
It was in a pub and some people were laughing, but surely we can be funny without having to do it in a way that is deliberately insulting to others.
Like schrodinger said it's a flashpoint in the US and offence can be taken where none is intended, but I don't think it's healthy for people to get all high and mighty booing and hissing because someone said a "no no" word. Context and intent are important, you can be incredibly racist / bigoted without ever saying ****** ******, and like most things actions speak louder than words.
Liam_snorkel said:
Like schrodinger said it's a flashpoint in the US and offence can be taken where none is intended, but I don't think it's healthy for people to get all high and mighty booing and hissing because someone said a "no no" word. Context and intent are important, you can be incredibly racist / bigoted without ever saying ****** ******, and like most things actions speak louder than words.
I totally agree, and just to clarify, I sure didn't mean to imply you'd said anything out of order. Just giving my perspective on what the word means to a Yank from the Mason Dixon line. Obviously the context here is that we're not in America.
Oh yeah, I wasn't referring to anyone in particular with the booing and hissing, just an observation.
Maybe we should get the ol mods to delete this whole thing, I'd hate for people to be googling home brew in the future and this section of this topic pops up.
Yes, people can be very quick to stand up and waggle their finger while ignoring the real issue. So quick you beat me to the post button.
shaunous said:
Maybe we should get the ol mods to delete this whole thing, I'd hate for people to be googling home brew in the future and this section of this topic pops up.
Just Saying...
All this reminds me of the 2 most politically correct shows on TV......Swift & Shift couriers and Housos.
Black Devil Dog said:
Defending the use of the word ****** in the 21st century. Wow, just wow.........
Sorry Black dog, I wasn't defending the use of the word. I think we agree about this. I only meant to acknowledge that context matters as Liam_snorkel pointed out and as you obviously agree, given that you used the word in your posts in a 'meta' sort of context.

Maybe you're absolutely right. Some words are harsh enough that you can never know how everyone in the room sees the context. One might see it as ironic humor, another as a subtle dig, another as hateful. I wonder if Waylen was in fact thinking just what you jokingly suggested.
When I was in PNG, the Irish lads all called me a Kiwi, I was offended.